Saturday, May 30, 2015

it was HAMILTON asking to pit at Monaco GP

MONTECARLO - As we had said, the truth always comes out later... They published the conversation between Hamilton and the team, and he asked if they were sure to stay OUT, because the tyres lost the temperature and he had seen other cars pitting, as we already knew. So the team changed decision and said "Ok, box, box, box".
Hamilton fanboys SKY aren't talking about this.
The new Senna, 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving only fast cars.

A giorni dal Gran Premio di Monaco arriva la verità su chi abbia dato l'ordine di rientrare ai box... è stata pubblicata la conversazione radio tra il pilota e il muretto della Mercedes. Hamilton chiede al box: "Siete sicuri che la cosa migliore sia restare fuori? Queste gomme hanno perso tutta la loro temperatura e tutti gli altri stanno andando sulle option".
Insomma Hamilton per primo ha chiesto di rientrare ai box. Infatti passano pochi istanti e arriva la replica del muretto: "Ok, box, box, box". Così Hamilton rientra ai box ma dice addio alla prima posizione.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Monaco GP, Hamilton with no balls

MONTE-CARLO - The truth is coming out later as always. Firstly, wooooohhhh scandal, so more blinded cunts to support the poor victim. Hamilton now admits he also wanted to pit because he thought the other drivers were doing it. That's how a media darling works... Now on the media it's a funeral...
Hamilton did NOT deserve to win, he should've decided not to pit.
But still, he's the king of Montecarlo : 9 years to be on pole position driving only fast cars... definitely the next Senna...
Now, just like last year (remember the illuminati do everything on purpose, it's all masterplanned before), there will be loads of controversies on their media and Merdeces will make Hamilton win a series of races...
obviously world champion vs nobody. He gets much more money (now even more with his new contract), he obviously must win at the end. In this F1 it's all about the sponsors.
Now another 6 months of Hamilton moaning diva behaving like a child.

Completely lost our faith in this Formula 1 when we saw grid boys.
They know there's "something" wrong in this F1, in fact they introduced the GPDA poll for the fans.
The worst thing they are saying about the grid is to have half girls and half boys... because then it seems like you have to be one of those "male" models to be with one of those girls, and it's all wrong because 1) male models are almost all gay 2) they look more "attractive", I mean they look like models, while the the girls look like normal girls 3) etc, lol... I mean, to be with those girls you have to be or have anything apart from being a male model.
If male models are useful to attract more girls to the sport, then it's ok, but I doubt it.

The Grand Prix was still extremely BORING, contrary to what the blinded fans say. We had to wait for Verstappen to crash with Grosjean, if that can be called an "exciting" thing.
Even for Monaco they had to tell the usual lie that it was going to rain.

highlights video

L'unico intelligente della Rai, Pino Allievi l'ha detta :
"Hamilton non meritava di vincere perchè aveva 19 secondi e doveva decidere di non rientrare".
Siparietto di presa per il culo sulle grandi qualità di Loser Shamilton (9 anni per fare una pole a Monaco solo con macchine veloci, il nuovo Senna, "il più veloce nella storia sul giro singolo" - però dopo il mediocre Rosberg...)
Eros Ramazzotti : cos'ha in più? la pettinatura?
Fisichella : innanzitutto la macchina

Finalmente si è capito come mai Hamilton viene tifato da molti italiani, che lo difendono come fosse la loro madre (lo tifavamo anche noi causa McLaren), pur avendo in casa un colosso storico come la Ferrari (gli inglesi ci prendono per il culo a vita).
Si lamenta di tutto (proprio uguale a noi italiani), pur non facendo un cazzo (proprio uguale a noi italiani), si lagnava persino per le promozioni!, poi dà sempre la colpa agli altri (proprio uguale a noi italiani), ovvero non si prende responsabilità (proprio uguale a noi italiani eterni bambini), siccome coloured porta voti al PD (perchè fondamentalmente l'Italia è un paese dell'ufficio sinistri, che comprende marocchini, islamici, ecc), nel suo paese la Gran Bretagna, lui è esentasse (proprio il sogno degli italiani).
Un vero idolo per gli italiani... avanti così! il masochismo allo stato puro.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hamilton Monaco king, new Senna

MONACO - After 9 years, first pole position in Montecarlo for the best driver in the history of the universe (He-Hamilton, the "fastest on a single lap", the "new Senna"), despite driving always fast cars only.
Also, the most overrated media darling.
Everybody's talking about the contract renewal with Mercedes but they didn't say how many millions (tax free) he gets... that's not very popular eh...

"Jenson is underrated by a lot of people, maybe because of his time with Lewis”
— Magnussen
as if Loser Shamilton is much better than Jenson eh... driving a Mercedes he couldn't even stay ahead of Massa... shut up Kevin, you were attending the nursery school at that time...go back to your toys.

The rules of this Formula 1 are SHITE.
When a driver (now Rosberg) goes out at the Saint Devote, Button had yellow flags on the other side of the circuit, so he couldn't complete the lap with Saint Devote that would be on the NEXT lap??
This is a F1 for scaredy cats.
As if it was done today : Q3.

Tronchetti Provera Che Vien Dal Mare negli ultimi mesi sa dire solo 1 cosa: che la Pirelli è ancora italiana. Vaaaaa bene, è cinese.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Spain GP, Loser SHamilton

BARCELONA - At the Spanish Grand Prix we have seen some of Hamilton's typical attitudes.
The media always have an excuse ready for him, he's a media darling... now it's the sponsorship promotions distracting and preventing the diva Marilyn Hamilton Monroe from the pole position...
you know, he's the only one doing them... (also, reason why he left McLaren, too many promotions, too many travels, too much money... better to get even more) know, you famously are not on pole because of sponsors... They must know a lot about the illuminati then...
He was "not happy with his car" - typical Hamilton : the car's fault / somebody else's fault - you know Mercedes, that slow car... Many people would like to be unhappy with a Mercedes...
When he made one of his typical mistakes, obviously on the contrary everybody was going : wonderful control !
Then, the phase : the poor victim. Hamilton questions message to hold second place...
Plan B... it's typically illuminati, all masterplanned and trying to blame other people... they're men with no balls, they don't take their own responsibilities. In fact, they are not men, as the Bible says : half humans half aliens

highlights video soon
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