Monday, November 30, 2015

Button : Alonso better than Hamilton

ABU DHABI - Only an idiot can use a mobile phone while driving... especially in a city, especially in Monaco, where one must be careful... congratulations, role model for millions...

Jenson Button always against "arrogant Hamilton", and he knows him very well.
Asked to compare his experience of racing with Alonso this year to Hamilton in 2010-2012, Button replied: "It's a bigger challenge. A more consistent challenge. He's always there. Before this season, Alonso was regarded as the best driver in Formula 1. It's amazing how quickly people forget."

Shamilton's world champion is not regular. His Mercedes engine at the American Grand Prix in Austin wasn't regular, and following the rules, his title should be cancelled.
But as always, the rules are different for him.
Volkswagen, Germanwings, Germany 2006... do you still think ze Germanz are perfect.

Jenson also said Shamilton has no friends in F1... oh wondering why... he's a cunt.

"I still have to practise, he is 3 times world champion, me only 2"
(Hakkinen mocking Shamilton)

Monday, November 23, 2015

EICMA ragazze 2015

not only girls, about Formula 1 there was McLaren's Segafredo Zanetti coffee ^^, helmets, also Vettel's, and the idiot (Shamilton) MV Agusta motorbike

Monday, November 16, 2015

Button against drunk arrogant Hamilton (again)

INTERLAGOS - Jenson Button warned: “Hamilton is pretty quickly becoming arrogant.” (quickly since about 2012). Bild newspaper said Button was referring to the fact that Hamilton reportedly claimed he is “complete” as a driver, only failing to win races when he makes mistakes. “None of us is complete,” Button insisted. “If we had his car, we could beat him."
Verstappen said the same... Hamilton is the rookie... only a beginner could say something like this about overtaking... also because it's not true at Interlagos.

We thought Brazilians (not all of them of course) had more self-love, respect for themselves and their country, I don't know how to call it... pride.
If someone (who is not even from the same country), and is even an asshole, wanted to emulate, or even only remember a hero (who is even dead) of my country, I would send him to fuck off.
Hamilton is more an asshero, an ass licker...... heroes are dead..... there's no need of Hamilton to remember Senna.......

Hamilton was the only F1 driver to arrive at the Brazilian Grand Prix as late as Thursday, after missing media duties the day before with what Mercedes described as a “fever”.
But although a team media representative told reporters the 30-year-old would not be elaborating on Thursday, Hamilton admitted he was actually “run down” after a spate of hard partying. Hamilton was alcohol-tested tested by local police in the early hours of Tuesday morning, after hitting what he described on social media as one stationary car in Monaco, reportedly with his $2m Pagani Zonda supercar. “Mr Hamilton’s foot slipped on the brake and clutch pedals and his vehicle struck three parked cars,” a Monaco police spokesperson said.
Hamilton, described by observers as looking obviously tired, admitted in Brazil that a party held for his mother’s 60th birthday last weekend “killed me”. The Briton has also admitted to drinking much more heavily in 2015, telling reporters on Thursday that “I have definitely put on a bit of weight in the past couple of months”.

The 30 year old or the 18 year old? One driving and drinking is not a role model for millions of fans.........

Shamilton changed the design of his helmet, turning into Senna behind. Shameless. Will he be punished following the rule?
probably just like @ Austin, not leaving space at the first corner, special rules for him, poor victim.
Mazzoni della Rai ovviamente lo giustifica, "non ha infranto la regola", "perchè davanti è uguale" (loro sono abituati a nascondere le cose dietro).
Come se poi non avesse i soldi per pagare l'infrazione.
"Ha eguagliato Senna"... sì proprio in tutto e per tutto

"Cosa è successo nell'incidente? Hamilton : l'ho detto sui social media.
No ma questi personaggi sono limitati col cervello"
Pino Allievi idolo

"Interlagos è una pista difficilissima, insidiosissima, piena di trabocchetti, esige una guida molto raffinata..."
...non a caso il Genio del Volante, l'Uomo Perfetto che non fa mai errori, l'uomo più veloce della storia, il pilota più veloce sul giro singolo (ma com'è che persino quello scarsone di Rosberg ogni tanto gli frega la pole? è da SEI GP che non la fa) non ci ha mai vinto, così come ci ha messo 9 anni per una pole nella difficile Montecarlo, guidando solo macchine veloci
(il "nuovo Senna" del "tutto succede per un motivo".....)

"Tutti che scrivono libri su Senna (aka: fanno soldi sui morti), tutti amiconi di Senna"
(Pino Allievi, deve aver avuto in mente anche Terruzzi)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Monday, November 09, 2015

Marquez-Lorenzo gay marriage

VALENCIA - We don't follow much MotoGP, so we're no fans... of nobody. Of course Honda is involved, and they were angry about this situation of Marquez letting Yamaha win. With his Honda being faster, he was fighting only when attacked by Pedrosa. It would've been interesting to see if Valentino Rossi reached 3rd, Marquez sure would've behaved as in the previous race. He still has to grow up, he reminds us of Lewis Shamilton the spoiled kid throwing his toys out of the pram.
You're not invited to Eicma 2015.
Rossi was 1st the whole year and deserved the title. It's quite ridiculous to help another one because of the same nationality, this thing is not even in Formula 1, that is a ridiculous "sport" in the recent years. On the contrary, they should be jealous of each other, to be the best Spaniard.
You know, the Spanish tortilla is made with more than one thing... so the world championship was won thanks to more than one...
But it's our fault, we didn't understand, because in Spain they have homosexual marriages, so it's normal for them, also to protect each other.
reminder : marriage -> matrimonio -> from mater, mother
(who is the mother here, giving birth, life... the fundamental figure of the woman)

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Hamilton little piece of shit

About what he said on Schumacher... he confirmed once again and again the truth : HAMILTON MIERDA.
Also because, Schumacher clearly had abilities, recognised by everybody, and Hamilton's wins are NOT only thanks to his own abilities as he says... it's clearly the CAR's.
And, Schumacher can't answer... SHAME ON SHAMILTON.
He's jealous because he knows he can never be as big as him.
Typical illuminati strategy...he knows he wins not only thanks to himself, so he says the opposite, to make everybody talk about him.... the media darling. Obviously only a few media are talking about this, and not the Shamilton fans Sky, hiding the truth.
These little assholes of the new generation have no respect and are just cheeky idiots.

"everything happens for a reason"... he had said, referring to the accident of Schumacher.
How can a human be such a huge prick... only the illuminati who think to be God, but they're just little sons of huge bitches.

Hamilton to finish career at Mercedes.

GREAT DECISION, so he'll never be a legend.
Unless he CRASHES. But we would put ourselves on his same LOW level.
So everybody will finally, finally say POOR about him for a reason...

(questa gliel'abbiamo gufata di brutto)

Monday, November 02, 2015

Button diminishes Hamilton

"If you put myself or Vettel in the same car as him, I think Lewis would not have quite as much confidence as he has today. He’s in a very comfortable situation"

well said! Verstappen also said something similar.
more Jenson: "There are many very capable drivers in Formula 1,” he insisted, “but I think at the moment Hamilton has such a fast and balanced car and without too much competition from inside the team either.”
You know, there are some people who would be allowed to be even arrogant, because they have some great capacity, and usually those people are not arrogant, because they know they are strong, they are the best in something.
Shamilton saying the others can win only if he makes mistakes, saying he's the worst thing for Rosberg, etc shows Shamilton is a very arrogant diva, because the truth is that he's a loser.
Comparing himself to Muhammad Ali, Usain Bolt and Tiger Woods, confirms they're making it a racist thing.
He makes mistakes at almost every GP, the others can't win a title until the sponsors pay for him more than anyone else........... in a Mercedes.

Mexico GP, Hamilton changes topic

MEXICO CITY - Another illuminati strategy : changing the topic.
2 times today, when asked about his race, Shamilton just said one sentence and immediately started to talk about the crowd, the fans... arse licker.
As usual, NO BALLS.

always the same Shamilton mode : on.
"Best fans... best week... couldn't be any better..."
instructions : repeat for every Grand Prix (like an illuminati robot, blinding the people)

Shamilton doesn't know what the Peraltada was...
what a huge, deep knowledge of Formula 1.
Also, he criticised McLaren because he couldn't do what he wanted... shut the fuck up, without McLaren you wouldn't even be in F1.

"I love my fans"... sure you can't find any other fans who are more blinded.

more to add soon, also highlights video

"Hamilton was better than Button at McLaren"
(the typical Shamilton fanboys)
FALSE. 2010, 2011, 2012, same car. Jenson 672 points, Shamilton 657.

Neanche a fare apposta... Mazzoni sbaglia sistematicamente i piloti... ha il 50% , difficile sbagliare... conoscere i caschi visti addirittura dall'abitacolo, sarebbe "troppo", ma c'era tanto di 33 grosso scritto davanti però non è Verstappen ma Sainz.
Poverino, ha anche di meno di percentuale perchè deve azzeccare anche le macchine tipo Mercedes / Force India........
è come se un telecronista di calcio non sapesse leggere i nomi sulle maglie, questi hanno solo 20 piloti.
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