Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hamilton champion thanks to technical problems

AUSTIN (Texas) - USA Grand Prix. Lewis Shamilton world champion thanks to Rosberg's technical problems (already heard this...)
Photo : when Rosberg had the problem, the bastards were happy (already seen these images..). Oh this GP is exciting, let's make Hamilton win so everybody will think this F1 is real...

"I don't know, if I am in his same car, I can tell if Hamilton is good or not" 
well said Verstappen Jr.
How can the "fastest man in history" with a Mercedes, struggle to stay ahead of Kvyat on an average Red Bull.

hearing arrogant diva Shamilton (the "humble one") talking about how he's better and the best, is hilarious, having seen that Rosberg is 3rd with a Mercedes, proof that Shamilton is winning against nobody.
Mister "9 years for a pole in Monaco, driving only fast cars". The new Senna.

What Fernando said, makes no sense on purpose. In public he can only say Shamilton is great, otherwise he would sound like a jealous loser. Shamilton winning 3 titles so he's like Senna, means that Vettel winning 4 is bigger than Senna aha hilarious. Alonso probably wanted to mock Shamilton... They have to keep good relationships with the other drivers, they rarely say what they think.

Shamilton was even throwing his hat towards Rosberg, who threw it back... typical arrogant Shamilton, no need of doing these things.

please, all these black people supporting Shamilton because he's black (is he?), they underline even more the difference of race, they don't have to support necessarily him, while for me one is an idiot if he's white or black, even more if he's white 'cause I know more people who are white, even more if he's Italian 'cause I know more people who are Italian, and I added some black people on these social networks, and they seriously think the blacks are a superior race, while I don't think the whites are, and the blacks post things only about black people, so who are the racist ones.

Moto GP (Spanish sport) : Rossi puts Spanish Marquez out of his line, going out -> scandal.
Formula 1 (English sport) : English Hamilton puts Rosberg out of his line, going offtrack -> normality.

that Marquez reflects the new generation of assholes... what is that shit? protecting Lorenzo because of the same nationality? this shit doesn't exist, not even in shite F1.

rule of letting a space for the other driver : IGNORED
Formula 1 : made in England.
Ecclestone : made in England.
Mercedes dominating : made in England.
Red Bull dominating for years : made in England. etc.
The Shamilton fanboys always say he's perfect, never makes mistakes, etc. this time they said he put Rosberg offtrack because Hamilton made a MISTAKE and could only stay in that part of the track... hilarious.
They even say it was thanks to Shamilton that Mercedes started to win... ignorance can be amazing. Costa did nothing. Money did nothing. Engines before the others did nothing.

Oh, still nobody wants the idol of ignorant teenagers, Magnussen. In fact, he's shite.

highlights video soon

Conferma che quelli della Rai sono parziali :
Mazzoni ripete e ripete che "Hamilton si conferma MAGO della pioggia!", "Hamilton si conferma bravissimo sul bagnato!"
quando mai ha dimostrato di esserlo, che ha fatto una marea di errori (compreso oggi). Infatti l'abbiamo sempre preso per il culo perchè il suo Senna sì che era un mago della pioggia.
Subito dopo che l'ha detto ancora, Rosberg lo batte 3 VOLTE, Ricciardo ha fatto lo stesso tempo con una Red Bull, poi miglior tempo 2 VOLTE, e Mazzoni non esalta nessuno, ha parole da innamorata solo per Shamilton.

Bortuzzo della Rai sfonda i limiti del ridicolo... esalta il Gran Premio degli Usa come uno dei più belli della storia ("da quando io sono in Formula 1 dal 1999"... ah beh allora...), perchè "potevano vincere tutti : Red Bull, Ferrari e McLaren"... (prende per il culo)

Mazzoni in Messico esalta il GP degli Usa, ma a noi poveretti che non seguiamo la F1 dal 1999 ma dai grandi anni 80, non ci dice perchè... Lo mette solo in relazione a "Hamilton, che si è laureato nel GP degli Usa" (la famosa laurea in GP degli Usa degli illuminati), come se fosse stato Hamilton a renderlo spettacolare... vediamo un po' : 1) non ha lasciato lo spazio della regola a Rosberg e non è stato neanche indagato 2) ha fatto fatica a tenere dietro Kvyat sulla mediocre Red Bull di quest'anno (che qualche volta persino la McLaren gli è stata davanti) 3) ha subìto il sorpasso di Ricciardo 4) col solito culo ha approfittato dei problemi di Rosberg.
Certo è stato lui a renderlo spettacolare perchè in realtà è uno SCARSONE.

"A te non piace vincere facile"(le domande impossibili di Giovannelli a Shamilton)
sì infatti sta scappando a gambe levate dalla Mercedes, data la mancanza di rivali credibili. Si è fatto anche prolungare il contratto per correre a gratis.

Ettore si autocelebra : "Charlie Whiting di solito non parla coi giornalisti" (quindi con te è normale che ci parli)

La Rai venerdì ha chiuso il collegamento alle 22:14, almeno 20 minuti prima del solito, che serietà. Sabato l'ha chiuso ORE prima rispetto a Sky. Approfondimenti, dannazione!
OPERATIVI, scansafatiche! assenteisti!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Magnussen fired, well done McLaren

WOKING - The fucking kid will not have his contract renewed at the end of 2015 for the 2016 season.
They even mocked him, telling him about their decision on the day of his birthday.
So happy... this for all the new fanboys of the new generation supporting not teams but drivers "because he's beautiful" (Magnussen is beautiful??), "because he's a rap fan" (is that music??), "because he's black" (are you really anti-racist??), "because he's got a fashion designer" (is that fashion??), etc.
because you're fucking idiots.
Well done McLaren!!!!!! (they were born some years before the fangirls, and surely know the kid better than them... if he had amazing abilities, they wouldn't have dropped him).
We'll support McLaren forever (and not because you're beautiful, and you're not rap fans, you're not black, you have no fashion designers, as Hugo Boss left)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Russia GP, English fans suffering

SOCHI - What an appropriate way to win the World Championship, thanks to a penalty for the rivals...
At Mercedes they had just said : it's better to win it without penalites for the is it worse now, right.

We didn't even watch this GP... first time it happens in DECADES...
I've heard techinical problems for Rosberg... how rare...
this F1 continues to be a complete joke.
SHAMILTON KING OF CLOWNS, with illuminati h-orns on the hat.

Now we understood what's the problem with Shamilton's rap fanboys.
It's the fact England never wins, so they would even sell their mother to see a trophy (don't forget they are drunk pub fans), and they become blinded, and they would even support a ZE GERMANZ car! ahahahaha
They even said it's thanks to Shamilton that Mercedes became a winner ahahaha sure, how ignorant... not thanks to Costa.
Now, can you imagine : one who made even Ferrari win (Schumacher) doesn't make Mercedes win, despite all his experience, but the RAP legend can. Oh yes he can.

Vettel dominating with Red Bull : oh it's because of the car.
Shamilton dominating : oh what a LEGEND he even made the car win.
You're a complete JOKE.
We're not fans of Vettel, but must admit he defeated even much stronger rivals, Alonso had a good car, Webber was not bad, McLaren 2010 2011 2012 was still very good etc who had Hamilton ? struggling to stay ahead of Massa, Alonso renouncing to fight, Red Bull was over , etc please

So, if Mercedes really wins thanks to Hamilton who changed it, making it an unbeatable car, why does he thank this and that, even Brawn, making it a winning car, and all those gestures of worship towards the car, today he even said he wouldn't have made it without you guys, without car and all... is it just because of a humble behaviour? we can say everything about him, apart from humble...

There's a huge contradictiiiiion in what the Shamilton fanboys say... They always talk about Rosberg as a medium driver, often they say he's shit... that's ok. So how can Shamilton be a living legend, the new Senna, with amazing driving skills, if he also struggled to stay ahead (even of Massa, also at the final Abu Dhabi 2014) and both the titles he won they were at the very end.

More bullshit from the Shamilton fanboys is that the other drivers refuse to compete with him because they are SCARED...
Someone should give them a tv show, the people in the world need to laugh.
Also, someone should give these poor scared drivers a better car, if possible one that can finish the races.
Shamilton : not from shame, but sham = fiction, fake, charlatan, artificially made, illuminati acting, etc.

We could even write an hilarious book about it... the latest bullshit from the Shamilton retarded fanboys:
he is a legend because Lauda says he's great.
(we should understand and pity them because they don't even know it's his own driver, so maybe he could talk shit about him eh...)

"highlights" video soon

La Rai prosegue nella sua succube cecità (finta)
"non si può pensare che la Mercedes sia così autolesionista da far fuori Rosberg"... no beh guardate ci pensano gli sponsor che pagano doppio...
scandaloso Capelli che ricorda tra i migliori sul bagnato Shamilton, che non è assolutamente vero visti tutti gli errori, e la sua memoria va fino a Monza 2008 e si dimentica clamorosamente di Jenson (Canada 2011 e tutto il resto). Una vera impresa dimenticarsi di un'impresa storica dall'ultima posizione, innumerevoli pitstop penalità incidenti... Ironia della sorte, proprio mentre parlavano di merda di Massa sotto la pioggia poi ha fatto il miglior tempo sotto la pioggia.
Mazzoni dice che con questi nuovi GP si rischiano queste condizioni meteorologiche... Sochi è famosa per il bel tempo e non sembra neanche Russia, è la Rimini russa. Allora la F1 non dovrebbe mai esserci a Silverstone o a Spa perchè piove quasi sempre!!
Mazzoni ha ripetuto un suo "grande classico" : i finlandesi sono bravi in queste condizioni, con un tono tipo che lo sa che l'ha detto ottomila volte, sembra proprio che faccia apposta.
Poi era convinto che la Mercedes fosse campione del mondo ancora prima che venisse penalizzato Raikkonen per il crash con Bottas... casomai ci fosse bisogno di confermare che non capisce un cazzo...
notare la differita Rai : niente interviste, niente approfondimenti, niente di niente, si conclude il GP con un ci vediamo al prossimo trasmesso in diretta dalla Rai, come fosse la cosa più importante.

"la Mercedes tradita da Rosberg"
(detto dalla Peroni, nel senso che ha bevuto la birra)

eh beh certo, è colpa di Rosberg se si è ritirato. Si vede che non aveva più voglia... (non avrebbe tutti i torti) ...e allora ha spaccato apposta l'acceleratore.
Queste sono tra le cose più tipiche degli illuminati dei media : incolpare gli altri, ribaltando la realtà.
Ma soprattutto, la Mercedes starà soffrendo tantissimo per questo ritiro.................un vero tradimento. Come se non esistesse, hanno persino vinto il Mondiale.
Soprattutto gli sponsor che pagano doppio per Shamilton...

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Formula 1 2016 calendar (updated)

21 races, still no New Jersey Grand Prix yet, maybe postponed to 2017. New European GP in June. Australian start of the season in April, Russian GP in April-May, Malaysian in September-October, British back in July, German is back, Hungarian back in July. Italian @ Monza could be the last one there.

car launch : new McLaren-Honda 2016 reveal (presentation)
winter tests (no Jerez, only 2 sessions @ Barcelona, 22-25 February, 1-4 March)

Australia Australia Melbourne (20 March)
Bahrain Bahrain Sakhir (3 April) 
China China Shanghai (17 April) 
Russia Russia Sochi (1 May)
Spain Spain Barcelona (15 May) 
Italy Italy Monza (4 September) 
Singapore Singapore Singapore (18 September)
Malaysia Malaysia Sepang (2 October) 
Japan Japan Suzuka (9 October)
United States United States Austin (23 October)
Mexico  Mexico Mexico City (6 November)
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