Saturday, July 30, 2016

Germany GP, Hamilton's premature ejaculators

HOCKENHEIM - Monaco 2016 too against Ricciardo, Shamilton leaving no space and cutting chiancenes. Always no penalty.
QED quod erat demonstradum. No penalty for Shamilton (unsafe release), as per usual. Before the qualifying his fanboys were already like : oh how unfair, they will give him a penalty (a penalty to Shamilton?? when?? which planet??), because they are in Germany, poor victim.

As always : Hamilton arse licker, now turning to Mick Schumacher during the German anthem on the podium (if Mercedes is an "English car with headquarters in England" according to his fanboys, why do they play the German anthem?), Hamilton who always hated Michael Schumacher (because he's jealous), even until his accident, when he said "everything happens for a reason"...

The Shamilton fanboys would say :
"conspiracy at the start, they changed something in the car"
(sic and sick)
fucking ridiculous. The only exciting part of the race was Rosberg vs Verstappen : forbidden. 5 seconds penalty (Mercedes stopped him for 8 seconds... if it was Shamilton, they would've been very careful... also putting the panlty at the end of the race).
Nice aggressive driving of Verstappen in every GP.
When it's Rosberg against him : penalty.
Would've LOVED to see if it was Shamilton having a penalty in this case. Obviously not.
He often forced the others and left no space in the past. No penalty.

When you tell his fanboys it took him 9 years for a pole position in difficult Monaco, driving fast cars, they say "IN MONACO IT'S NOT IMPORTANT TO BE FAST"............ ahahahahaha when they try to explain something, it's even worse. According to their "wise" reasoning, because it's not a fast circuit, racing in Montecarlo with a Mercedes or a Manor it's the same.
Or also "THE POLE IS NOT IMPORTANT"... so why they keep saying he is "the fastest man in history on a single lap"... loads of bullshit.

more highlighs from Hockenheim soon

il cacofonico Mazzoni (che non sa neanche in quale circuito si trova) fa un serie di frase cacofoniche (del tipo "l'anno scorso non si è corso") che rendono la visione fastidiosa e non chiara, che è fondamentale. Lui invece ride, divertito, sentendosi un poeta.
Poi altre perle, "siamo nell'ERBA...ehm nell'era..."
"Purtroppo Hamilton non ce la fa"... ma perchè purtroppo?? guida una Ferrari? è tuo brother? hai mai mangiato con lui?

Stella Bruno intanto, oltre a non sapere nulla, Nulla Bruno, nè di Formula 1 nè di italiano, ed essere talmente inutile che non è neanche figa, a malapena sa leggere quello che le dicono di chiedere, parla inglese a monosillabi e l'unica che sa dire intera è "criticated"... Come si fa a non sapere neanche uno straccio di inglese e lavorare in F1?
Guarda caso ha lo stesso cognome dell'ingegner Bruno. Intanto noi paghiamo stipendi record ai dipendenti Rai.
"Per sapere come sono andate le prove, sentiamo Stella Bruno"... per la serie "Stella Bruno sa cose".

La settimana scorsa i telecronisti Rai, visto che ora sia in Formula 1 che nel ciclismo (Tour de France - Giro d'Italia) "leggono i messaggi dei telespettatori", ne hanno letto uno che faceva una critica, ma una cosa banalissima, ed è finito che l'hanno preso per il culo (senza che il poveretto potesse rispondere), dicendo che "ha detto apposta così per essere letto in tv" (come se essere letti da quei cretini portasse a essere celebri). Così loro sono risultati FIGHISSIMI (avendo anche l'Ultima Parola). Piuttosto, sicuramente non leggono centinaia di messaggi che li insultano dicendo la verità.
Una finta democrazia.
La democrazia dei dementi della RAI-PD Partito Dementi. Come Renzi che ha detto che "ha vinto la democrazia in Turchia" e poi la Boldrini ha detto di ospitare i turchi che scappano da Erdogan, che ne sta combinando di tutti i colori. Ma non ha "vinto la democrazia"??
Poi fa la vittima per la stupidaggine della bambola gonfiabile di Salvini per spostare l'attenzione mediatica e coprire le magagne del Partito "Democratico". Colpa della Lega. Strategia vecchia come il cucco. Sembra che Salvini abbia ammazzato qualcuno. Intanto continuano a morire a centinaia, migliaia nel Mediterraneo, ma i neri fanno scandalo solo se litigano con un italiano.
Questi sono responsabili di quei morti perchè li attirano in Italia in ogni modo.
Tra l'altro la Boldrini attacca con luoghi comuni e poi fa credere che lei li combatte. La verità offende. L'invidia poi... Salvini ha 1 milione e 300mila like più di lei, eletta da nessuno del popolo.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Hungary GP, Hamilton overrated

BUDAPEST - Did you notice when there's something new (a curb, or a circuit like Azerbaijan, etc), Shamilton makes bad mistakes.
This is an evident sign he's NOT a good driver.
I remember the media before the European GP said that because it's a new circuit, we'll see who is a real driver, facing the new, the unexpected.
Because it was the media darling Shamilton hitting the wall, they didn't talk anymore about that.
Most overrated driver in history.
9 years for a pole in difficult Monaco, and driving only fast cars.

All the media talking about "lucky Rosberg"... in pole position.
Shamilton 10th in Q2 was not lucky eh...

QED quod erat demonstrandum.
Money rules. Double wages, championship lead.
We fell asleep 3 times during the race. What a great "sport".

When Shamilton wins, his fanboys : Mercedes headquarters in England.
When he loses : it's a German car, they make him lose.
How mature.
Justin Bieber rules.

illuminati strategy : GP in England, English Ecclestone, Shamilton fan, English Charlie Whiting. Sunny weather. Shamilton often started badly. Safety car start.
the fact that he said to stop the safety car, makes it all look like he's got nothing to do with it... and all the blinded people fall into the trap.
Capelli giustifica Shamilton in tutti i modi, eh poverino aveva detto di fermare la safety car... Eh è il più penalizzato da questa situazione (piove solo per lui). Ma gli altri allora come fanno per non avere macchine davanti?
sta gente è MALATA nella testa. Tra l'altro "penalizzato" riferito a uno che non viene mai squalificato quando dovrebbe...
il Gufo Mazzoni : "Hamilton non è stato perfetto come al solito"
(quando mai è perfetto che fa un errore quasi ad ogni sessione... forse la Mercedes perfetta?). Passano 5 secondi : Shamilton esce di pista.
Massa (uno che non sbatte mai eh) guarda caso va a sbattere.
Ivan : mah io non capisco... (l'avevamo capito). Mazzoni sta ripetendo l'incidente della molla di Barrichello sul casco di Massa in media una volta ogni 9 minuti.
(quando c'è di mezzo Barrichello, scatta ancora la Sindrome di Nonna Isaura o Neide)

more highlight soon from the Hungaroring

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Formula No Balls

SILVERSTONE - Hamilton's new fashionable friends...
even the start behind the Safety Car helping Shamilton, 'cause he's shite at the start too. They should remove this rule, it's not F1. The weather was even sunny.
Shamilton often starts bad, and has points to recover. Ecclestone and Charlie Whiting : English and Shamilton fan. British GP. Safety car. Simple.

Shamilton fans celebrating Verstappen, who previously always ridiculed Shamilton and always said things against him...
A teenager able to overtake in circuits where Shamilton said "it's impossible to overtake". New Senna.
English fans booing Rosberg again, several times. "Best fans", said Shamilton too, the arse licker.
Fans paying tax for him... ok if they're happy... a bit stupid too.

poll by the same old shitty BBC : 53% * voted Shamilton the best British driver of all time
(* note : 53% follow F1 since 53 minutes ago and are rap fans / Justin Bieber's, who don't even know who are the other British drivers of the past)
Even since 2010 he wouldn't be the best one, in fact Button scored more points than him driving the same car (McLaren).

Did you notice how easily Mercedes talked with instructions on the radio, as if they didn't know they would've got a penalty for that. When it's Hamilton, they're OH SO CAREFUL about not getting penalties... It's all planned... to make the championship interesting... At the end of the day, Shamilton gets DOUBLE MONEY... sponsors talk in this "sport"... money talks...
Rosberg had a penalty not because they talked on the radio but because of the 7th gear THEY told him. If you read the appeal issue.
To be precise, it was Tony Ross on the radio, Englishman. It all makes sense.

Mercedes decided not to appeal against the penalty of Rosberg.
If it was Shamilton : huge battle at the European Court of Human Rights.
Save the whales, same the shamiltons...

Just like the issue "Rosberg great driver - Rosberg rubbish driver", the Shamilton fans have to decide if Mercedes is German or English.
For them it's a huge shame to support the driver of a German team, so they say Mercedes is English because of the headquarters in England (ok, and we see the results...), but then they contradict themselves, because they say Mercedes helps Rosberg because he's German !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

more highlights soon

if some alien is watching humans now, he's having great laughs. 
Killing humans? no, they're too funny.

"L'intellighenzia" superiore della Rai di dire com'è andato il GP esattamente prima di trasmetterlo.
Com'è che quelli della Rai si esaltano per Shamilton persino in prova (che poi quel tempo gli è stato tolto e si erano accorti persino loro che era uscito di pista). Giro straordinario incredibile record... grazie al cazzo se tagli la pista... allora andiamo all'interno per la campagna inglese che tanto è lo stesso (da leggersi tipo Giovanni di Aldo e Giacomo : "allora le regole buttiamole nel cesso" ghghgh)
Ci risulta che sia inglese su macchina tedesca, che c'azzecano loro che sono tifosi Ferrari.
Sono stati sorprendentemente tempestivi stavolta (al contrario di tutte le altre volte che sembra che dormono e non si accorgono neanche di quello che succede sul momento) ora nell'aggiornare la registrazione della gara con la penalità per Rosberg che è scattata tempo dopo.
Tutto normale invece per Hamilton aiutato con la partenza dietro la safety car perchè non è capace.

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Hamilton's fans are gay

SILVERSTONE - Formula 1 is not a man's world. Yes, women are generally not as good as men driving, but F1 is full of women working, and yes they can say what they think and want. And there are many girls following as fans.
The typical attitude of the Shamilton's fanboys is :
shut up woman, go back to the kitchen.
Assholes. They just show what they are... Every driver has the fans he deserves... rap fans for Shamilton. Shut up said from them following F1 since 2014.
They're not interested in women because they're gay.  They're so blinded, they prefer Shamilton to women.

The fans of Hamilton are the "anti-racist"... good.
But they don't even accept who thinks different from them...
and they even deny the evidence.
Hilarious, they are a joke.

more highlights soon

Friday, July 08, 2016

English fans booing Rosberg

SILVERSTONE - The "most sporting" audience (sure), the English, booed Rosberg.
Same people who were angry for the fans booing Shamilton.
Then it's "only the Italians booing". Sure.
"They were booing because other fans were booing" (in Austria too). Sure. Illuminati teaching, it's always the others' fault. The SAME attitude of Shamilton.
Then all the people and media say they are the "best fans". Drunkest too. Oh but that's another excuse.
The English so desperate like Hamilton struggling with average Rosberg, that they even have to support a German car, Mercedes. Result of suffering for their football being SHITE.

more highlights soon

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Austria GP, fans boo Hamilton the liar

SPIELBERG - The podium. Shamilton arse licker with always the same "best circuit, best fans, best food, etc" for every GP (when he wins). Ridiculous, grow some sense of shame.
Rosberg and Hamilton face suspension threat from Mercedes. Would've loved to see if it was the opposite in the collison, what his fanboys would've said. Rosberg's fault in any case. Very mature. Their blinded fanboyism confuses them, they don't agree even among each other. Some of them think Rosberg is a great driver... just to let them think Shamilton is a legend. Some others think Rosberg is rubbish. And still, Shamilton struggles desperately.
Shamilton said Rosberg was ahead because of a mistake by Mercedes. Obviously.
Lauda : Hamilton lied about his relationship with Rosberg. Nothing new, Shamilton is a cheater.
Hamilton destroyed his room after his mistake in Baku qualifying. Nothing new, the kid throwing his toys (dildos, vibrators) out of the pram.

Just like when Lauda insults Ferrari every time, then he says he was misunderstood. Same old illuminati scheme. First they tell the truth to make the media talk about them. Then they remember they cause a mess in the team.

Max Verstappen unhappy with "wanting to be cool" Shamilton's attitude over safety.

Well done everybody, so now all the blinded audience will think : oh poor Hamilton... the victim.

Button driving a Mercedes would beat the shit out of Shamilton.

more highlights soon

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