Sunday, May 29, 2011

Monaco buffoons circus, i metalmeccanici di Montecarlo: gara o sfilata d'auto d'epoca?

MONTECARLO - Photo: the beautiful Charlotte Casiraghi wearing McLaren colours :) (on her dress there was even a big M :), and the future wife of Prince Albert was even embracing warmly Button 'cause he deserved to win. Too warmly lol, I noticed how the blonde looked at him, lol!
Great race, very exciting, if it wasn't for the decisions: race stopped at the end when Button was the fastest one and could win, as he was 1st before; drive-through for Hamilton because of Massa that idiot; safety car 2 times slowing the race on key-moments for McLaren... The cars could change the tyres (so it was a big advantage for Vettel who was in great difficulty, finishing his tyres) and the race, just for a few laps, started again behind the safety car! Absurd.
And what about Alonso avoiding a chicane in a difficult moment? No penalties?! What if was Hamilton doing that? Surely a scandal. And Massa too, should have a penalty, he didn't give space as Hamilton did with Schumacher.
Unlucky but brave weekend for "3 ring circus" Hamilton, could have been in pole position without Perez accident on Saturday. When Lewis undertook Schumacher then he made a gesture as to say, go away you old geezer :). And when you find that slow guy called Massa on Ferrari, it's always a mess. And his accident even caused problems to Button, as the safety car had to slow the race. As a reward to McLaren, Hamilton got a drive-through. It was all against him (he even got a 20 seconds penalty, incredible), he couldn't do anything, it seems they don't want cars overtaking. It looks like a fashion parade with old cars, not a competiton. Look, dear Fia, it's not so good to close the championship before time... Ridiculous!

Solita telecronaca allucinante di Gianfranco Mazzoni (la gente lo detesta e lui resiste al suo posto per anni, mistero), che ci ricorda che "non sa dirlo con precisione" (magari fosse solo impreciso, questi non sanno neanche parlare), bravo sei proprio nello sport della precisione, cambialo. Si lamentano di Falco che fa le invasioni ma c'è gente che non sa fare il proprio "lavoro", chiamiamolo lavoro. Poi la sua solita fase di gufaggio, "non ci sono stati ritiri", passa solo qualche minuto e Massa va a sbattere (guarda caso sempre lui, deve rimanere alla Ferrari a vita), e Schumi si ritira. "Rientrata la safety car"... no. Tutto il coro di telecronisti imbecilli: "il prossimo da doppiare sarà nientemeno che Hamilton!" Era una Virgin. C'è una bella differenza. Ovviamente poi non rettificano, non ammettendo le cazzate che sparano.
Essendo il Gp di Monaco non poteva risparmiarci le storielle su Anthony Noguess... Ma pensa che la gente che guarda la Formula 1 cambia ogni volta? Dai siamo sempre gli stessi, abbiamo capito. Se c'è gente nuova, lo nomini e basta, se lo vanno a cercare. Ma il Mazzoni, interista e di sinistra, non sa mai cosa dire e si è sempre perso snocciolando gossip inutili ed elogi a quell'incompetente (come lui) ministra sinistra dello Sport che odia il calcio, la Melandri (la moralista che facava le feste Bunga-Bunga in Africa, non ammettendole poi, nonostante le foto). Forse il Mazzoni elogiandola davanti a milion di persone, sperava che gliela desse.

Is it any wonder why princes and kings are clowns that caper in their sawdust rings...
Io avrei fatto una doccia di champagne (tanto loro ci nuotano nello champagne) ai principini del pisello di Montecarlo, uno di quelli sta con la contessina comunista Beatrice Borromeo (simpatica come un martello sulle cosiddette o una falce per un prato), quella che "sposerò un povero metalmeccanico", ma per sua sfortuna ha trovato solo un metalmeccanico di Montecarlo.
Te lo do io lo champagne, questa gente andrebbe messa a pane e acqua. PANE e ACQUA. Fin troppo.

A fine gara il genio di Massa e l'assurdo Domenicali sono andati a fare i piangina (da uno imparziale: il presidente Todt, ex Ferrari), chiedendo addirittura altre sanzioni contro Hamilton! Pazzesco. A dir poco patetiche le dichiarazioni di Massa, come al solito, un "pilota"-autista ormai alla frutta, schizofrenico. I sorpassi su Schumacher e Maldonado sono la fotocopia, Hamilton ha lasciato spazio, Massa invece no. Non si capisce se i commissari assistano a una GARA di Formula 1 oppure a una sfilata di auto d'epoca che non si devono neanche sfiorare. Massa e Alonso che taglia la chicane in un momento cruciale, neanche nominati, l'avesse fatto Hamilton sarebbe stato uno scandalo. Vettel ha già quasi ammazzato il campionato, e ci si mettono pure i commissari a chiuderlo del tutto, non vedo che interesse abbia la Federazione in questo. Gara che meritava di vincere ampiamente Button e decisioni assurde solo contro Hamilton che come sempre lotta come un leone. Gli unici due veri piloti in mezzo a un circo di pagliacci.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

win a vip weekend speeding at the British race with Virgin

BARCELONA - Photo: Beady Eye @ Virgin radio in Milan.
Great result for our McLaren cars finishing 2nd and 3rd, with number "3 ring circus" :) Hamilton almost winning at the end and Button starting bad but going from 10th to 3rd. 
It's the Red Bull circuit where aerodynamics are important, so the result is even greater.
Ferrari fans thought they could win ahaha 'cause they saw Alonso 1st at the beginning, all illusions. Button (with different Pirelli tyres in that moment) overtook Alonso so easily, and Ferrari finished 5th (Pirelli tyres from Milan are not really helping Ferrari). I like Button strategies 'cause they're often different (gear, still speeding :). We like to mock Ferrari 'cause they're in the same Juventus football team family, they're spending everything on Ferrari and the Formula 1 car is almost shit, while Juventus needing money, is double shit (but of course, in history, Ferrari is the number 1).
Next weekend in Montecarlo, but I can't wait for September in Monza, I already have a 4 (not 3) days pass, and let's see which band will play at the Formula 1 rocks Milan.

Here's another "win the British GP".
The Sun has joined forces with the Marussia Virgin Racing Formula One team to offer you the chance to revel in a glorious VIP weekend at the British Grand Prix.
The winner and a companion will watch all the frantic action of Britain's top motor race from one of Silverstone's best grandstands.
And in addition, they will be able to enjoy the fantastic fun of the Marussia Virgin Racing Weekend on July 7-10 in an exclusive 'Glampsite' in the grounds of majestic Stowe School, a stone's throw from the circuit.
In total, our amazing round-the-clock prize is worth no less than £5,000, and is comprised of:
Gold grandstand tickets.
Free passes to the Marussia Virgin Weekend Festival, featuring DJs, a champagne supernova bar :), food by Jamie Oliver's Fabulous Feasts and live rock bands including hot new groups Dry the River and Life in Film.
VIP chauffeur transfers to the track.
Pop-up hotel overnight accommodation with ensuite facilities.
Invitations to the team sponsors' dinner at Stowe School.
A chance to meet Marussia Virgin's F1 drivers Timo Glock and Jerome D'Ambrosio.
It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be treated like royalty at the all-action Grand Prix. To win this stunning prize, click here
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