Saturday, December 03, 2016

conspiracy behind Rosberg retiring from F1

shocking news... the Lewminati behind the decision... very strange... the Shamilton fanboys would say : definitely a conspiracy... now Mercedes will get Wehrlein as new driver and even him can beat Hamilton.
Maldonado too, he is ready.
Quick historic reminder.
At the end of 1993, Prost retired, after a (fake) peace with Senna on the podium, just like Rosberg and "new Senna" Hamilton (9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving only fast cars).
Senna was nervous (new talent Schumacher) and in 1994 died.
As Hamilton said about Schumacher's accident : everything happens for a reason.
History repeating.
Come on Verstappen!

Are you maybe asking yourself :
Rosberg retired, but the sponsors? all the contracts? in this sport of money. All closed, suddenly? as if it was nothing?
Here is the truth... the sponsors have something to do with his retirement... we had told you they would have never accepted to have champion the one who gets half wages...

Formula 1 will miss real people like him and Jenson, not acting like diva Hamilton.

fair play from Shamilton asshole :
"I'm not suprised, he won a title after 18 years".
and you new Senna always had fast cars, and it took you 9 years for a pole position in Monaco. Senna did it after 1 YEAR driving a Toleman Segafredo Zanetti :)
"Fastest man in a single lap", according to media, "born poor"... inside McLaren. Drinking champagne in a luxury hotel in London at 9 years old.
It's not even true 18, Rosberg won the Formula BMW in 2002 and GP2 Series in 2005. He was 4 years @ Williams when it was a rubbish car, then Mercedes was too, before Aldo Costa made a super car. The Shamilton fanboys think Mercedes became a great car because of Shamilton. An engineer.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

2017 calendar Formula 1

20 races, no German GP. Still no New Jersey Grand Prix yet, maybe postponed to 2018.
Canadian and Brazilian GPs to be confirmed.
No more fucking "Europe GP" name.

car launch : new McLaren-Honda 2017 reveal (presentation)
winter tests (Barcelona)

Australia Australia Melbourne (26 March)
China China Shanghai (9 April)
Bahrain Bahrain Sakhir (16 April) 
Russia Russia Sochi (30 April) 
Spain Spain Barcelona (14 May) 
Italy Italy Monza (3 September)
Singapore Singapore Singapore (17 September)
Malaysia Malaysia Sepang (1 October) 
Japan Japan Suzuka (8 October)
United States United States Austin (22 October)
Mexico  Mexico Mexico City (29 October)

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Rosberg world champion!

ABU DHABI - You've seen what a SON OF A BITCH Lewis Shamilton is.
sport should be about winning. And not making the other lose.
But Formula1 is not a sport...
Hamilton confirmed he's not a winner when he said that thing about not winning the race because he didn't win the title.
Ok. I agree with the Hamilton fanboys. Someone made Rosberg win the championship.
What what?? what are you saying??
Yes, because in all these years of Mercedes dominance, Hamilton is winning and will win again several titles, and they wanted to make him look like a great driver, with a great rival winning too (while Rosberg is average).

not money bitch H-iguai-n, decicated to money bitch H-amilto-n 

more highlights soon 

Le cagate di Ivan Capelli (cioè quando parla "normalmente"). Rallentare come Hamilton facendo avvicinare le altre macchine, dicesi FARE DA TAPPO (perchè a Rosberg non conveniva avvicinarsi troppo, infatti aveva smesso di avvicinarsi), sarebbe una STRATEGIA DI LIVELLO. Antropologicamente superiore.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Abu Dhabi, Hamilton 10 years old

Mercedes make him win races with a great car and this is the way he thanks them. Promising a book talking shit.
So we'll use it as toilet paper.
Typical attittude of a twat, "saying but not saying".
As usual : a half man with no balls.
Toto Wolff : I will also write a book about it in 10 years.
The truth is : childish Shamilton was talking about his age : 10 years old.
Why hiding it if it's so important. Why don't you tell us all now?
because you would be sacked.
then you couldn't win other races...
It's clear... luckily these things happened, so he showed what he is.
If Shamilton said something like that and he was in Italian football, now an investigation would be requested. As it should be. But in F1 it's Ecclestone's maF.I.A. ruling.
Italy fights mafia .. f1 IS mafia.
On the pages about Formula1, it's become normal to attack Shamilton
and speaking the truth about him.
On the pages about general news, attacking Shamilton is a scandal, oh what are you doing, he's a poor black.
Says a lot about the people who know almost nothing about F1, they are on his side.
He says things on purpose to play the poor victim and make talk. The usual illuminati strategy with the media.
He's not a sportsman. He's an illuminati media clown.

more highlights soon

"Ma cosa vuole Hamilton? La Mercedes gli fa vincere tanti Gran Premi. Lui fa sempre pensare che ci sia un complotto. E' stato lui a buttare via delle gare"
(il grande Pino Allievi)

La banda Mazzoni della Rai dice che non fanno in tempo a rispondere a tutte le domande.
Leggasi : non rispondono a quelle a cui non sanno rispondere.
Si vantano perchè ci sono tante domande.
Se ci sono tante domande, significa che la cronaca non è chiara.
Infatti spesso chiedono cose che avrebbero dovuto spiegare in cronaca.
Se la ridono e si fanno beffe dell'ignoranza dei telespettatori (scelgono quelli che possono deridere), ma le boiate che sparano solitamente sono da manuale dell'ignoranza.

Ipse dixit. "Non abbiamo mai visto questi errori di Hamilton"
talmente mai che li fa in ogni sessione tutto l'anno.
(Mazzoni obbedisce al ribaltamento illuminato della realtà).
Infatti prima li fotografavamo per prenderlo per il culo, ma ormai è diventata consuetudine.
Poi perchè Mazzoni pronuncia Zak Brown come Brawn? /broon/
non conosce Charlie Brown? Si vede che ha visto la O quindi la pronuncia O.
qui bisogna tornare alle basi, gli mancano. Vuol fare il figo con le pronunce ma si perde in un bicchier d'acqua.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Brazil GP, Hamilton arse licker

INTERLAGOS - The start behind the safety car again. Yeah let's help Shamilton, he's not able. New Senna under the rain. FP3, rain... average Rosberg 1st.
Hamilton started bad 6 times this year. Karma will punish him soon or later for all this help. Before the start he was already among the authorities. So he can lick well and have no penalty as per usual, again and again. Recommended prick. It's time to stop with this shit, it's no sport.
"I want to thank all the fans"
" thank you".
Silence. New Senna. Arse licker with the helmet too.
The Shamilton fanboys like to make F1 with IF.
OK. Can you imagine if Verstappen had a Mercedes?
Hamilton wouldn't even see him.
Now they even want the double points in the last Abu Dhabi race they hated. Pathetic. Shite fans. Hypocrites.
They are amazing. Unbelievable. Not credible Hamilton had the race continuously stopped with the safety car, so many laps so he could stay safe, he got more than the 75% with a 4 hour race, Red Bull made a mistake or he could have Verstappen in the ass, always gets a safety car at the start when it rains, never gets a penalty etc etc, and ROSBERG is lucky. Fantastic. The fantasy.
(said by cheeky shitface Shamilton, so the fans follow everything he says)
Their blindness is an illness.
Shamilton was the only one with no water spray problem in front, and the illuminati media (you know, the ones who said Trump was surely losing before voting) are reporting that he drove like the greatest wet driver of all time. Ayrton Senna. In the rain.
They want to influence the people's opinion. They're blinding them.
These people are fankids who probably don't even have a driving license.

idiotic Lewis Hamilton's WISE fans, wishing a crash for Rosberg. 
If all the drivers had the same car, this would be the current grid, more or less : 1) Alonso 2) Verstappen 3) Ricciardo 4) Vettel 5) Button (scoring more points than Hamilton when they had the same car) 6) Hulkenberg 7) Perez 8) Wehrlein 9) Bottas 10) Sainz 11) Grosjean 12) Massa (driving an inferior car he always made Hamilton struggle) 13) Hamilton 14) Rosberg. 
- Raikkonen : at the BAR ghghghghgh 

if you needed more proof the Shamilton fans are on drugs.
Full of idiotic illuminati fake religious shit.

more highlights soon

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Trump USA new president!

NEW YORK CITY - Looking at all the media in Formula 1 slaves of the illuminati, unhappy because of Trump is something money can't buy... For everything else, there is Trump's Mastercard.
CHANGE in F1 needed.

This is history! yessssssssssssssss Donald Trump new president of the United States. We were right, contrary to everybody else. Same day of the fall of the Berlin wall.
... war would've been more probable with demoCRAP "Hillarious" Clinton, giving weapons to Ukraine against Russia.
Trump was right also about the media polls, they were fake to influence the election.
He even won in "hispanic" Florida.

Rocky Balboa the Italian stallone. Adriaaaaannnnnaaaaa

one for the real violent one, Robert De Niro prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Mexico GP, Hamilton pathetic loser

MEXICO CITY - Spot the guy hiding in the grass. Where's Wally? His fanboy Ecclestone wants walls there. Shamilton COMPLETELY cutting the chicane (already happened for example in Monaco, no penalty) now at the start and getting advantage... if it was Rosberg doing it, he would've been crucified. Hamilton said before the race : I shouldn't lock up the tyres.
Done it.
Under investigation immediately : the contact between Rosberg and Verstappen, and not Shamilton.
He should be punished, but it never happens. A very serious "sport".

Hamilton CABRON. Finally the people are realising what he is. A Fia arse licker.
Even McLAREN could be 1st at the first corner if they cut the chicane.
"No sé porque le hacen publicidad a este imbécil" gets the whole point.

Hamilton said the difference has been that he had a lot of failures and LUCK has changed in 2016.
Starting bad 6 times is no luck.
Not a sporting behaviour, not English at all.
The Shamilton fanboys are sore, sore losers.
Just like him.
It's a typical effect of the illuminati blinding the people losing a personality of their own... they want to be "like him"... assholes like him.

The excuses (Hamilton-like excuses) given by the media (Hamilton fans most of all, especially in England of course) for no penalty given to him are ridiculous :
the stewards are usually more lenient on the first lap.
Yeah first lap doesn't count. Only the most important things in Formula 1 history happened.
New rule : in Monza starting from pole you can "jump" the first chicane.
Next race, Brazil : jump the first chicane "because it's just the first lap", and you gain many seconds.
Rosberg was forced by Verstappen, Hamilton's mistake was all of himself.
As always : new, different rules for Hamilton. This F1 is fixed before happening.
They want to keep F1 interesting... for the sponsors. That's all they really care about.

The best part is that with the podium issue Vettel-Verstappen-Ricciardo, nobody gave attention to Hamilton winning.

Ricciardo admitted he was mystified as to why Hamilton was not penalised.
"To be honest also I didn't understand the start, how you can be leading the race, defend, lock your wheels and go off track, and still stay in the lead.
I think Lewis deserved a penalty. I think anyone in that position deserves a penalty.
I don't know, for me if you lock up the brakes and cut the corner, it's a mistake, you have to pay the price."

Nico Hulkenberg thinks it was "very strange" for the stewards to ignore Lewis Hamilton going across Turn 1 at the start of the Mexican Grand Prix as it has set a confusing precedent going forward...
"If that's not gaining an advantage then I don't know what is gaining an advantage."
"I was surprised afterwards that IT WASN'T EVEN LOOKED AT."

more highlights soon

problema tecnico in Rai (speriamo sia un ritiro), si sentivano solo motori e frenate. Stupendo.
Mazzoni & c. non si sono accorti di niente, noncuranti del pubblico come una dittatura.
Poi che serietà è chiudere subito sia le qualifiche che la gara APPENA TAGLIANO IL TRAGUARDO, senza interviste nè approfondimenti nè niente, perchè c'è l'ennesimo Telegiornale di parte di regime, di TeleRenzi.
Nel frattempo i soliti canali di RaiSport trasmettono tutti (e doppi, anche in HD) lo stesso programma, una partita di pallavolo a fine qualifiche. Una partita di basket a fine gara.
E noi paghiamo doppio canone tv.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

U.S.A. GP, Hamilton for Clinton

AUSTIN - No doubt the American Hollywood "illuminati" (=mafiosi) would've made Shamilton win the United States Grand Prix in this fiction called Formula 1. In fact we put it in our prediction.
It brings votes to desperate democraP Hillarious Hillary Clinton.

Shamilton is now trying to be the new James Hunt. Hunt was the perfect example that is not necessary to win many (fake) championships, to be a legend...
If it was another driver wearing glasses (people driving then they wear glasses?), it would've been a "scandal" on the media mocking him and blaming him for the mistakes (remember Shamilton makes mistakes in almost every session) "because he can't see well". A driver wearing glasses is like a referee wearing glasses. But it's Shamilton, so it's an aesthetic thing and he's "cool". Looks like an idiot who fakes to be intelligent.
Notice how he's SO HAPPY when he's quickest, and SO DEPRESSED when he's not. It's not normal. It looks like it was planned that he had to win. A strong one accepts when he's not first. He's a so weak cry baby.
Now he was looking for other excuses because he has a "foot injury". Probably he has no money for the cure. Learn from Zanardi.

Trump for President. Fuck the fucking woman.
They suddenly realised they've been molested a few days from the election. They used to like it, now they don't, just for some money...
bitches. Let's see what Hillarious said in private 10 years ago. To get arrested. Let's make America great again, you fucking anti-american communists.

Le FP2 sono state trasmesse dalla Rai di merda dall'1:20 alle 3:00 di notte.
La gara dalle 23:30 alle 2.
Tranquilli, tanto ormai gli italiani non devono poi andare a lavorare.
Stella aveva detto a Rosberg che ad Austin lei non c'era.
Trump punisci la falsona!
# man power back

more highlights soon

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Japan GP, childish Hamilton

SUZUKA - Shamilton with the Snapchat issue just wanted to confirm once again that he's an immature teenager of 31 years old, just like his idiotic fangirls & wankers, following Formula 1 since 2014. Oh sorry, following rap music. He does everything on purpose to make the media talk about him also negatively so he looks like a victim, and we're all part of his game.
Another bad start... must be clearly a Mercedes sabotage.

Telecronaca Rai in confusione totale... ringraziano la regia italiana per cose che invece non hanno fatto vedere, poi Capelli che commenta sorpassi che non sono quelli che crede... però poi è "il momento in pista un po' confuso", ma de che? (colpa degli altri, come fa Shamilton e gli illuminati).
I telegiornali di TeleRenzi Rai non sanno che Raikkonen è stato retrocesso (Giovannelli lo sa, l'ha spiegato in maniera confusa).
Hanno continuato per giorni ad aprire i Tg come "breaking news" urgente con la notiziona di Trump "contro le donne" (e guarda caso le donne si sono improvvisamente accorte di essere state molestate solo a pochi giorni dalle elezioni, prima invece gli piaceva, ora non più, per un po' di soldi), e chissà cos'ha detto invece la Clinton in privato 10 anni fa... Mentre ormai la situazione italiana fa parte della routine a cui ci hanno abituato gli illuminati.
Quasi quasi ci spenderei 2 canoni. Ah no aspetta, lo sto già facendo...
Sembrano come un Novella2000 qualsiasi che specialmente in estate non sa di cosa parlare.
Come se poi Hillary Clinton fosse uno stinco di santo. Moralisti del cazzo.

Monday, October 03, 2016

Malaysia GP, Hamilton crybaby

SEPANG - Oh no! no! (sounding like a kid). Karma punished him and his stupid fanboys, always searching for silly excuses. Even talking about sabotage. Go back playing videogames.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Singapore GP, Hamilton's excuses

SINGAPORE - Almost until the end of the race, there was a strong possibility to have 4th Shamilton in a Mercedes, 5th Alonso in a shite McLaren (can you imagine if he was in a Mercedes). But it's better to have Shamilton on the podium, to see his "attapirata" face.
It's always someone else's fault. Shamilton is a half man with no balls, taking no responsibilities.

The childish, racist Shamilton fanboys usually say Mercedes makes Rosberg win because he's German. When he loses, they say Mercedes is not German and has headquarters in England (and still they play a German anthem on the podium...).

Mercedes does NOT even NEED a driver to be absoultely German (a proof is Roberg was often unsure to be confirmed @ Mercedes). German people who want to buy a Mercedes, they do it and it's enough. It's as Ferrari without an Italian driver, because they want to sell Ferrari cars abroad. An Italian rich man who wants to buy a Ferrari, he does it also without Ferrari having an Italian driver.

more highlights soon

Friday, September 02, 2016

Monza 2016, Massa retires, Hamilton wins

MONZA - Formula 1 LEGEND Felipe Massa, causing so many crashes, almost like Maldonado (even 3 TIMES in the same Monaco corner, where it took Hamilton 9 YEARS for a pole position, driving fast cars), will retire from this "sport" of sponsors, at the end of the 2016 season.
The overrated media darling Lewis Hamilton now can easily win championships.
It's not really a joke, remember in even 2 of of his 3 titles he battled vs Massa.
Brazil 2008, Massa winning, Shamilton finishing 5th overtaking "legend" Glock.
Abu Dhabi 2014, struggling vs Massa driving an inferior car,
and the only possible rivals Red Bull suddenly disqualified before the race... after YEARS they had to be disqualified for much worse things.

The fans of Shamilton are the worst species.
Close-minded, ignorant, they know nothing, and RACIST.
And they even say they're right.
Treat them like they do with others, as if they were a different race.

hilarious, when Shamilton equalises some fact and they tell him, 5 poles in Monza like Senna and Fangio, and he always goes : oh amazing, these legends were my idols... as to say : now I am a legend like them. No, you're not.

The most ridiculous part is the "German issue". When he loses, it's a conspiracy because Rosberg is German.
When he wins, Mercedes is not German but has headquarters in England (but they still play a German anthem on the podium)

more highlights from the Italian Grand Prix soon

Lo zerbinato Mazzoni continua a ripetere (strano) di Renzi (sembrava che facesse un inchino, tipo a Berlusconi) e del rinnovo del contratto di Monza per il 2017 fino al 2019 (ovviamente Renzi si prenderà i meriti, che invece senza la Regione Lombardia di Maroni non si faceva niente) e della "buona affluenza di pubblico".
Ma poi hanno inquadrato le tribune della Parabolica completamente vuote, e (evidentemente per sbaglio) anche la tribuna all'ombra alla Prima Variante, e persino quella è vuota. Anni fa era stracolma anche al venerdì. Risultato di riservare il giovedì solo per quelli con l'abbonamento, mentre prima potevano accedervi anche tanti che compravano il biglietto del venerdì.
Quella al sole da lontano sembra piena ma non lo è. La regia fa degli zoom (ci deve essere la manina della regia italiana Rai... regia che Mazzoni ricorda esserci solo quando gli fa comodo) e sembra che ci sia tanta gente, ma non è vero. Infatti quando la inquadrano dal camera car, è mezza vuota.
Come sempre si contraddice da solo, "Bisogna trovare espedienti per trovare pubblico" (ma l'affluenza non era buona?). Tipo vivere di espedienti per sopravvivere in Italia...
"Qualche tifoso della Ferrari ha fischiamo Hamilton". POVERA VITTIMA accoglietelo in Italia...
"il vertice di Maranello" con la Merkel di Renzi. "I soldi ci sono. Noi dobbiamo controllare i soldi".
Non avevamo dubbi. I soldi sono i nostri. Gli sfacciati illuminati hanno senso zero della vergogna.

La Rai TeleRenzi è talmente alla canna del gas che praticamente sta spacciando da settimane Rush come fosse una prima tv.
A proposito di canne. Ideona della "biciclettata" ambientalista comunista in centro a Milano, a bloccare il traffico. Risultato : macchine (reduci da una giornata di LAVORO) coi cofani in fumo, compresa la nostra, temperatura a puttane, puzza di bruciato, e i danni li pagano loro, che sono figli di papà mantenuti?
NOI non rubiamo i soldi, NOI. E poi loro, le zecche pidocchiose, erano pure SPOCCHIOSE, e volevano aver ragione (erano fumati, classica ottima scusa illuminata). Fumata anche la macchina. Noi fumati di rabbia.
Gli faremmo causa se non avessero tutti i giudici e avvocati dalla loro parte. Che schifo.

Momento "democratico", la domanda da casa (scelta accuratamente).
Mazzò, qual'è stato il momento più bello delle tue telecronache?
Quello che ha detto : "Ce ne sono stati tanti, ad esempio Senna a Donington [ma nel 1993 non c'era Poltronieri?] sotto la piaga...ehm la pioggia"
Quello che ha pensato : "Ci sono state tante vacanze che ho fatto in giro per il mondo, pagate da voi".

Renzi, tanto annunciato tutta mattina da Mazzoni, non c'è.
Impegnato a Cernobbio. A Cernobbio c'è il ristorante il Gatto Nero, frequentato da vips, gli hotel di lusso con piscina, e le ville. Sicuramente impegnatissimo. Vertici di Maranello.
Ettore dice però che "c'è Maroni per la Regione Lombardia", come fosse una delle tante. Siccome c'è Maroni e non Renzi, stanno ripetendo che "è stata una trattativa estenuante, durata un anno". Che fatica quando le cose vanno bene e ci sono i soldi... (così dice qualcuno).

Secondo i media illuminati di regime, venerdì a Monza c'erano 22mila spettatori
(di cui 20mila stipati nei sotteranei - se esistono. Esistono).
Nei prossimi giorni ci sarà sicuramente gente, perchè non mangiano pur di andare a Monza, ma oggi le tribune erano tutte mezze vuote.

Perla miliare di Ettore.
Marchionne passa dietro di lui mentre parla tutto eccitato, indietreggiando (quasi rischiando di travolgerlo), poi si accorge che è passato, ormai andato via, e fa : "CI DICONO che non possiamo intervistarlo"
(non aveva neanche le cuffie, quindi nessuno può averglielo detto)
Te lo sei perso tu, pirla!

Stella della Televisione Antirazzista è riapparsa in tutto il suo splendore, fa le domande in italiano a Shamilton credendo che capisca, e lui le fa : what was that? ridendo. La prende pure per il culo rivolgendosi ad altri vicini.
Guarda che non è mica un "profugo" che sa già l'italiano perchè sa che qui è il paese dei furbacchioni...

altro da aggiungere presto

musichetta per l'adieu

Friday, August 26, 2016

Belgian GP, Hamilton arse licker

SPA-FRANCORCHAMPS - As always an arse licker, when for every GP he says things like : best fans, best food, best circuit (only when he wins), Lewis Shamilton posts about the earthquake in Italy, with an Italian flag... (as if the earthquake was in ALL Italy) ...using the earthquake for his media reputation. He was a talent at the beginning of his career, as many drivers. Then he's been sly, caring about his social image, in this "hip hop" world nowadays even playing the victim, with a false reputation of being born poor (inside McLaren, drinking champagne at 9 years old in a luxury hotel in London) and became the most overrated driver thanks to the media. With these things, that's why he drives the best car, gets more money than anyone else (obviously the sponsors want him to win) and wins. Not because he's better than others. He's much, much worse.

QED quod erat demonstrandum.
The fucking kid Kevin Magnussen is a rubbish driver.
No puncture.
SECOND in Fomula 1 according to Sky Shamilton fanboys.
Of course Shamilton is the best. In fact, Alonso driving a McLaren was ahead of "The Legend" driving a German invincible car.
Shamilton driver of the day, and not Alonso.
Just another proof he's a media darling, and the people are blinded by them.

more highlights soon

Il Tg della Rai-TeleRenzi ha detto che il Presidente della Ferrari è più vicino al comunismo di Marx.
ah beh allora siamo a posto... Lui di certo è a posto coi soldi e non vivendo in Italia... più a posto di così...
il comunismo rosso di Marx ha portato pure fortuna alla Ferrari...
si beccano persino tra di loro.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Germany GP, Hamilton's premature ejaculators

HOCKENHEIM - Monaco 2016 too against Ricciardo, Shamilton leaving no space and cutting chiancenes. Always no penalty.
QED quod erat demonstradum. No penalty for Shamilton (unsafe release), as per usual. Before the qualifying his fanboys were already like : oh how unfair, they will give him a penalty (a penalty to Shamilton?? when?? which planet??), because they are in Germany, poor victim.

As always : Hamilton arse licker, now turning to Mick Schumacher during the German anthem on the podium (if Mercedes is an "English car with headquarters in England" according to his fanboys, why do they play the German anthem?), Hamilton who always hated Michael Schumacher (because he's jealous), even until his accident, when he said "everything happens for a reason"...

The Shamilton fanboys would say :
"conspiracy at the start, they changed something in the car"
(sic and sick)
fucking ridiculous. The only exciting part of the race was Rosberg vs Verstappen : forbidden. 5 seconds penalty (Mercedes stopped him for 8 seconds... if it was Shamilton, they would've been very careful... also putting the panlty at the end of the race).
Nice aggressive driving of Verstappen in every GP.
When it's Rosberg against him : penalty.
Would've LOVED to see if it was Shamilton having a penalty in this case. Obviously not.
He often forced the others and left no space in the past. No penalty.

When you tell his fanboys it took him 9 years for a pole position in difficult Monaco, driving fast cars, they say "IN MONACO IT'S NOT IMPORTANT TO BE FAST"............ ahahahahaha when they try to explain something, it's even worse. According to their "wise" reasoning, because it's not a fast circuit, racing in Montecarlo with a Mercedes or a Manor it's the same.
Or also "THE POLE IS NOT IMPORTANT"... so why they keep saying he is "the fastest man in history on a single lap"... loads of bullshit.

more highlighs from Hockenheim soon

il cacofonico Mazzoni (che non sa neanche in quale circuito si trova) fa un serie di frase cacofoniche (del tipo "l'anno scorso non si è corso") che rendono la visione fastidiosa e non chiara, che è fondamentale. Lui invece ride, divertito, sentendosi un poeta.
Poi altre perle, "siamo nell'ERBA...ehm nell'era..."
"Purtroppo Hamilton non ce la fa"... ma perchè purtroppo?? guida una Ferrari? è tuo brother? hai mai mangiato con lui?

Stella Bruno intanto, oltre a non sapere nulla, Nulla Bruno, nè di Formula 1 nè di italiano, ed essere talmente inutile che non è neanche figa, a malapena sa leggere quello che le dicono di chiedere, parla inglese a monosillabi e l'unica che sa dire intera è "criticated"... Come si fa a non sapere neanche uno straccio di inglese e lavorare in F1?
Guarda caso ha lo stesso cognome dell'ingegner Bruno. Intanto noi paghiamo stipendi record ai dipendenti Rai.
"Per sapere come sono andate le prove, sentiamo Stella Bruno"... per la serie "Stella Bruno sa cose".

La settimana scorsa i telecronisti Rai, visto che ora sia in Formula 1 che nel ciclismo (Tour de France - Giro d'Italia) "leggono i messaggi dei telespettatori", ne hanno letto uno che faceva una critica, ma una cosa banalissima, ed è finito che l'hanno preso per il culo (senza che il poveretto potesse rispondere), dicendo che "ha detto apposta così per essere letto in tv" (come se essere letti da quei cretini portasse a essere celebri). Così loro sono risultati FIGHISSIMI (avendo anche l'Ultima Parola). Piuttosto, sicuramente non leggono centinaia di messaggi che li insultano dicendo la verità.
Una finta democrazia.
La democrazia dei dementi della RAI-PD Partito Dementi. Come Renzi che ha detto che "ha vinto la democrazia in Turchia" e poi la Boldrini ha detto di ospitare i turchi che scappano da Erdogan, che ne sta combinando di tutti i colori. Ma non ha "vinto la democrazia"??
Poi fa la vittima per la stupidaggine della bambola gonfiabile di Salvini per spostare l'attenzione mediatica e coprire le magagne del Partito "Democratico". Colpa della Lega. Strategia vecchia come il cucco. Sembra che Salvini abbia ammazzato qualcuno. Intanto continuano a morire a centinaia, migliaia nel Mediterraneo, ma i neri fanno scandalo solo se litigano con un italiano.
Questi sono responsabili di quei morti perchè li attirano in Italia in ogni modo.
Tra l'altro la Boldrini attacca con luoghi comuni e poi fa credere che lei li combatte. La verità offende. L'invidia poi... Salvini ha 1 milione e 300mila like più di lei, eletta da nessuno del popolo.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Hungary GP, Hamilton overrated

BUDAPEST - Did you notice when there's something new (a curb, or a circuit like Azerbaijan, etc), Shamilton makes bad mistakes.
This is an evident sign he's NOT a good driver.
I remember the media before the European GP said that because it's a new circuit, we'll see who is a real driver, facing the new, the unexpected.
Because it was the media darling Shamilton hitting the wall, they didn't talk anymore about that.
Most overrated driver in history.
9 years for a pole in difficult Monaco, and driving only fast cars.

All the media talking about "lucky Rosberg"... in pole position.
Shamilton 10th in Q2 was not lucky eh...

QED quod erat demonstrandum.
Money rules. Double wages, championship lead.
We fell asleep 3 times during the race. What a great "sport".

When Shamilton wins, his fanboys : Mercedes headquarters in England.
When he loses : it's a German car, they make him lose.
How mature.
Justin Bieber rules.

illuminati strategy : GP in England, English Ecclestone, Shamilton fan, English Charlie Whiting. Sunny weather. Shamilton often started badly. Safety car start.
the fact that he said to stop the safety car, makes it all look like he's got nothing to do with it... and all the blinded people fall into the trap.
Capelli giustifica Shamilton in tutti i modi, eh poverino aveva detto di fermare la safety car... Eh è il più penalizzato da questa situazione (piove solo per lui). Ma gli altri allora come fanno per non avere macchine davanti?
sta gente è MALATA nella testa. Tra l'altro "penalizzato" riferito a uno che non viene mai squalificato quando dovrebbe...
il Gufo Mazzoni : "Hamilton non è stato perfetto come al solito"
(quando mai è perfetto che fa un errore quasi ad ogni sessione... forse la Mercedes perfetta?). Passano 5 secondi : Shamilton esce di pista.
Massa (uno che non sbatte mai eh) guarda caso va a sbattere.
Ivan : mah io non capisco... (l'avevamo capito). Mazzoni sta ripetendo l'incidente della molla di Barrichello sul casco di Massa in media una volta ogni 9 minuti.
(quando c'è di mezzo Barrichello, scatta ancora la Sindrome di Nonna Isaura o Neide)

more highlight soon from the Hungaroring

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Formula No Balls

SILVERSTONE - Hamilton's new fashionable friends...
even the start behind the Safety Car helping Shamilton, 'cause he's shite at the start too. They should remove this rule, it's not F1. The weather was even sunny.
Shamilton often starts bad, and has points to recover. Ecclestone and Charlie Whiting : English and Shamilton fan. British GP. Safety car. Simple.

Shamilton fans celebrating Verstappen, who previously always ridiculed Shamilton and always said things against him...
A teenager able to overtake in circuits where Shamilton said "it's impossible to overtake". New Senna.
English fans booing Rosberg again, several times. "Best fans", said Shamilton too, the arse licker.
Fans paying tax for him... ok if they're happy... a bit stupid too.

poll by the same old shitty BBC : 53% * voted Shamilton the best British driver of all time
(* note : 53% follow F1 since 53 minutes ago and are rap fans / Justin Bieber's, who don't even know who are the other British drivers of the past)
Even since 2010 he wouldn't be the best one, in fact Button scored more points than him driving the same car (McLaren).

Did you notice how easily Mercedes talked with instructions on the radio, as if they didn't know they would've got a penalty for that. When it's Hamilton, they're OH SO CAREFUL about not getting penalties... It's all planned... to make the championship interesting... At the end of the day, Shamilton gets DOUBLE MONEY... sponsors talk in this "sport"... money talks...
Rosberg had a penalty not because they talked on the radio but because of the 7th gear THEY told him. If you read the appeal issue.
To be precise, it was Tony Ross on the radio, Englishman. It all makes sense.

Mercedes decided not to appeal against the penalty of Rosberg.
If it was Shamilton : huge battle at the European Court of Human Rights.
Save the whales, same the shamiltons...

Just like the issue "Rosberg great driver - Rosberg rubbish driver", the Shamilton fans have to decide if Mercedes is German or English.
For them it's a huge shame to support the driver of a German team, so they say Mercedes is English because of the headquarters in England (ok, and we see the results...), but then they contradict themselves, because they say Mercedes helps Rosberg because he's German !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

more highlights soon

if some alien is watching humans now, he's having great laughs. 
Killing humans? no, they're too funny.

"L'intellighenzia" superiore della Rai di dire com'è andato il GP esattamente prima di trasmetterlo.
Com'è che quelli della Rai si esaltano per Shamilton persino in prova (che poi quel tempo gli è stato tolto e si erano accorti persino loro che era uscito di pista). Giro straordinario incredibile record... grazie al cazzo se tagli la pista... allora andiamo all'interno per la campagna inglese che tanto è lo stesso (da leggersi tipo Giovanni di Aldo e Giacomo : "allora le regole buttiamole nel cesso" ghghgh)
Ci risulta che sia inglese su macchina tedesca, che c'azzecano loro che sono tifosi Ferrari.
Sono stati sorprendentemente tempestivi stavolta (al contrario di tutte le altre volte che sembra che dormono e non si accorgono neanche di quello che succede sul momento) ora nell'aggiornare la registrazione della gara con la penalità per Rosberg che è scattata tempo dopo.
Tutto normale invece per Hamilton aiutato con la partenza dietro la safety car perchè non è capace.

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Hamilton's fans are gay

SILVERSTONE - Formula 1 is not a man's world. Yes, women are generally not as good as men driving, but F1 is full of women working, and yes they can say what they think and want. And there are many girls following as fans.
The typical attitude of the Shamilton's fanboys is :
shut up woman, go back to the kitchen.
Assholes. They just show what they are... Every driver has the fans he deserves... rap fans for Shamilton. Shut up said from them following F1 since 2014.
They're not interested in women because they're gay.  They're so blinded, they prefer Shamilton to women.

The fans of Hamilton are the "anti-racist"... good.
But they don't even accept who thinks different from them...
and they even deny the evidence.
Hilarious, they are a joke.

more highlights soon

Friday, July 08, 2016

English fans booing Rosberg

SILVERSTONE - The "most sporting" audience (sure), the English, booed Rosberg.
Same people who were angry for the fans booing Shamilton.
Then it's "only the Italians booing". Sure.
"They were booing because other fans were booing" (in Austria too). Sure. Illuminati teaching, it's always the others' fault. The SAME attitude of Shamilton.
Then all the people and media say they are the "best fans". Drunkest too. Oh but that's another excuse.
The English so desperate like Hamilton struggling with average Rosberg, that they even have to support a German car, Mercedes. Result of suffering for their football being SHITE.

more highlights soon

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Austria GP, fans boo Hamilton the liar

SPIELBERG - The podium. Shamilton arse licker with always the same "best circuit, best fans, best food, etc" for every GP (when he wins). Ridiculous, grow some sense of shame.
Rosberg and Hamilton face suspension threat from Mercedes. Would've loved to see if it was the opposite in the collison, what his fanboys would've said. Rosberg's fault in any case. Very mature. Their blinded fanboyism confuses them, they don't agree even among each other. Some of them think Rosberg is a great driver... just to let them think Shamilton is a legend. Some others think Rosberg is rubbish. And still, Shamilton struggles desperately.
Shamilton said Rosberg was ahead because of a mistake by Mercedes. Obviously.
Lauda : Hamilton lied about his relationship with Rosberg. Nothing new, Shamilton is a cheater.
Hamilton destroyed his room after his mistake in Baku qualifying. Nothing new, the kid throwing his toys (dildos, vibrators) out of the pram.

Just like when Lauda insults Ferrari every time, then he says he was misunderstood. Same old illuminati scheme. First they tell the truth to make the media talk about them. Then they remember they cause a mess in the team.

Max Verstappen unhappy with "wanting to be cool" Shamilton's attitude over safety.

Well done everybody, so now all the blinded audience will think : oh poor Hamilton... the victim.

Button driving a Mercedes would beat the shit out of Shamilton.

more highlights soon

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Baku GP, Hamilton conspiracy of the sun

BAKU - Azerbaijan Grand Prix of "Europe". Oh the irony of the SUN of the illuminati in the EYE only of Shamilton... (not the others eh). The cool one always wearing sunglasses. Not when crashing on walls. Clearly, a conspiracy plotted by the sun.

It took him 11 laps, Shamilton always struggling vs a Williams. Nothing new.
And he even can use DRS. In a circuit with long straights.
Most overrated driver of all time. Fact.
I'd rather get Wehrlein, 8th with a Manor fighting with Ferrari.

moaning diva Shamilton said the other drivers moan.
and he moaned about it too.
He's clearly got a guilty conscience, he knows it's his biggest flaw.

more highlights soon

il gufo Mazzoni :
"vediamo la risposta di Hamilton" ... immediatamente inquadrato Hamilton fermo.
"e allora ci saranno le Ferrari in prima fila" ... immediatamente Rosberg in pole position.
Ivan Capelli con pronta la scusa del sole in faccia che lo ha fatto sbagliare
(non c'è il sole per gli altri?)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

no Canada - Brazil 2017 ?

LONDON - Bernie Ecclestone said the Grand Prix of Brasil and Canada are in doubt for the 2017 Formula 1 calendar, and they could be erased from the new season.
Probably because Ecclestone's favourite Shamilton ("the new Senna") said it's impossible to overtake in Interlagos (but Verstappen could do it). And because he found it difficult to overtake in Montreal and had to push Rosberg out (as always : no penalty for Hamilton).
Lewser Hamilton said the same about Monaco, so MonteCarlo could be erased too (it took him 9 years for a pole position).
But he's wrong, 'cause in Sao Paulo he could overtake "legend" Glock and finishing 5th he won the title.
The most over-rated driver, media darling of all time in F1 history.

more news soon

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Canada GP, Hamilton no penalty

MONTREAL - Basically we can put the same title for every Grand Prix.
Same old shit, never a penalty for Shamilton of course. Can you imagine his fanboys if it was Rosberg doing that at the start... pushing his team mate offtrack.
For the media : nothing happened.
...even SHITTY Ferrari is better than Shamilton!
But it's all already written on the illuminati masterplan : making him win the championship 'cause he gets double money. The sponsors count.
It's like the referee maFIA in football, results are VERY changeable... where the money goes...
What a coincidence : the safety car ends when Vettel pits... Great sense of timing from the FIA... (Ecclestone is a Hamilton fan"boy"). What a joke of a "sport". It's normal the people have lost interest in Formula 1.
arse licker Shamilton : hey Canada! ... etc
reaction : booooooo

Basically, Shamilton only wins with gifts from Red Bull and Ferrari, and his dumb fans are like : "greatest win in history" (because they know it was shite).

more highlights soon

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Monza 2017, 400 km/h

This video is 2004 (average speed record) but Montoya in 2005 with McLaren reached 372.2 km/h (Formula 1 record on a circuit).
In 2017, moving the Rettifilo chicane (and with the new rules, the cars 5 seconds faster, they say, also thanks to Pirelli new tyres -> downforce), they could reach 400 km/h.
It's worth to have Monza 2017 because of that

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