Saturday, December 26, 2015

Formula 1 2016 soundtrack

some songs also chosen by Sky F1 UK

Monday, November 30, 2015

Button : Alonso better than Hamilton

ABU DHABI - Only an idiot can use a mobile phone while driving... especially in a city, especially in Monaco, where one must be careful... congratulations, role model for millions...

Jenson Button always against "arrogant Hamilton", and he knows him very well.
Asked to compare his experience of racing with Alonso this year to Hamilton in 2010-2012, Button replied: "It's a bigger challenge. A more consistent challenge. He's always there. Before this season, Alonso was regarded as the best driver in Formula 1. It's amazing how quickly people forget."

Shamilton's world champion is not regular. His Mercedes engine at the American Grand Prix in Austin wasn't regular, and following the rules, his title should be cancelled.
But as always, the rules are different for him.
Volkswagen, Germanwings, Germany 2006... do you still think ze Germanz are perfect.

Jenson also said Shamilton has no friends in F1... oh wondering why... he's a cunt.

"I still have to practise, he is 3 times world champion, me only 2"
(Hakkinen mocking Shamilton)

Monday, November 23, 2015

EICMA ragazze 2015

not only girls, about Formula 1 there was McLaren's Segafredo Zanetti coffee ^^, helmets, also Vettel's, and the idiot (Shamilton) MV Agusta motorbike

Monday, November 16, 2015

Button against drunk arrogant Hamilton (again)

INTERLAGOS - Jenson Button warned: “Hamilton is pretty quickly becoming arrogant.” (quickly since about 2012). Bild newspaper said Button was referring to the fact that Hamilton reportedly claimed he is “complete” as a driver, only failing to win races when he makes mistakes. “None of us is complete,” Button insisted. “If we had his car, we could beat him."
Verstappen said the same... Hamilton is the rookie... only a beginner could say something like this about overtaking... also because it's not true at Interlagos.

We thought Brazilians (not all of them of course) had more self-love, respect for themselves and their country, I don't know how to call it... pride.
If someone (who is not even from the same country), and is even an asshole, wanted to emulate, or even only remember a hero (who is even dead) of my country, I would send him to fuck off.
Hamilton is more an asshero, an ass licker...... heroes are dead..... there's no need of Hamilton to remember Senna.......

Hamilton was the only F1 driver to arrive at the Brazilian Grand Prix as late as Thursday, after missing media duties the day before with what Mercedes described as a “fever”.
But although a team media representative told reporters the 30-year-old would not be elaborating on Thursday, Hamilton admitted he was actually “run down” after a spate of hard partying. Hamilton was alcohol-tested tested by local police in the early hours of Tuesday morning, after hitting what he described on social media as one stationary car in Monaco, reportedly with his $2m Pagani Zonda supercar. “Mr Hamilton’s foot slipped on the brake and clutch pedals and his vehicle struck three parked cars,” a Monaco police spokesperson said.
Hamilton, described by observers as looking obviously tired, admitted in Brazil that a party held for his mother’s 60th birthday last weekend “killed me”. The Briton has also admitted to drinking much more heavily in 2015, telling reporters on Thursday that “I have definitely put on a bit of weight in the past couple of months”.

The 30 year old or the 18 year old? One driving and drinking is not a role model for millions of fans.........

Shamilton changed the design of his helmet, turning into Senna behind. Shameless. Will he be punished following the rule?
probably just like @ Austin, not leaving space at the first corner, special rules for him, poor victim.
Mazzoni della Rai ovviamente lo giustifica, "non ha infranto la regola", "perchè davanti è uguale" (loro sono abituati a nascondere le cose dietro).
Come se poi non avesse i soldi per pagare l'infrazione.
"Ha eguagliato Senna"... sì proprio in tutto e per tutto

"Cosa è successo nell'incidente? Hamilton : l'ho detto sui social media.
No ma questi personaggi sono limitati col cervello"
Pino Allievi idolo

"Interlagos è una pista difficilissima, insidiosissima, piena di trabocchetti, esige una guida molto raffinata..."
...non a caso il Genio del Volante, l'Uomo Perfetto che non fa mai errori, l'uomo più veloce della storia, il pilota più veloce sul giro singolo (ma com'è che persino quello scarsone di Rosberg ogni tanto gli frega la pole? è da SEI GP che non la fa) non ci ha mai vinto, così come ci ha messo 9 anni per una pole nella difficile Montecarlo, guidando solo macchine veloci
(il "nuovo Senna" del "tutto succede per un motivo".....)

"Tutti che scrivono libri su Senna (aka: fanno soldi sui morti), tutti amiconi di Senna"
(Pino Allievi, deve aver avuto in mente anche Terruzzi)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Monday, November 09, 2015

Marquez-Lorenzo gay marriage

VALENCIA - We don't follow much MotoGP, so we're no fans... of nobody. Of course Honda is involved, and they were angry about this situation of Marquez letting Yamaha win. With his Honda being faster, he was fighting only when attacked by Pedrosa. It would've been interesting to see if Valentino Rossi reached 3rd, Marquez sure would've behaved as in the previous race. He still has to grow up, he reminds us of Lewis Shamilton the spoiled kid throwing his toys out of the pram.
You're not invited to Eicma 2015.
Rossi was 1st the whole year and deserved the title. It's quite ridiculous to help another one because of the same nationality, this thing is not even in Formula 1, that is a ridiculous "sport" in the recent years. On the contrary, they should be jealous of each other, to be the best Spaniard.
You know, the Spanish tortilla is made with more than one thing... so the world championship was won thanks to more than one...
But it's our fault, we didn't understand, because in Spain they have homosexual marriages, so it's normal for them, also to protect each other.
reminder : marriage -> matrimonio -> from mater, mother
(who is the mother here, giving birth, life... the fundamental figure of the woman)

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Hamilton little piece of shit

About what he said on Schumacher... he confirmed once again and again the truth : HAMILTON MIERDA.
Also because, Schumacher clearly had abilities, recognised by everybody, and Hamilton's wins are NOT only thanks to his own abilities as he says... it's clearly the CAR's.
And, Schumacher can't answer... SHAME ON SHAMILTON.
He's jealous because he knows he can never be as big as him.
Typical illuminati strategy...he knows he wins not only thanks to himself, so he says the opposite, to make everybody talk about him.... the media darling. Obviously only a few media are talking about this, and not the Shamilton fans Sky, hiding the truth.
These little assholes of the new generation have no respect and are just cheeky idiots.

"everything happens for a reason"... he had said, referring to the accident of Schumacher.
How can a human be such a huge prick... only the illuminati who think to be God, but they're just little sons of huge bitches.

Hamilton to finish career at Mercedes.

GREAT DECISION, so he'll never be a legend.
Unless he CRASHES. But we would put ourselves on his same LOW level.
So everybody will finally, finally say POOR about him for a reason...

(questa gliel'abbiamo gufata di brutto)

Monday, November 02, 2015

Button diminishes Hamilton

"If you put myself or Vettel in the same car as him, I think Lewis would not have quite as much confidence as he has today. He’s in a very comfortable situation"

well said! Verstappen also said something similar.
more Jenson: "There are many very capable drivers in Formula 1,” he insisted, “but I think at the moment Hamilton has such a fast and balanced car and without too much competition from inside the team either.”
You know, there are some people who would be allowed to be even arrogant, because they have some great capacity, and usually those people are not arrogant, because they know they are strong, they are the best in something.
Shamilton saying the others can win only if he makes mistakes, saying he's the worst thing for Rosberg, etc shows Shamilton is a very arrogant diva, because the truth is that he's a loser.
Comparing himself to Muhammad Ali, Usain Bolt and Tiger Woods, confirms they're making it a racist thing.
He makes mistakes at almost every GP, the others can't win a title until the sponsors pay for him more than anyone else........... in a Mercedes.

Mexico GP, Hamilton changes topic

MEXICO CITY - Another illuminati strategy : changing the topic.
2 times today, when asked about his race, Shamilton just said one sentence and immediately started to talk about the crowd, the fans... arse licker.
As usual, NO BALLS.

always the same Shamilton mode : on.
"Best fans... best week... couldn't be any better..."
instructions : repeat for every Grand Prix (like an illuminati robot, blinding the people)

Shamilton doesn't know what the Peraltada was...
what a huge, deep knowledge of Formula 1.
Also, he criticised McLaren because he couldn't do what he wanted... shut the fuck up, without McLaren you wouldn't even be in F1.

"I love my fans"... sure you can't find any other fans who are more blinded.

more to add soon, also highlights video

"Hamilton was better than Button at McLaren"
(the typical Shamilton fanboys)
FALSE. 2010, 2011, 2012, same car. Jenson 672 points, Shamilton 657.

Neanche a fare apposta... Mazzoni sbaglia sistematicamente i piloti... ha il 50% , difficile sbagliare... conoscere i caschi visti addirittura dall'abitacolo, sarebbe "troppo", ma c'era tanto di 33 grosso scritto davanti però non è Verstappen ma Sainz.
Poverino, ha anche di meno di percentuale perchè deve azzeccare anche le macchine tipo Mercedes / Force India........
è come se un telecronista di calcio non sapesse leggere i nomi sulle maglie, questi hanno solo 20 piloti.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hamilton champion thanks to technical problems

AUSTIN (Texas) - USA Grand Prix. Lewis Shamilton world champion thanks to Rosberg's technical problems (already heard this...)
Photo : when Rosberg had the problem, the bastards were happy (already seen these images..). Oh this GP is exciting, let's make Hamilton win so everybody will think this F1 is real...

"I don't know, if I am in his same car, I can tell if Hamilton is good or not" 
well said Verstappen Jr.
How can the "fastest man in history" with a Mercedes, struggle to stay ahead of Kvyat on an average Red Bull.

hearing arrogant diva Shamilton (the "humble one") talking about how he's better and the best, is hilarious, having seen that Rosberg is 3rd with a Mercedes, proof that Shamilton is winning against nobody.
Mister "9 years for a pole in Monaco, driving only fast cars". The new Senna.

What Fernando said, makes no sense on purpose. In public he can only say Shamilton is great, otherwise he would sound like a jealous loser. Shamilton winning 3 titles so he's like Senna, means that Vettel winning 4 is bigger than Senna aha hilarious. Alonso probably wanted to mock Shamilton... They have to keep good relationships with the other drivers, they rarely say what they think.

Shamilton was even throwing his hat towards Rosberg, who threw it back... typical arrogant Shamilton, no need of doing these things.

please, all these black people supporting Shamilton because he's black (is he?), they underline even more the difference of race, they don't have to support necessarily him, while for me one is an idiot if he's white or black, even more if he's white 'cause I know more people who are white, even more if he's Italian 'cause I know more people who are Italian, and I added some black people on these social networks, and they seriously think the blacks are a superior race, while I don't think the whites are, and the blacks post things only about black people, so who are the racist ones.

Moto GP (Spanish sport) : Rossi puts Spanish Marquez out of his line, going out -> scandal.
Formula 1 (English sport) : English Hamilton puts Rosberg out of his line, going offtrack -> normality.

that Marquez reflects the new generation of assholes... what is that shit? protecting Lorenzo because of the same nationality? this shit doesn't exist, not even in shite F1.

rule of letting a space for the other driver : IGNORED
Formula 1 : made in England.
Ecclestone : made in England.
Mercedes dominating : made in England.
Red Bull dominating for years : made in England. etc.
The Shamilton fanboys always say he's perfect, never makes mistakes, etc. this time they said he put Rosberg offtrack because Hamilton made a MISTAKE and could only stay in that part of the track... hilarious.
They even say it was thanks to Shamilton that Mercedes started to win... ignorance can be amazing. Costa did nothing. Money did nothing. Engines before the others did nothing.

Oh, still nobody wants the idol of ignorant teenagers, Magnussen. In fact, he's shite.

highlights video soon

Conferma che quelli della Rai sono parziali :
Mazzoni ripete e ripete che "Hamilton si conferma MAGO della pioggia!", "Hamilton si conferma bravissimo sul bagnato!"
quando mai ha dimostrato di esserlo, che ha fatto una marea di errori (compreso oggi). Infatti l'abbiamo sempre preso per il culo perchè il suo Senna sì che era un mago della pioggia.
Subito dopo che l'ha detto ancora, Rosberg lo batte 3 VOLTE, Ricciardo ha fatto lo stesso tempo con una Red Bull, poi miglior tempo 2 VOLTE, e Mazzoni non esalta nessuno, ha parole da innamorata solo per Shamilton.

Bortuzzo della Rai sfonda i limiti del ridicolo... esalta il Gran Premio degli Usa come uno dei più belli della storia ("da quando io sono in Formula 1 dal 1999"... ah beh allora...), perchè "potevano vincere tutti : Red Bull, Ferrari e McLaren"... (prende per il culo)

Mazzoni in Messico esalta il GP degli Usa, ma a noi poveretti che non seguiamo la F1 dal 1999 ma dai grandi anni 80, non ci dice perchè... Lo mette solo in relazione a "Hamilton, che si è laureato nel GP degli Usa" (la famosa laurea in GP degli Usa degli illuminati), come se fosse stato Hamilton a renderlo spettacolare... vediamo un po' : 1) non ha lasciato lo spazio della regola a Rosberg e non è stato neanche indagato 2) ha fatto fatica a tenere dietro Kvyat sulla mediocre Red Bull di quest'anno (che qualche volta persino la McLaren gli è stata davanti) 3) ha subìto il sorpasso di Ricciardo 4) col solito culo ha approfittato dei problemi di Rosberg.
Certo è stato lui a renderlo spettacolare perchè in realtà è uno SCARSONE.

"A te non piace vincere facile"(le domande impossibili di Giovannelli a Shamilton)
sì infatti sta scappando a gambe levate dalla Mercedes, data la mancanza di rivali credibili. Si è fatto anche prolungare il contratto per correre a gratis.

Ettore si autocelebra : "Charlie Whiting di solito non parla coi giornalisti" (quindi con te è normale che ci parli)

La Rai venerdì ha chiuso il collegamento alle 22:14, almeno 20 minuti prima del solito, che serietà. Sabato l'ha chiuso ORE prima rispetto a Sky. Approfondimenti, dannazione!
OPERATIVI, scansafatiche! assenteisti!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Magnussen fired, well done McLaren

WOKING - The fucking kid will not have his contract renewed at the end of 2015 for the 2016 season.
They even mocked him, telling him about their decision on the day of his birthday.
So happy... this for all the new fanboys of the new generation supporting not teams but drivers "because he's beautiful" (Magnussen is beautiful??), "because he's a rap fan" (is that music??), "because he's black" (are you really anti-racist??), "because he's got a fashion designer" (is that fashion??), etc.
because you're fucking idiots.
Well done McLaren!!!!!! (they were born some years before the fangirls, and surely know the kid better than them... if he had amazing abilities, they wouldn't have dropped him).
We'll support McLaren forever (and not because you're beautiful, and you're not rap fans, you're not black, you have no fashion designers, as Hugo Boss left)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Russia GP, English fans suffering

SOCHI - What an appropriate way to win the World Championship, thanks to a penalty for the rivals...
At Mercedes they had just said : it's better to win it without penalites for the is it worse now, right.

We didn't even watch this GP... first time it happens in DECADES...
I've heard techinical problems for Rosberg... how rare...
this F1 continues to be a complete joke.
SHAMILTON KING OF CLOWNS, with illuminati h-orns on the hat.

Now we understood what's the problem with Shamilton's rap fanboys.
It's the fact England never wins, so they would even sell their mother to see a trophy (don't forget they are drunk pub fans), and they become blinded, and they would even support a ZE GERMANZ car! ahahahaha
They even said it's thanks to Shamilton that Mercedes became a winner ahahaha sure, how ignorant... not thanks to Costa.
Now, can you imagine : one who made even Ferrari win (Schumacher) doesn't make Mercedes win, despite all his experience, but the RAP legend can. Oh yes he can.

Vettel dominating with Red Bull : oh it's because of the car.
Shamilton dominating : oh what a LEGEND he even made the car win.
You're a complete JOKE.
We're not fans of Vettel, but must admit he defeated even much stronger rivals, Alonso had a good car, Webber was not bad, McLaren 2010 2011 2012 was still very good etc who had Hamilton ? struggling to stay ahead of Massa, Alonso renouncing to fight, Red Bull was over , etc please

So, if Mercedes really wins thanks to Hamilton who changed it, making it an unbeatable car, why does he thank this and that, even Brawn, making it a winning car, and all those gestures of worship towards the car, today he even said he wouldn't have made it without you guys, without car and all... is it just because of a humble behaviour? we can say everything about him, apart from humble...

There's a huge contradictiiiiion in what the Shamilton fanboys say... They always talk about Rosberg as a medium driver, often they say he's shit... that's ok. So how can Shamilton be a living legend, the new Senna, with amazing driving skills, if he also struggled to stay ahead (even of Massa, also at the final Abu Dhabi 2014) and both the titles he won they were at the very end.

More bullshit from the Shamilton fanboys is that the other drivers refuse to compete with him because they are SCARED...
Someone should give them a tv show, the people in the world need to laugh.
Also, someone should give these poor scared drivers a better car, if possible one that can finish the races.
Shamilton : not from shame, but sham = fiction, fake, charlatan, artificially made, illuminati acting, etc.

We could even write an hilarious book about it... the latest bullshit from the Shamilton retarded fanboys:
he is a legend because Lauda says he's great.
(we should understand and pity them because they don't even know it's his own driver, so maybe he could talk shit about him eh...)

"highlights" video soon

La Rai prosegue nella sua succube cecità (finta)
"non si può pensare che la Mercedes sia così autolesionista da far fuori Rosberg"... no beh guardate ci pensano gli sponsor che pagano doppio...
scandaloso Capelli che ricorda tra i migliori sul bagnato Shamilton, che non è assolutamente vero visti tutti gli errori, e la sua memoria va fino a Monza 2008 e si dimentica clamorosamente di Jenson (Canada 2011 e tutto il resto). Una vera impresa dimenticarsi di un'impresa storica dall'ultima posizione, innumerevoli pitstop penalità incidenti... Ironia della sorte, proprio mentre parlavano di merda di Massa sotto la pioggia poi ha fatto il miglior tempo sotto la pioggia.
Mazzoni dice che con questi nuovi GP si rischiano queste condizioni meteorologiche... Sochi è famosa per il bel tempo e non sembra neanche Russia, è la Rimini russa. Allora la F1 non dovrebbe mai esserci a Silverstone o a Spa perchè piove quasi sempre!!
Mazzoni ha ripetuto un suo "grande classico" : i finlandesi sono bravi in queste condizioni, con un tono tipo che lo sa che l'ha detto ottomila volte, sembra proprio che faccia apposta.
Poi era convinto che la Mercedes fosse campione del mondo ancora prima che venisse penalizzato Raikkonen per il crash con Bottas... casomai ci fosse bisogno di confermare che non capisce un cazzo...
notare la differita Rai : niente interviste, niente approfondimenti, niente di niente, si conclude il GP con un ci vediamo al prossimo trasmesso in diretta dalla Rai, come fosse la cosa più importante.

"la Mercedes tradita da Rosberg"
(detto dalla Peroni, nel senso che ha bevuto la birra)

eh beh certo, è colpa di Rosberg se si è ritirato. Si vede che non aveva più voglia... (non avrebbe tutti i torti) ...e allora ha spaccato apposta l'acceleratore.
Queste sono tra le cose più tipiche degli illuminati dei media : incolpare gli altri, ribaltando la realtà.
Ma soprattutto, la Mercedes starà soffrendo tantissimo per questo ritiro.................un vero tradimento. Come se non esistesse, hanno persino vinto il Mondiale.
Soprattutto gli sponsor che pagano doppio per Shamilton...

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Formula 1 2016 calendar (updated)

21 races, still no New Jersey Grand Prix yet, maybe postponed to 2017. New European GP in June. Australian start of the season in April, Russian GP in April-May, Malaysian in September-October, British back in July, German is back, Hungarian back in July. Italian @ Monza could be the last one there.

car launch : new McLaren-Honda 2016 reveal (presentation)
winter tests (no Jerez, only 2 sessions @ Barcelona, 22-25 February, 1-4 March)

Australia Australia Melbourne (20 March)
Bahrain Bahrain Sakhir (3 April) 
China China Shanghai (17 April) 
Russia Russia Sochi (1 May)
Spain Spain Barcelona (15 May) 
Italy Italy Monza (4 September) 
Singapore Singapore Singapore (18 September)
Malaysia Malaysia Sepang (2 October) 
Japan Japan Suzuka (9 October)
United States United States Austin (23 October)
Mexico  Mexico Mexico City (6 November)

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Japan GP, fake Senna wins

SUZUKA - typical illuminati, repeating a script. Just like his "the fans here are the best" and "the circuit and food here is my favourite" for every GP. 100% fake. A true arse licker. The new, next Senna taking 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving only fast cars.

MERDeces already put "2015 Hamilton P1", to remind who MUST win for the sponsors... double money for Shamilton, title for him this year too.
This race today perfectly shows how the Japanese fans are mad for this sport, sure the best fans, because you need to be mad to follow such a boring sport.The commentators on tv are usually enthusiastic but don't be fooled... nothing really happens.

All the media were happy that it's not raining... is it them driving? are they planning a weekend at the seaside in Japan? are they maybe, just maybe, blinded by the illuminati and wishing Mercedes continues boring us to death?

QED quod erat demonstrandum.
result of Mercedes crying in Singapore : Mercedes back to the front.
result of no rain : Mercedes back to the front.
But the media are happy, so are we, right?

summarising... Shamilton wins at Monza in a controversial way, and it's about the Chinese tyres...
suddenly, Ferrari becomes 1 second and a half faster ahead, that is about 2 seconds overall. Not even in videogames... And it seems to be about the Chinese tyres...
Meanwhile, Red Bull menaces to leave and becomes competitive.
ALL CHINESE FAKE Formula 1 illuminati fucking acting

"highlights" (really?) video soon

"ecco Lewis Hamilton, con dei capelli bellissssimi... (ahahaha) ...da vero tamarro"
(Roberto Dupplicato)
Quella è l'unica cosa vera che ha...
La Rai è succube dei media internazionali, traduce servizi che esaltano la diva illuminata del cinema...
Altro da aggiungere presto

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Singapore GP, plan to make it interesting

Suddenly, the media are not talking anymore about "Hamilton making history".
No car, no party.
What a complete joke of a driver.
You know, that fake champion with appropriate fake blonde hair.
If it was Rosberg without power, it would've been : "amazing overtaking ability by Hamilton".

This on the left is so appropriate it almost seems like someone knows about the illuminati plans...
because yes, it's all already written like in a film script... and on the media.
Typical Ecclestone plan to "make it more interesting"...
Also notice how Red Bull menaced to leave and their results got better.

Hamilton won just another prize from the media, the GQ sportsman (??) of the year.
IF Formula 1 is still a sport... and as if it was the most important sport, in fact he won the prize last year too.

The fucking kid (aka Magnussen) broke his hand after falling off his bicycle. So he couldn't even travel to Singapore this weekend. How could they give him a car, if he can't even ride a bike.

About the track invader, we think he shouldn't be arrested but the people who allowed this thing. Many young people would go around a track if they had the chance.

highlights video soon

Capitolo Rai.
La precisione dell'esperto di statistiche Mazzoni viene a mancare proprio sul più bello : "credo sia... eh... la peggiore qualifica della Mercedes... eh... di questi anni"
il crollo di un mito (non la Mercedes, ma in sua coincidenza). Mazzoni garanzia di delusioni.
Però almeno adesso sappiamo che anche Alexander Rossi come Barrichello ha i nonni italiani... incredibile!
Mazzoni vuole battere qualche record delle sue repetitiiiion. Non solo il solito leone simbolo di Singapore "che qui non c'è mai stato" e la solita azienda italiana delle luci (si vede che gli dà una percentuale). Se nel rarissimo caso non lo sapeste, vogliamo informarvi che Rossi ha il numero 53 per Herbie il Maggiolino Tutto Matto ed è alto 1,88 (numeri da giocare al Superenalotto), e così sbatte e struscia contro la farfalla tutta aperta (umorismo da bar malfamato di periferia, frequentato da prostitute - ogni riferimento a Stella è puramente casuale). Vogliono sollevare gli ascolti con il sesso.
Adirittura è stata colpa dell'altezza se Rossi ha fatto l'incidente.
Mazzoni ha anche cambiato il passato della F1 : Coulthard era pilota di McLaren e Red Bull, niente Williams.

Mazzoni esalta Shamilton perchè ha mostrato UMILTA' ahahaha ma questi vivono in un mondo parallelo delle favole... Capelli subito pronto a giustificare i suoi errori "perchè ha imbarcato benzina"... guarda che Hamilton fa errori continuamente, a volte perchè spinge troppo, a volte perchè è un incapace sopravvalutatissimo.
Mazzoni ha imparato da Shamilton che ci informa che è single (interessantissimo) e dato anche la notiziona dell'abbraccio tra Shamilton e Pharrell Williams... ma non lo sai che è il suo fashion designer???? Lo sapevamo che Mazzoni non conosce le basi della F1 moderna. E pensare che era forte sul gossip.

Jackfranco Mazzoni lo Squartatore insiste in continuazione... vuole impiccare l'invasore di pista.
Strano che non nomini la sua solita "tagliola".
Se oggi quello è entrato in pista è colpa di chi non l'ha impedito.

Dopo i nostri recenti lamenti, si sono inventati di mettere il canale HD 557... ci hanno messo un po' a capirlo eh, si poteva benissimo farlo prima mettendo una sessione (o la "manche" dello sci, come dice lui...) di RaiSport sul 551 anzichè quel cazzo di Uno Mattina in HD.

Conunque ringraziamo per l'onore della Rai in diretta con Mazzoni (anche se la F1 non conta più una mazza), che si sta perdendo tutti gli eventi, il basket, la Vuelta vinta da un italiano, la finale italiana di tennis, ecc. addirittura trasmessa da Deejay Tv, (in)degna della Rai, un commentatore antirazzista che continuava a rimarcare che uno è "di colore" (di che colore?), ha "detto una cosa bellissima" ed è di colore, "è stato il primo" ed è di colore... sicuro davvero antirazzista?
In tribuna c'era il fior fiore degli illuminati di Hollywood, tutta gente che recita : Michael Douglas, Noel Gallagher, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Matthew Renzie
(uno studente fuori corso in gita che se la rideva perchè era inquadrato, poi con bandiera al rovescio come l'Italia)
Shamilton avrebbe voluto andare ma ha avuto paura di non essere vestito bene come a Wimbledon.
Renzi ci ricorda il "governo" Mortadella e accorrono agli eventi sportivi in capo al mondo (a spese nostre) perchè non avendo meriti propri si prendono quelli degli sportivi - stavolta un'italiana contro un'italiana - a lui piace vincere facile, persino senza elezioni

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Elegance competition

the Concorso d'eleganza (since 1929, times of our grandparents) with (especially) classic cars (and concept cars, and always with some McLaren), is @ the place where Beady Eye and Jenson with Jessica often go (Cernobbio, town of Liam's favourite restaurant il Gatto nero - Black cat, at the lake of Como)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

r.i.p. papa

one week ago, our dad went to the sky. The night before Monza, and then the sky was deep blue (as in this song from "Different gear, still speeding").
He loved music, like everybody, but also played the organ in churches. The last music I made him listen to, was a Beatles tape. If our parents didn't make us listen to the Italian 60's music, similar to the Beatles, we probably wouldn't have become Oasis fans. When he was not here anymore, I had an illusion, that he moved his head, like after the crash of Senna.
Another song, The beat goes on, reminds me of when we were going around by car with our parents, and they were singing it, obviously without knowing it... miracles of Beady Eye... the most underrated and insulted band in history... they didn't deserve it, also because they are very good, honest persons (unlike someone else).
As we say, it's always the best ones leaving

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Renzi contestato a Monza

"L'Expo è letteralmente invasa da tantissimi visitatori. Un successo impressionante, con il consueto abbraccio affettuoso ai gufi che ci chiedevano di bloccare tutto. L'Italia è più forte di chi scommette solo sui fallimenti.
(Matteo Renzi)

Qualcuno lo informi che le entrate fino al 31 agosto sono state 12,2 milioni (sempre che ci si possa credere, numero che conta qualsiasi tipo di entrate, anche di operatori, e a chi piace l'Expo è già stato molte volte, mentre il numero effettivo di persone saranno 2 o 3 milioni), quindi significa circa 3 milioni al mese, coi mesi più affollati già passati e 2 mesi restanti al massimo arriveranno a 18. Poi ci pensano loro a far quadrare i numeri come di consueto... L'obiettivo dichiarato "per far quadrare i conti" era 24 (addirittura di persone... ciao proprio). Chissà poi chi pagherà... La userà come scusa per sue nuove tasse... ovviamente dopo aver sbandierato di abbassarle. Lui all'Expo va solo a fare il figo prendendosi meriti che non si può neanche sognare.
L'Eicma dei ragazzini delle moto fa 600mila in un WEEKEND... just saying.
"Renzi è letteralmente invaso da tantissima idiozia. Un successo impressionante senza neanche essere stato votato, con il consueto abbraccio affettuoso all'ufficio sinistri dei fallimenti."

"il PD è il più grande partito d'Europa" (forse più gLande? nel senso dei cazzoni?)
(Renzie Fonzie il figaccione alla FESTA DELL'UNITA' nell'anno 2015)

ah sì l'Europa, quella che va proprio bene...
ah sì l'Italia, leader in Europa... (però dopo la GRECIA...)
ah sì il PD, quello mafioso che "governa" senza neanche essere stato votato...

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Monza, Hamilton disgusting human being

Italian Grand Prix.

I see everybody is realising Shamilton is an idiot... usually GIRLS shouldn't take it off...... ergo, Hamilton is a girl...... a fucking diva.
Hamilton didn't take his cap off for Justin Wilson, a British colleague who died recently, because he wanted to show his BEAUTIFUL blonde "haircut" only on the podium... all in the name of "STYLE"...
it's normal for the illuminati, they want to reduce the world's population...

RULES are RULES, or what are they for? 

will Mercedes BALANCE the techinical issues? obviously not...
SPONSORS do the talking... (Shamilton gets the double of the money Rosberg gets)

Ennesime conferme di uno sport diventato ridicolo, abbiamo fatto benissimo a non andare a Monza...
ridicolo Mazzoni Cazzoni che se la ride per la non sportività.
"MISTICO Hamilton"... strano! illuminati di merda!

After the actors... Oh the irony of having an illuminati Hollywood fiction director as George Lucas on the podium of a fake Formula 1... how appropriate... typically all calculated...

Please somebody finally tell Massa nobody gives a fuck about him.

Shamilton has been elected (by who? nobody asked me)
GQ SPORTSMAN of the year for the second time in a row...
because F1 is a sport, yes...
because he is a sportsman, yes...
no prize for all the REAL sportsmen who make REAL efforts.
Also, second time in a row seems like F1 is the most important sport, while not many really care...
CLOWN of the year... typical illuminati prizes

highlights video

Ettore lo schizzato "sempre in mezzo al cazzo", eccitatissimo nell'attesa di scoprire la capigliatura di Shamilton, ci informa che ci scommettono persino soldi (perchè di solito Shamilton e i soldi sono due cose ben diverse eh... tipica tecnica illuminata di ribaltare la realtà, facendo pure gli sfacciati)
Sembrano personaggi di fantasia... talmente assurdi che non possono esistere... o forse "solo in Italia"...

ancora Ettore :
"Maroni ha fatto delle battute che Ecclestone non ha gradito".
ah ah ah stai a vedere che se Monza non viene rinnovata è colpa di quei fascistoni di destra, è RARO che gli diano la colpa...

Friday, September 04, 2015

Monza RAItardati

Monza, Friday (free practice)

Oh a marriage proposal... to a driver.
How old are you... 12?
Let's see whose box was here... Mercedes caps... a number 44... Rosberg is already married... wondering who is the driver attracting so mature fans...
Oh but for three years... like stalkers. That is usually done by fangirls with ACTORS, singers, rappers... confirmation he's not a driver

"I'll show my complete (blonde) hair when I win on Sunday"
can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it's oh so DIFFICULT for you to win with that car and Rosberg eh?

c'era il tipo della Rai che voleva rifilare per forza (ordini dall'alto?) a un giovane pilota italiano, di avere come idolo Hamilton, parlando dei suoi capelli biondi e tatuaggi... il pilota l'ha smerdato dicendogli di no, che lui invece è acqua e sapone.

La Rai (che paghiamo noi e non avrebbe bisogno di pubblicità) va in pubblicità un quarto d'ora e si perde : uscita di Verstappen, Vettel miglior tempo, ecc. poi tornano in onda e c'è Mazzoni che si lamenta con la regia (! fa ancora il ribelle? abbaia? licenziatelo, non è colpa della "regia internazionale") per essersi persa la guida di Hamilton (!)
quale guida di Hamilton poi? eh beh sono cose di millesimi di secondo che l'espertone Mazzoni vede a occhio nudo. D'ora in poi si farà chiamare Telemetria Mazzoni.

"è intervenuto anche il premier Renzi [ah beh allora] che ha detto che Monza non può essere solo una questione di denaro, perchè la questione eeehh è appunto eeehhh una questione di denaro"
Cosa voleva fare Renzi, un discorso patetico-comunista contro i soldi che poi invece loro ne sono esperti.............

Ci chiediamo come si possa dare sul canale HD 501 UNO MATTINA anzichè la Formula 1.

Stella : "ti manca essere ferrarista?"
Massa : "no".
(tipo Rosberg che prende per il culo Stella)

Mazzoni (Cazzoni), "La stagione 2016 inizierà ad aprile...con i Gran Premi che inizieranno appunto...verso aprile"
Poi vi informa dell'ultimissima news delle date dei test invernali.
Lo sapevamo dal 26 giugno... RAITARDATI.
A quell'epoca devono essere stati in vacanza ai Caraibi a spese nostre.

Avevamo ragione, sono arrivate conferme che l'autobus che era gratis, ora si paga, e neanche poco, visto che il tratto dalla stazione di Monza al parco (lontano dal circuito) non è molto lungo (ma non fattibile a piedi, anche perchè distrutti dal weekend... già il pezzo a piedi dal parco al circuito è lungo, se avete un appuntamento a un orario arriverete di sicuro in ritardo). 4 euro ogni volta, sti cazzi (in tutti i sensi, anche chissefrega di andare a Monza). Spendere tra 10 e 15 euro al giorno solo x i mezzi x andare a Monza x tutto un weekend di 4 giorni è una follia. Potessero evitare almeno il traffico e fossero puntuali ma entrambe neanche di striscio

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Monza trains-bus not free anymore

we found out the “black line” bus and the Sunday trains are not free anymore, but you had to avoid them anyway, as that line left you very far from the circuit (it was good only the free Sunday train to go there, not to come back, because too crowded, and with a too long time to wait). Not to mention the big traffic...

Con le invenzioni geniali del sindaco PD comunista di Monza (vedi post di qualche mese fa), non sono più gratuiti nè la navetta quotidiana (linea nera) nè il treno della domenica (si dev'essere messo d'accordo col genio ecologico Pisapirla).
Adesso c'è persino una card speciale per i mezzi a "SOLI" 74 euro, ma comprese le navette eh! (che erano gratuite)
Un'altra cosa ridicola è il biglietto cumulativo a 8 euro da Milano che è comprensivo appunto di quella linea che era gratuita.

A vedere l'Autodromo, sembra che l'amministratore della pagina sia Renzi, e la gente stia vivendo un BOOM ECONOMICO.
Mezzi di trasporto prima erano gratis (ovviamente NON lo dicono sulla pagina) e ora la gente si può permettere di pagarli, poi non avevano mai parlato del Just Cavalli di lusso (che costa e ovviamente non lo dicono) e ora improvvisamente grandi feste (in quel posto se non vanno solo adulti, vestiti bene e accompagnati da donna, non fanno mica entrare nessuno delle migliaia di ragazzini), gente che si può permettere di fare special card costose sui musei, prese per il culo sui biglietti col 50% di sconto che invece sono solo 2 per i bambini al sabato, ecc

Hanno presentato il "walk about" degli autografi ai box come fosse una novità assoluta ed esclusiva (persino sui loro media tipo Gazzetta dello Sport), che invece ovviamente c'è sempre stata e in tutti i circuiti del mondo, e fino all'ultimissimo periodo è stata addirittura "un'attività da confermare", poi furbo stratagemma per vendere più abbonamenti.
La verità è che fino al 2012 funzionava in modo diverso, ovvero migliore, con l'accesso anche ai possessori del biglietto del venerdì. Il risultato del cambiamento è stato che le tribune al venerdì sono quasi tutte vuote.

AGGIORNAMENTO : avevamo ragione, sono arrivate conferme che l'autobus che era gratis, ora si paga, e neanche poco, visto che il tratto dalla stazione di Monza al parco (lontano dal circuito) non è molto lungo (ma non fattibile a piedi, anche perchè distrutti dal weekend... già il pezzo a piedi dal parco al circuito è lungo, se avete un appuntamento a un orario arriverete di sicuro in ritardo). 4 euro ogni volta, sti cazzi (in tutti i sensi, anche chissefrega di andare a Monza). Spendere tra 10 e 15 euro al giorno solo x i mezzi x andare a Monza x tutto un weekend di 4 giorni è una follia. Potessero evitare almeno il traffico e fossero puntuali ma entrambe neanche di striscio

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Belgium GP, ridiculous F1

SPA-FRANCORCHAMPS - Most amazing moment : a FORCE INDIA fighting with Shamilton (at the Raidillon you need to be able), even Perez who was discarded even by McLaren....... Force India sometimes was even behind McLaren this year... just saying.
Spa is one of the most exciting circuits, and like almost always this F1 made the Belgian GP one of the most boring GPs ever seen.
This time, McLaren started the Belgium Grand Prix from Hungary (a penalty of 105 grid positions, a ridiculous sport).
This driver called Senna, always compared to Hamilton, if he had this Mercedes, he would've probably been at the next GP now.
What a competitive sport.
We already talked about the new official Formula 1 website that sucks. Also, the official F1 app charges 28.26 euros (!! 36 on phone) per year (the only useful thing is just to see the lap times in real time, and it doesn't even work).
If Rosberg's tyre failure in practice happened to Shamilton, his fanboys would've crucified Mercedes.
How can one be such an arse-licker to say your favourite team manager is the current President (Ecclestone) ...only Shamilton could do it...
We lost any residual appreciation towards McLaren's real enemies, Lotus, now that Shamilon's illuminati "fashit designer" Pharrell Williams appeared on their livery.
Before this race, the media call the current Shamilton's form a "FINE form" ahahaha yeah like at the last GP at the Hungaroring, I've never seen a driver, not even Maldonado, driving so bad.
And his fanboys say "yes he can" as if he was Obama and always make it a racist thing.
There's no other "sportsman" (provided he is one, 'cause he's a rapper / shite fashion designer) in a more ridiculous situation.
Of course, it's awarded by the media "sportsman of the year".

His fans (of course they don't even know him personally) say everybody loves him, but he argued with all his team mates and his fans say McLaren still loves him... in fact, some days ago McLaren published a thing with their "best drivers", even including Coulthard, and both Raikkonen and Alonso who didn't win a title with McLaren, and excluding Shamilton.

Also in the latest "group photo" of Tooned representing McLaren history, there's no Hamilton.
There's even PEREZ...

"highlights" (?) video soon

Friday, August 21, 2015

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hamilton blames diapers

BUDAPEST - Hungaroring, Hungary Grand Prix.
There was nothing left to blame. After the first disastrous lap, Shamilton already started blaming other people.
Grow the fuck up and take your responsibilities, instead of being the usual moaning diva. He even got a penalty like Maldonado. In fact, he's as good as Maldonado.
Fernando Alonso in a negative connotation : "(in 2007) I had already understood who is Lewis Hamilton..."
(an asshole). His blinded fans didn't understand yet (but they say they know him).
The illuminati ordered previous illuminati Red Bull with Ricciardo to hit Rosberg... no penalty...
Kvyat on the podium, Vettel and Ferrari win, McLaren amazing 5th place, tonight : party!

ooooohhhhh another excuse ready : Hamilton said he had a bad Gp because he didn't sleep well... the cats in heat's fault.
highlights video soon

Tour de France, Froome dope

Froome has a problem, Nibali (on McLaren bike) attacks (other) cyclists > Froome insults Nibali.
Nibali has a problem, other cyclists attack > Nibali insults nobody.
Difference! Froome loser! That's what you get by avoiding doping controls in Italy.
And on the illuminati media : oh great fairplay by Froome... fair play my ass!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

RIP Bianchi

NICE (in France, but this is not really nice) - one of his last photos alive @ Suzuka. It's terrible, also thinking that he would've joined a top team soon. 
P9 in a Marussia @ Monaco last year. He was of Milan origin.
Shamilton's comments on Jules are obviously about GOD and praying, the only one doing that. A fake in every occasion.

I had never seen a toast for a funeral... it's probably the illuminati imposing the drivers to be happy for a death...
FIA (blaming Bianchi for the crash) to retire his number 17.
F1 fans to retire Bernie Ecclestone.
Only the shitty illuminati half men would've blamed Bianchi, it's one their typical typical strategies : blaming the others (see illuminati Noel Gallagher), instead of taking responsibilities like real men

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

clown Hamilton out of Wimbledon

LONDON - Shamilton excluded because he wasn't elegant... don't you have FASHION DESIGNERS as friends?? and he was even boasting on instagram that he had the invitations...
It was obviously another thing done on purpose by the media of the illuminati, because MOST of the people are on his side also now, and even more, and they would like to do what they want, and dress like they want, and they are against rich people (as if Shamilton was poor...)
Just to talk talk talk about him.......... media darling, attention seeker.
Now they will go : OH , POOR Lewis...

Sunday, July 05, 2015

British GP, Hamilton scaredy cat

SILVERSTONE - Britain Grand Prix.

lol... this quote also fits Ron talking about SHamilton's faults...
and SHamilton's Twitter gate... and SHamilton arguing with other drivers for nothing... oh,, but his fanboys, who know him personally, say he gets on well with everybody... he's a poor Jesus Christ, saving us all, with his millions.

Rosberg in difficult conditions with "wrong" tyres : from 4th position to 1st. Shamilton : making one of his typical mistake, then running away to the box. But he had the talent to understand he's shit.
He even said it was the best of his career... can you imagine the worst... And being a media darling, licking the arse of the audience, saying he was inspired by the crowd haha what sort of blinded idiot could believe him...
He faked it like a diva and told the box at very last moment...........bastard.
Shamilton on the radio : "rain stopped"
you wish!!! the next Senna... really then next one, not now... The scaredy cat @ box.
His fans : "Without the rain Rosberg wouldn't have even got on the podium."
Without the rain Senna wouldn't have been Senna...
As if the rain was an advantage... and for Rosberg only...
His fans now say : "who said Hamilton is like Senna? ........... it's stupid" ..............ok we finally agree : they're stupid.

now putting up with Shamilton talking about making history... said from the only recommended driver, born "poor" inside McLaren, driving only fast cars...
9 years for a pole position in Monaco... even my CONSTIPATED SLOW ass would be the new Senna then.
Basically the media used the word "OVERCOMING" to describe SHamilton's race, where he looks like a HERO (for staying at the end - thanks to the BOX - ahead of the Williams that this year is SLOW AS FUCK?? FUCKING ACTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!), because they know it was ROSBERG overcoming positions through the rain and with the wrong tyres... (and there's much more risk when you fight than just running...........)
It's called : having a guilty conscience... (coda di paglia) ...they know SHamilton's faults, and use them to attack the enemies... it's a very typical illuminati strategy... it's years we see it on the media, also in the music world... usually it's about blaming the others for your faults...
The partial, biased comments of Hamilton's fans SKY commentators... always rude Brundle had said : where is Rosberg? ... why didn't he say the same later...
More ignorance from Sky : "can McLaren reach Q1?" Every car reaches Q1, it's the start of qualifying, even children know.

the Perfect Man who NEVER makes mistakes eh, made a mistake even in an exhibition for the tv... complete asshole.
OH, how rare... Hamilton spinning also in free pratice. Meanwhile, Rosberg out for a technical problem.
The media : bad mistake by Rosberg,
Hamilton spin clearly Mercedes' fault...

As always, they're fucking ACTING all of it... it was unreal now with the 2 Williams (Mercedes engine..) leading, to make Formula 1 LOOK "exciting"...
We don't like Bottas anymore (oh strange, he's linked to Ferrari), letting Hamilton pass and asking if he could overtake Massa... no balls.

BIG NEWS : diva Hamilton moaning, now about the lack of silverware in the F1 trophies...
why... a plastic trophy is very appropriate for a fake plastic champion...
Like Marilyn Monroe, he wants a diiiiiaaamonds trophy........most overrated media darling ever.

the Hungaroring asked if anyone else wants to get married @ the circuit just like at Silverstone... ok, if an Hungarian girl is included :D

highlights video soon

Capitolo Rai. Mazzoni nel weekend avrà ripetuto 15 volte che Button non ha mai fatto un podio qui (come se poi adesso potesse farlo), godendoci pure... basta cazzo lui e le sue statistiche di merda che dà i numeri, non ha un cazzo da dire, sa solo leggere i fogli come quel genio di Stella Bruno.
dateli a Novella 2000 per i gossip!
L'ingegner Bruno (stesso cognome di Stella, oh ma guarda...) con l'allegra compagnia in vacanza pagata dal nostro canone se la ridono per le cose che dice Ron Dennis. Loro sono abituati a cose serie, quelle italiane... (questi non sanno neanche parlare in italiano).
Mazzoni ce l'ha gufata : "prima o poi in McLaren la situazione esploderà" (con suo godimento provinciale) e se la ride. Sfigato complessato.
Poi in gara indovinate un po' cosa si è affrettato a dire appena ha visto Jenson fuori :
non è mai andato a podio nel gp di casa.
Questo è seriamente malato nella testa. Ti venisse una diarrea nel water di casa

pagelle dei media

Secondo la ferrarista Peroni, Shamilton è stato superlativo... beh certo per stare davanti alle Williams che quest'anno persino la McLAREN ci ha lottato, e quel MISSILE di Rosberg che persino lui sotto la pioggia fa da 4° a 1°, ci vuole proprio una macchina imbattibile...

per quelli della Rai addirittura ROSBERG BOCCIATO ahahaha che lui sprizzava gioia da tutti i pori perchè pensava di finire 4° e solo per il culo di Hamilton non ha vinto

(Dopo un'altra partenza sbagliata e la fatica di passare, grazie ai BOX, le Williams lentissime quest'anno) secondo la Rai, Shamilton ha "tirato fuori il talento sotto la pioggia". Proprio il nuovo Senna.
Infatti, appena ha iniziato a piovere, non solo ha fatto uno dei suoi classici errori, ma è fuggito ai box, con persino la lumaca Rosberg che da 4° è arrivato fino a 1°.
Shamilton ha avuto il talento di capire che sotto la pioggia fa cagare.
Ci deve essere il PD dietro che dice alla Rai di insistere sul fatto che i coloured sono antropologicamente superiori. Ne va del loro portafoglio...

Friday, July 03, 2015

diva Hamilton not popular

GPDA survey result. OH, no Shamilton? not the best driver of all time? not the new Senna? not the most popular diva in cinema history? not the 3 MILLION Facebook fans star? not the driver who makes Formula 1 LOOK (not be) better? (according to the "impartial" President...)
being a poll that ONLY F1 fans have done (it was long thing to do), this shows how he's popular among bad music fans, rap fans, illuminati fans, bad religion fans, bad fashion fans, everything apart from F1.

advice for any competition / Fantasy F1 / betting money, etc. :
we now have Shamilton and always bet on Shamilton (always the same predictiiiion for every GP),
continue to bet on Shamilton, no matter if Rosberg wins some GP (they let him win sometimes to make F1 seem "real"), it's obvious they will make Shamilton win, as he gets more than the double of money Rosberg gets (and in this illuminati shitty fake "sport" it's the sponsors talking, it's IMPOSSIBLE that Rosberg wins at the end), and all those things against Rosberg are done on purpose to make him look bad on the media

Thursday, June 25, 2015

competition, McLaren-Honda Segafredo Zanetti coffee

The first one sending us a message, also from abroad (mail : ), will receive a code for a McLaren membership (€ 27 value), with a free £10 to spend @ McLaren store, exclusive access to McLaren garage at Goodwood Festival of Speed 2015, a chance to enter a ballot every month to visit the McLaren Technology centre, a free issue of F1 Racing or Autosports magazine (this for UK only), discounts, special member competitions, etc. and a free ticket for Gardaland park in Italy (if you buy 2). Plus, the chance to win clothes, Italian Grand Prix 2015 @ Monza race weekends, Gardaland weekends with restaurants, coffee machines, etc.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Austria GP, rookie Hamilton

SPIELBERG - 1st average Rosberg and 2nd "the new Senna, the fastest Perfect Man in history, who never makes mistakes", so it MUST be Mercedes' fault.

The media make him win even when he doesn't... says so much... media darling...

Superman Hamilton's mistake with the box line was "not a driver error"... it was rookie mistake... not even Marussia's drivers do that.

Hamilton's fans when Hamilton is 1st : amazing sport, Formula 1 is super!!!!!!!!
Hamilton's fans when Hamilton is 2nd : most boring thing ever seen.
They are childish just like him always crying.

And at the end of qualifying, SHamilton said (pay attention) IT WAS THE TEAM saying (now it's not his fault not even for the things said) his spin was not a driver error... oh really... thank you Perfect Man but we already knew You can't make mistakes... save your breath.
Completely with NO BALLS, mirror of this new generation who takes no responsibility for anything (more than 3 million fans on Facebook, people not only F1 fans, but also in "music", and rap - that is a different thing -, and even "fashion", etc). HALF MEN... illuminati media darling... your life in an overrated virtual media thing.
Hamilton said the spin was his fault.
NO, it was NOT a driver error, as the team said.
He says it's his fault when it isn't. This is crazy, there's something weird about it, something illuminati... it's not your fault only when it clearly is.
The illuminati do this because they want to 4 H-IDE 4 their bigger faults...

Last year they asked the Diva if this circuit doesn't suit his driving style (aka : he's not able to drive)
useless question, it's always someone else's fault... he said it's a tyre issue.

Button said he enjoed the tough conditions and was 1st during practice... you see if one is a great driver in tough conditions... like Senna under the rain... like Senna in hard Monaco... like Hamilton sucks (9 years for a pole in Monaco, driving only fast cars)

About the Raikkonen-Alonso crash, Sky just had to do one thing : a replay of the accident from Fernando's car, instead of talking talking...

highlights video soon

secondo l'Autodromo, il pubblico a Monza a vedere Manu Chao era formato da famiglie... sì proprio la tipica famiglia tradizionale, è l'escursione tipica che si organizza in famiglia...
è la nuova educazione impartita alla nuova generazione : marijuana...clandestino! un inno all'italietta di oggi... neanche più alle erbe ma alla frutta. FAIL.
Questo era quello che anni fa diceva che andare in Italia è pericolosissimo percchè la polizia ti può perquisire per la droga....... adesso invece siamo in una botte di ferro!
Gran Premio d'Italia a Imola 2017

Friday, June 19, 2015

boicottaggio Martini

MILANO - Eravamo stati invitati ad una serata esclusiva in un luogo solitamente inaccessibile (la Terrazza Martini) e solo per poche persone (tipico degli illuminati che si incontrano in pochi come un'elite, e il loro obiettivo finale è la riduzione della popolazione mondiale attraverso le guerre), invitati dagli illuminati della Martini (logo tipicamente bianco come la luce, e disco rosso = Marte = la guerra, divinità per gli illuminati, il dio Horus, simile al disco del sole della Red Bull dietro il tipicamente cornuto toro doppio), ma quando siamo arrivati, nonostante la nostra educazione, abbiamo dovuto litigare con un giovane ragazzo "buttafuori" maleducato (categoria celebre per essere dei cerebrolesi), perchè secondo lui non eravamo sulla lista, nonostante avessimo la prova scritta del contrario (è evidente che non saremmo neanche andati se la stessa Martini non ci avesse invitati). Che serietà... Friendly reminder : boicotaggio di Martini, si può farne a meno

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Canada GP. Hamilton's fault : NEVER

MONTREAL - Canadian Grand Prix.
Hamilton Shamilton stay away from that helmet of Senna... you CAN'T sign it.
When he crossed the line, our computer automatically turned off by itself, I'm not joking. It refused to watch.
What an EXCITING race! tremendous effort from legend Hamilton, definitely "the better" ever, as they say, without a little doubt, overtaking all the greatest drivers in Formula 1 history driving faster cars, under the rain, even against groundhogs, and an ants invasion.

Alonso @ team radio : I don't want! I don't want!
but I what I really don't want in this F1 is the fans of this new generation, who don't support teams and always insult them, because they are fans of a driver "because he's beautiful", "because he's a rapper", "beacuse he's black"... it's become a sport for pussies.

Hamilton, the Perfect Man who NEVER makes mistakes... at least one at every GP.
It always must've been "the team's fault", "Rosberg's fault", always someboy else's fault... just like a diva.
F1 would be better without the "better man".
Also, guess who hit the wall... Hamilton the NEW SENNA, an expert with rain...

I don't know what else to think about Hamilton's fanboys, they seriously need a doctor, a very good one. I'm seriously worried about them, they need help. It seems like he's their mother.
Now they SERIOUSLY say it's Mercedes' fault also during free practice, I thought they were the anti-Hamilton fans joking about him.
One getting millions and millions (more than the double of his teammate) should be able to drive even a tricyle.
What about all the OTHER drivers?

SKY is SHITE, it's a SHamilton fanclub (they must be too ashamed of supporting the national team McLaren in bad times, too easy only in good times eh... so they chose one who pays NO TAX in their country...)
It took them 9 DAYS (when all the people are like : I don't care no more, I already know it was the team's fault.............) to publish the Loser-Merdeces conversation in Monaco... says a lot about the truth, that was a shock for them.

Bernie Ecclestone, the white President, the Hamilton's fanboy saying F1 "looks" (not really "is") better with him (aka the boss of the illuminati mafia, always wearing a WHITE=light shirt) is always @ Mercedes box... yeah you can directly sleep in their motorhome, they are the most likely ones to cheat...
A President of a sport continuously saying how is better one athlete compared to the others, so making a preference (it seems like Hamilton needs it eh?), says a lot about the seriousness of this "sport"...
BERNIE LIKE BLATTER, same Swiss UBS mafia banks.

There is a group of black fans @ Gilles Villeneuve circuit, called "Lewis nation", because they are "anti-racist" and we are "all the same" (luckily and less luckily, NOT), but they want to be different, who have a banner saying Hamilton is "stronger, faster, better"... in comparison with...? Maldonado? average Rosberg? (maybe me too am better than him). God? all of us? those who unluckily DON'T drive a Mercedes?
this is called suffering from inferiority complexes.

they revealed the drivers’ salaries and it's loads of LIES, LIES, LIES... oh poor Hamilton... the only sure thing is that he gets much more than Rosberg and of course it must be Hamilton winning, in Formula 1 it's the sponsors talking.

typical ignorant opinion : "Im re-watching the 2011 season and Lewis started becoming unhappy with Mclaren in 2011, I’m surprised he stayed for 2012. I think he finally realised that Mclaren only have these peaks of performance and the rest of the time they’re mediocre."
sure you are fanboying in F1 since 2012. Yeah McLaren are nobody, while it's never Loser Shamilton's fault, typical of those like you. Unhappy because Button was faster... Love to remember how Hamilton moaned about promotions, getting paid millions to travel the world, and the only idiot ever revealing the telemetry on Twitter, and moaning about everything, like children. And without McLaren, Hamilton wouldn't even have EXISTED.
POOR unhappy diva. He has these peaks of performance like winning a title finishing 5th overtaking ace Glock and legend Massa winning the GP, or driving a Mercedes struggling to stay ahead of Massa at Abu Dhabi in 2014 with the only possible contenders Red Bull disqualified, or 9 years for a pole in Monaco, and never making mistakes especially with rain, he's really the new Senna. the rest of the time he's mediocre.

"highlights" (really?) video soon

Saturday, May 30, 2015

it was HAMILTON asking to pit at Monaco GP

MONTECARLO - As we had said, the truth always comes out later... They published the conversation between Hamilton and the team, and he asked if they were sure to stay OUT, because the tyres lost the temperature and he had seen other cars pitting, as we already knew. So the team changed decision and said "Ok, box, box, box".
Hamilton fanboys SKY aren't talking about this.
The new Senna, 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving only fast cars.

A giorni dal Gran Premio di Monaco arriva la verità su chi abbia dato l'ordine di rientrare ai box... è stata pubblicata la conversazione radio tra il pilota e il muretto della Mercedes. Hamilton chiede al box: "Siete sicuri che la cosa migliore sia restare fuori? Queste gomme hanno perso tutta la loro temperatura e tutti gli altri stanno andando sulle option".
Insomma Hamilton per primo ha chiesto di rientrare ai box. Infatti passano pochi istanti e arriva la replica del muretto: "Ok, box, box, box". Così Hamilton rientra ai box ma dice addio alla prima posizione.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Monaco GP, Hamilton with no balls

MONTE-CARLO - The truth is coming out later as always. Firstly, wooooohhhh scandal, so more blinded cunts to support the poor victim. Hamilton now admits he also wanted to pit because he thought the other drivers were doing it. That's how a media darling works... Now on the media it's a funeral...
Hamilton did NOT deserve to win, he should've decided not to pit.
But still, he's the king of Montecarlo : 9 years to be on pole position driving only fast cars... definitely the next Senna...
Now, just like last year (remember the illuminati do everything on purpose, it's all masterplanned before), there will be loads of controversies on their media and Merdeces will make Hamilton win a series of races...
obviously world champion vs nobody. He gets much more money (now even more with his new contract), he obviously must win at the end. In this F1 it's all about the sponsors.
Now another 6 months of Hamilton moaning diva behaving like a child.

Completely lost our faith in this Formula 1 when we saw grid boys.
They know there's "something" wrong in this F1, in fact they introduced the GPDA poll for the fans.
The worst thing they are saying about the grid is to have half girls and half boys... because then it seems like you have to be one of those "male" models to be with one of those girls, and it's all wrong because 1) male models are almost all gay 2) they look more "attractive", I mean they look like models, while the the girls look like normal girls 3) etc, lol... I mean, to be with those girls you have to be or have anything apart from being a male model.
If male models are useful to attract more girls to the sport, then it's ok, but I doubt it.

The Grand Prix was still extremely BORING, contrary to what the blinded fans say. We had to wait for Verstappen to crash with Grosjean, if that can be called an "exciting" thing.
Even for Monaco they had to tell the usual lie that it was going to rain.

highlights video

L'unico intelligente della Rai, Pino Allievi l'ha detta :
"Hamilton non meritava di vincere perchè aveva 19 secondi e doveva decidere di non rientrare".
Siparietto di presa per il culo sulle grandi qualità di Loser Shamilton (9 anni per fare una pole a Monaco solo con macchine veloci, il nuovo Senna, "il più veloce nella storia sul giro singolo" - però dopo il mediocre Rosberg...)
Eros Ramazzotti : cos'ha in più? la pettinatura?
Fisichella : innanzitutto la macchina

Finalmente si è capito come mai Hamilton viene tifato da molti italiani, che lo difendono come fosse la loro madre (lo tifavamo anche noi causa McLaren), pur avendo in casa un colosso storico come la Ferrari (gli inglesi ci prendono per il culo a vita).
Si lamenta di tutto (proprio uguale a noi italiani), pur non facendo un cazzo (proprio uguale a noi italiani), si lagnava persino per le promozioni!, poi dà sempre la colpa agli altri (proprio uguale a noi italiani), ovvero non si prende responsabilità (proprio uguale a noi italiani eterni bambini), siccome coloured porta voti al PD (perchè fondamentalmente l'Italia è un paese dell'ufficio sinistri, che comprende marocchini, islamici, ecc), nel suo paese la Gran Bretagna, lui è esentasse (proprio il sogno degli italiani).
Un vero idolo per gli italiani... avanti così! il masochismo allo stato puro.
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