Tuesday, June 27, 2017

let's punch Hamilton in the face

MONZA - Lewis Hamilton always the one involved in troubles, what a coincidence. Poor victim.
Now listen, Shamilton clearly meant VIOLENCE (and he even thinks to be a role model) when he said "not talking but something else", about being a man. If we meet him @ Monza, we punch him in the face.
I know we could get arrested and all, but we don't care. In Italy, not even criminals and politicians are in jail, that's the example they give us.
British people are famous for their "sporting behaviour", but in the end the hooligans are from there, and their fans are not sporting everytime (and they HATE WOMEN, they insult them and say they can't talk), so it's a stereotype.
Italians are famous for being passionate, too passionate, sure we don't give a fuck, and that's how it should it be.
Go Brits boo Ferrari @ Silverstone, we punch him @ Monza.
The media darling must stop being able to do anything.
We can predict a very animated "autographs" session...
You're gonna get a Prost nose. Not Senna.

Vettel has a much more passionate character than Shamilton, often too much, and he over-reacts.
So talking about being a real man, and "something else than talking", Hamilton is really risking to be punched.
Because sometime Vettel could really overreact even more. But Vettel is also more intelligent than him. It doesn't take much to be more intelligent than an asshole.

I subscribed to Spotify (that is : about MUSIC), and among the few famous ones they suggest to add, there is fucking HAMILTON.
About MUSIC.
If only. 

Monday, June 26, 2017

Lewis Hamilton the hypocrite

BAKU - here's more about the Azerbaijan GP incident. 
Through the media protecting him, the crybaby even menaced violence towards Vettel, asked in interviews for more seconds of penalty and accused him of not being a man. 
He even asked for Bottas to block Vettel. What a great sportsman. 
Media darling Shamilton absolute disgrace of a half man with no balls.
Sky fanboys obviously defending him.
British fans always hating Germans, are stuck @ Second World War (like Islam stuck @ Middle Age) and want to go to Silverstone to boo Vettel. Now that's the real Britishit sporting sense.

Hamilton to win still needs a perfect German car made by an Italian man... Costa. And still struggling.
He even thinks to be a ROLE MODEL on the media, wishing “kids don’t follow Vettel’s example”… I hope kids don’t follow loser Lewser’s example where you can cry to get what you want …

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Azerbaijan GP, Hamilton ASSHOLE

BAKU - Shamilton braking on a corner behind safety car. Penalty for Vettel of course eh...
According to the Shammy blinded fanboys, Lewis ACCELERATED. Of course. It was clear to everybody.
Media darling loser Lewser never gets a penalty as usual.
LOVED how Vettel hit Shamilton as a vendetta.
Crybaby Shamilton MOANED (how rare) because a 10-second penalty wasn't enough... how sporting.. Next time : let's brake behind a safety car in a corner in front of him. Let's say what God Shammy says.
He even asked for Bottas to block Vettel. Very sporting behaviour.
And even MENACED VIOLENCE if he meets Vettel. What a great sportsman.
Can you imagine a crybaby in a fight? "Vettel hit me mama he hit me" ahahaha
After many minutes, when they saw Shamilton had a problem, they immediately gave a penalty to Vettel. Ridiculous.
Dangerous driving from Vettel at 50 km/h 😂 sure it's very dangerous for a great man like Hamilton...
Never a penalty in so perfect timing... That pretty showed how FIA is.
Karma punished Lewminati.
The more his media compare him to Senna, the more he's a dickhead.
9 years for a pole in Monaco, driving fast cars. Next new Senna.

more highlights soon

Friday, June 23, 2017

victim Hamilton could leave F1

here's another media game, a strategy for the media darling, the loser crybaby the poor victim Lewser Shamilton, it's even a MENACE : he might leave Formula 1. That's because he's losing another championship, so they must make him win.
How childish, how immature, how pathetic.
The circus would be lost without one taking 9 years for pole position @ Monaco, driving only fast cars, and he seriously SAID he wants to be like Senna, and wants the people to remember him like Senna.
No doubt. There was maybe also someone called Senna in some circus not of F1, a circus of clowns.

more bullshit from him soon

Azerbaijan Grand Prix. At least now it's no more the shittyEurope GP.
Europe is NOT an islamic continent.
Black people might work in countries like the Netherlands that had colonies, so it's normal. It doesn't really work in France and UK.
Italy had colonies with MUSSOLINI... and now communists want black people... Ridiculous.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Sunday, June 18, 2017

truffa TIM internet

Visto che tutti usiamo internet, che tutti sappiano che ora la Telecom usa il rinnovo automatico senza richiesta dei clienti (prima non era così), scalando il credito anche quando non è sufficiente per rinnovare e lasciando il cliente senza soldi nè rinnovo. 
Ad esempio, se avete 9 euro e il vostro "pacchetto" (nel senso del pacco) costa 10 a rinnovo, vi mandano a 0, e ovviamente senza che internet funzioni. Facendo così con tutti, diventano milionari.
Ottima strategia anche oscurare il credito. In questo modo non è più possibile conoscerlo nè tramite sms, nè chiamando (assistenza del servizio clienti fantasma).
Se non sono stati a Striscia La Notizia per tutto questo, ci finiranno con la nuova stagione. 
Attenzione anche a Tim Cloud, 1 euro al mese scalato a insaputa.
Se volevano perdere clienti, ci sono riusciti. La sensazione che ha il cliente alla fine (non era quello che dovrebbe avere sempre ragione?) è come di essere stato derubato, come scippato in strada.
Telecomunisti ladri!

Poi mi hanno detto che devo RICARICARE.
Come se tu venissi derubato per strada e poi corri dietro al ladro per dirgli che ha dimenticato 20 euro e darglieli.

Se ricaricate dopo un po' di tempo, per poter utilizzare ancora il numero vi fanno pagare pure tutto il periodo che non lo avete utilizzato ed è andato sotto zero sempre più. Dopo la prima ricarica, il credito vi va ancora più giù anzichè su, e una delle scuse che usano è che state partecipando a un CONCORSO Tim. 
Il concorso Chi vuol essere più ladro.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Hamilton equals Senna in his dreams

MONTREAL - Canada GP. The arse licker Shamilton : "to match him" (Senna). Sure, dream on.
What a shame of a media show.
Pathetic. They want to respect Senna but in the end these things result disrespectful.
It's absurd also to celebrate the pole positions of one driving only fast cars and taking 9 years for a pole @ the most difficult circuit, Monaco.
You will never have a nail of Senna.
People blinded by the media saying Shamilton is 2nd to Senna only. Hilarious.
Only teenagers who didn't even see Senna can use their names in the same sentence.
If God existed, Shamilton would crash "like Senna". But God doesn't exist.

How FAKE (that is : a standard Hamilton) was Shamilton the sham and shame receiving the helmet, fake surprise and saying that it wasn't a replica helmet, it was.

Verstappen at the start in a much inferior car showing who is the ace in Formula 1.

I remember the last driver using a flag after a win got in trouble.
Why using a flag now? Brexit? he wants to look like Senna with his Brazilian flag...
Of course media darling Shamilton never has penalties.
His fans support him "because he's black"... the anti-racist ones... I think he's not black but brown like shit.
Saying black about him is offending black people, he's got nothing of their culture, nor sport abilities

more highlights soon

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

elezioni Monza, solito Scanagatti

elezioni a Monza, sindaco Scanagatti del PD Partito "Democratico" :
"ci muoveremo esattamente come si siamo mossi in questi 5 anni".
Traduzione : traffico impossibile per raggiungere l'Autodromo, mezzi colmi tipo Calcutta, aumento prezzi autobus, mezzi gratis per l'Autodromo spariti (quando ci sono nascondono fregature e lasciano lontano), finti profughi dappertutto tipo Calcutta, figure di merda a Striscia La Notizia incolpando quelli di Striscia (eh beh certo), semafori spenti che causano incidenti mortali, prendersi meriti che non ha, Monza con l'aria più inquinata di tutta la Lombardia (dirà che è colpa del Gran Premio d'Italia, sempre colpa degli altri), ecc.
Ha detto che il punto forte di questi 5 anni è stata la COMPETENZA... chissà i punti deboli... Soliti incompetenti. Lo standard PD.
Masochisti italiani che ancora li votano.
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