Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hamilton blames diapers

BUDAPEST - Hungaroring, Hungary Grand Prix.
There was nothing left to blame. After the first disastrous lap, Shamilton already started blaming other people.
Grow the fuck up and take your responsibilities, instead of being the usual moaning diva. He even got a penalty like Maldonado. In fact, he's as good as Maldonado.
Fernando Alonso in a negative connotation : "(in 2007) I had already understood who is Lewis Hamilton..."
(an asshole). His blinded fans didn't understand yet (but they say they know him).
The illuminati ordered previous illuminati Red Bull with Ricciardo to hit Rosberg... no penalty...
Kvyat on the podium, Vettel and Ferrari win, McLaren amazing 5th place, tonight : party!

ooooohhhhh another excuse ready : Hamilton said he had a bad Gp because he didn't sleep well... the cats in heat's fault.
highlights video soon

Tour de France, Froome dope

Froome has a problem, Nibali (on McLaren bike) attacks (other) cyclists > Froome insults Nibali.
Nibali has a problem, other cyclists attack > Nibali insults nobody.
Difference! Froome loser! That's what you get by avoiding doping controls in Italy.
And on the illuminati media : oh great fairplay by Froome... fair play my ass!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

RIP Bianchi

NICE (in France, but this is not really nice) - one of his last photos alive @ Suzuka. It's terrible, also thinking that he would've joined a top team soon. 
P9 in a Marussia @ Monaco last year. He was of Milan origin.
Shamilton's comments on Jules are obviously about GOD and praying, the only one doing that. A fake in every occasion.

I had never seen a toast for a funeral... it's probably the illuminati imposing the drivers to be happy for a death...
FIA (blaming Bianchi for the crash) to retire his number 17.
F1 fans to retire Bernie Ecclestone.
Only the shitty illuminati half men would've blamed Bianchi, it's one their typical typical strategies : blaming the others (see illuminati Noel Gallagher), instead of taking responsibilities like real men

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

clown Hamilton out of Wimbledon

LONDON - Shamilton excluded because he wasn't elegant... don't you have FASHION DESIGNERS as friends?? and he was even boasting on instagram that he had the invitations...
It was obviously another thing done on purpose by the media of the illuminati, because MOST of the people are on his side also now, and even more, and they would like to do what they want, and dress like they want, and they are against rich people (as if Shamilton was poor...)
Just to talk talk talk about him.......... media darling, attention seeker.
Now they will go : OH , POOR Lewis...

Sunday, July 05, 2015

British GP, Hamilton scaredy cat

SILVERSTONE - Britain Grand Prix.

lol... this quote also fits Ron talking about SHamilton's faults...
and SHamilton's Twitter gate... and SHamilton arguing with other drivers for nothing... oh,, but his fanboys, who know him personally, say he gets on well with everybody... he's a poor Jesus Christ, saving us all, with his millions.

Rosberg in difficult conditions with "wrong" tyres : from 4th position to 1st. Shamilton : making one of his typical mistake, then running away to the box. But he had the talent to understand he's shit.
He even said it was the best of his career... can you imagine the worst... And being a media darling, licking the arse of the audience, saying he was inspired by the crowd haha what sort of blinded idiot could believe him...
He faked it like a diva and told the box at very last moment...........bastard.
Shamilton on the radio : "rain stopped"
you wish!!! the next Senna... really then next one, not now... The scaredy cat @ box.
His fans : "Without the rain Rosberg wouldn't have even got on the podium."
Without the rain Senna wouldn't have been Senna...
As if the rain was an advantage... and for Rosberg only...
His fans now say : "who said Hamilton is like Senna? ........... it's stupid" ..............ok we finally agree : they're stupid.

now putting up with Shamilton talking about making history... said from the only recommended driver, born "poor" inside McLaren, driving only fast cars...
9 years for a pole position in Monaco... even my CONSTIPATED SLOW ass would be the new Senna then.
Basically the media used the word "OVERCOMING" to describe SHamilton's race, where he looks like a HERO (for staying at the end - thanks to the BOX - ahead of the Williams that this year is SLOW AS FUCK?? FUCKING ACTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!), because they know it was ROSBERG overcoming positions through the rain and with the wrong tyres... (and there's much more risk when you fight than just running...........)
It's called : having a guilty conscience... (coda di paglia) ...they know SHamilton's faults, and use them to attack the enemies... it's a very typical illuminati strategy... it's years we see it on the media, also in the music world... usually it's about blaming the others for your faults...
The partial, biased comments of Hamilton's fans SKY commentators... always rude Brundle had said : where is Rosberg? ... why didn't he say the same later...
More ignorance from Sky : "can McLaren reach Q1?" Every car reaches Q1, it's the start of qualifying, even children know.

the Perfect Man who NEVER makes mistakes eh, made a mistake even in an exhibition for the tv... complete asshole.
OH, how rare... Hamilton spinning also in free pratice. Meanwhile, Rosberg out for a technical problem.
The media : bad mistake by Rosberg,
Hamilton spin clearly Mercedes' fault...

As always, they're fucking ACTING all of it... it was unreal now with the 2 Williams (Mercedes engine..) leading, to make Formula 1 LOOK "exciting"...
We don't like Bottas anymore (oh strange, he's linked to Ferrari), letting Hamilton pass and asking if he could overtake Massa... no balls.

BIG NEWS : diva Hamilton moaning, now about the lack of silverware in the F1 trophies...
why... a plastic trophy is very appropriate for a fake plastic champion...
Like Marilyn Monroe, he wants a diiiiiaaamonds trophy........most overrated media darling ever.

the Hungaroring asked if anyone else wants to get married @ the circuit just like at Silverstone... ok, if an Hungarian girl is included :D

highlights video soon

Capitolo Rai. Mazzoni nel weekend avrà ripetuto 15 volte che Button non ha mai fatto un podio qui (come se poi adesso potesse farlo), godendoci pure... basta cazzo lui e le sue statistiche di merda che dà i numeri, non ha un cazzo da dire, sa solo leggere i fogli come quel genio di Stella Bruno.
dateli a Novella 2000 per i gossip!
L'ingegner Bruno (stesso cognome di Stella, oh ma guarda...) con l'allegra compagnia in vacanza pagata dal nostro canone se la ridono per le cose che dice Ron Dennis. Loro sono abituati a cose serie, quelle italiane... (questi non sanno neanche parlare in italiano).
Mazzoni ce l'ha gufata : "prima o poi in McLaren la situazione esploderà" (con suo godimento provinciale) e se la ride. Sfigato complessato.
Poi in gara indovinate un po' cosa si è affrettato a dire appena ha visto Jenson fuori :
non è mai andato a podio nel gp di casa.
Questo è seriamente malato nella testa. Ti venisse una diarrea nel water di casa

pagelle dei media

Secondo la ferrarista Peroni, Shamilton è stato superlativo... beh certo per stare davanti alle Williams che quest'anno persino la McLAREN ci ha lottato, e quel MISSILE di Rosberg che persino lui sotto la pioggia fa da 4° a 1°, ci vuole proprio una macchina imbattibile...

per quelli della Rai addirittura ROSBERG BOCCIATO ahahaha che lui sprizzava gioia da tutti i pori perchè pensava di finire 4° e solo per il culo di Hamilton non ha vinto

(Dopo un'altra partenza sbagliata e la fatica di passare, grazie ai BOX, le Williams lentissime quest'anno) secondo la Rai, Shamilton ha "tirato fuori il talento sotto la pioggia". Proprio il nuovo Senna.
Infatti, appena ha iniziato a piovere, non solo ha fatto uno dei suoi classici errori, ma è fuggito ai box, con persino la lumaca Rosberg che da 4° è arrivato fino a 1°.
Shamilton ha avuto il talento di capire che sotto la pioggia fa cagare.
Ci deve essere il PD dietro che dice alla Rai di insistere sul fatto che i coloured sono antropologicamente superiori. Ne va del loro portafoglio...

Friday, July 03, 2015

diva Hamilton not popular

GPDA survey result. OH, no Shamilton? not the best driver of all time? not the new Senna? not the most popular diva in cinema history? not the 3 MILLION Facebook fans star? not the driver who makes Formula 1 LOOK (not be) better? (according to the "impartial" President...)
being a poll that ONLY F1 fans have done (it was long thing to do), this shows how he's popular among bad music fans, rap fans, illuminati fans, bad religion fans, bad fashion fans, everything apart from F1.

advice for any competition / Fantasy F1 / betting money, etc. :
we now have Shamilton and always bet on Shamilton (always the same predictiiiion for every GP),
continue to bet on Shamilton, no matter if Rosberg wins some GP (they let him win sometimes to make F1 seem "real"), it's obvious they will make Shamilton win, as he gets more than the double of money Rosberg gets (and in this illuminati shitty fake "sport" it's the sponsors talking, it's IMPOSSIBLE that Rosberg wins at the end), and all those things against Rosberg are done on purpose to make him look bad on the media
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