Saturday, October 28, 2017

Mexico GP, Hamilton's different rules

MEXICO CITY - Shamilton 4 tyres offtrack. He likes cutting chicanes also in Mexico. No penalty as always, unlike Verstappen @ Austin. Karma : no pole position. Last position in the race for 28 LAPS.

Verstappen immediately under investigation for blocking Bottas, but he wasn't.
Something that Shamilton does regularly in almost every weekend. Always different rules for him.
It's all a matter of media reputation. He knows he can do what he wants, he's arrogant, so he does forbidden things on purpose.
His fanboys are wishing Verstappen to crash into Vettel at the start. They are the hooligans of this "sport" and with him they ruined it. If you tell facts about him (like : 9 years for a pole in Monaco driving only fast cars... new Senna), you are a HATER, even a RACIST. 
Because they know nothing about F1 and they're not able to answer.
Using flags and loosen the belts was FORBIDDEN, with penalties. Shamilton can do it.

during the Mexican national anthem, using the mobile phone... complete idiot, this year it was even more important just after the earthquake. 
He's a good example for the young people, showing how they should NOT be.

more highlights soon

keep on dreaming a Ferrari, you'll never be a Formula 1 legend. 
Driving a Mercedes is not risky as you say on the media.
It's the same thing that said the media darling illuminati mafioso Noel Gallagher... it's not risky doing what they do, the right word is BORING.

“When l saw he had re-signed with Ferrari l was like 'good luck, guys, because l am going to be here for that period of time to make your life a misery!'"
How pathetic. Not that difficult driving the best car and without technical problems all year. You one one title overtaking legend" Glock and finishing 5th, with "legend" Massa winning. World champion again thanks to Red Bull suddenly disqualified before the Abu Dhabi final race, they were the only possible rivals but Mercedes was superior and still Shamilton struggled against "legend" Massa (again!) driving an inferior car. 
2017 thanks to Ferrari throwing the championship away.

Shamilton stayed @ LAST position for 28 LAPS (TWENTY EIGHT) with the best car and DRS... ad LAPPED. Technical issue yes yes, saying it's not easy to overtake, oh really? welcome to real racing. Crybaby moaning.
A bath of humility for the fake world champion from karma.

1) thanking GOD like Shamilton does, directly from the psychiatric hospital (God = Charlie Whiting from England, best car, media playing his game, etc.) 2) it's not "Vettel fans" against him, it's anyone with some brains 3) "best man" in what? cooking salad? 4) 3th or 3rd? 5) now Mercedes is even the 3rd car (!) but hey Sauber is even better 6) yes god that he won now, lapped, 28 laps at the bottom, in that car even Rosberg won 7) name of the fan : hidden, like a scaredy cat. No personality like his overrated idol. Why not LULU' Hamilton?
Usually they insult anyone with a different opinion. And they are the "tolerant ones"... Especially women, according to his fans they can't talk but go to the kitchen.
God Hamilton... It's typical of the blinding effect of the illuminati media mafia, the fans think to be their idol. It happens the same with illuminati mason Noel Gallagher. It's always someone they don't know personally, they know the celebrities through the media. In fact they're all media darlings.
ahaha here is what we said. Shamilton tells the audience they are the best fans everytime. Also best food and best circuit. Hypocrite
"Someone kill Vettel on the track. Burn that NAZI in the car". 
(Shaan from Ontario, Canada, just the typical Shamilton fankid)
Nothing new... communists are so idiotic they make you want to become a Nazi so to clean the shit of the world. They are the LIBERALS, they RESPECT everybody... apart from those who are not the same as them............ demoCRAP 
Heroes only hidden behind the screen of their daily wank.
Shamilton would say : "best fans".
This one just another ARSENAL football fan... they are the worse of all. The name says a lot, ARSEnal

Mancava la ciliegina-cazzatina finale : Mazzoni dà i meriti alla dieta vegan ahaha eh sì, anche i problemi tecnici della Ferrari e i loro autoscontri sono successi grazie alla CICORIA.

Friday, October 20, 2017

USA gp, media slaves of Hamilton

AUSTIN - So recently the media blinded the F1 audience by saying Ferrari is SUPERIOR than Mercedes.
Oh ok. All was to glorify their media darling Shamilton "the fastest man in history" (but still, taking 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving only fast cars. "New Senna" for the media and blinded fanboys).
Now they specify even in free practice how much he gains in every sector (adding he's "extraordinary"), so to mean the fastest lap is the target. But if Verstappen is at +0.4 and Ferrari is the fastest car and still behind, does it mean Vettel is shit?
Ferrari is clearly NOT the best car. It was faster in slow circuits as Monaco and Hungary and a few other moments. Reliability is fundamental, and Ferrari wasn't reliable.
The bullshit the media say are too weird... they are probably paid "from above", because Shamilton makes more marketing, he brings more money. Don't forget Formula 1 is the "sport" of sponsors.
They know Sham can win the title soon, so they started to justify the win... 'cause he's gonna win it because Ferrari threw it away.
Then these "journalists" make meaningful mistakes, for example saying Lewser is the current world champion... no, even Rosberg beat him.
Let's give Alonso or Verstappen or Vettel or many others a Mercedes and Hamilton can't even see them.

Also, did you notice how he says in every GP there are the best fans, best circuit, best food...
(are you sure? I wouldn't exchange mine for example with Chinese food having dead dogs... Shamilton, don't forget you're a vegan now...)
And he says so only when he wins. Fucking hypocrite... arse licker... shortdicksucker... sycophant.

Where is Hamilton's protest against the American anthem? So he was playing on the media as always.

If it wasn't Verstappen but Shamilton going offtrack to overtake : no penalty.
Shamilton can cut WHOLE chicanes (Mexico, Monaco, etc) to keep the position, or pushing the others out (Rosberg, Ricciardo, etc)

why the girdgirl holding Hamilton's number must be black?
THAT is racism. Everything about him is racist.

more highlights soon

Mazzoni ha definito Shamilton e Bolt i due uomini (Shamilton è un uomo? semmai un bambino) più veloci in assoluto.
Ma seriamente c'è gente che pensa Hamilton sia più veloce di Alonso o Verstappen o Vettel ecc dandogli la stessa macchina? gente che sta al ricovero.
Tra l'altro Bolt non è più il più veloce, è arrivato 3° e si è ritirato.
"Impressionante Hamilton, macchina attaccata a terra"
(Ivan Capelli)
eh beh Hamilton è la macchina. Se un altro come Verstappen o Alonso ecc guidasse una Mercedes, la macchina sarebbe staccata da terra.
Le pirlate che dicono sono strane .. come ordini ricevuti dall'alto... ah la Rai, che strano eh... Un altro la farebbe volare molto di più. Lui si è fatto battere anche da macchine e piloti più lenti.
Certo che i giudizi che danno sono veramente strani...
prima dicono che la Ferrari è SUPERIORE alla Mercedes.
Ah ok. Tutto per esaltare Hamilton "interprete straordinario", e specificano quanto guadagna in ogni settore, quindi considerando il giro veloce come l'obiettivo.
Ma se Verstappen è a 4 decimi e la Ferrari è la macchina migliore e sta dietro allora significa che Vettel è una pippa?
Tutto si chiarisce con l'ingegner Bruno dai lapsus significativi : "il campione del mondo in carica Hamilton"... persino Rosberg l'ha battuto.
Essere la macchina migliore non significa essere la migliore qua e là in circuiti lenti come Monaco e Ungheria e poco altro. Bisogna avere anche l'affidabilità. Di sicuro la Ferrari non è la macchina migliore. Sono tutti succubi di Hamilton il cocco dei media.
Di sicuro vengono pagati da qualcuno dall'alto perchè li fa marketing e porta più soldi...
Hamilton funziona come i migranti per le Coop, Cei, Chiesa, Caritas, PD...

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Japan, Hamilton 11 years late

SUZUKA - The difference between a child's behaviour and a man's behaviour.
We are not even Vettel's fans and used to hate him.
Arrogant diva, a whole line of seats for him, sure the other drivers know him well.
Qualifying. Pole position in Suzuka for "the FASTEST man in history on a single lap" Shamilton for the FIRST TIME at his 11th ATTEMPT... he always had fast cars and this is a very "technical" circuit where you have to be good... Where did he do all the 71 poles... in his toilet?
Just like 9 years for a pole in Monaco. New Senna for the media.
Most overrated driver ever.

the Shamilton fanboys : Lewiiiis has an INFERIOR car
they seriously said that.
Never seen a more blinded audience, not even 12-year-old fangirls loving Take That or One Direction.
If it's an inferior car, why even Bottas was 2nd at only +0.3

All the media are like : wow what a lap by Lewwwwser!
give a Mercedes to Verstappen, Vettel or Alonso...

Shamilton blocking Massa...of course he'll get no penalty for this like @ Silverstone.
Always different rules for him... imagine if it was any other driver, punishing him for every minimal thing.

more highlights soon

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Malaysia, media hiding Hamilton

SEPANG - More about the Malaysian Grand Prix.
No replay on tv of Verstappen's overtake from the media.
It's a huge shame for Shamilton.
We follow many many Twitter accounts of F1, and NOT EVEN 1 MEDIA mentioned Max overtaking the media darling Shamilton. And usually they say EVERYTHING, also the useless things.
You know Hamilton, the most overrated driver driving only fast cars, taking 9 years for a pole position in Monaco. New Senna.
Let's give Verstappen a Mercedes and Lewser will not even see him.

ah ah ah Shamilton DECIDED not to fight against Verstappen.
Sure... you're shit. Always an excuse ready for him.
I decided to refuse Adriana Lima.

A few hours before the GP, it was raining... so of course all the media were like : ohhhh a storm! heavy rain! it's pouring! (because Shamilton was on pole position... so he would have needed a safety car start... that doesn't happen when Ferrari is ahead...)
men with no balls nowadays.

The Shamilton fanboys prove they know nothing about rules : Vettel's lift on Wehrlein's car was no penalty as Webber some years ago in Singapore, because Webber was at the 3rd reprimand and he had crossed the track, that was the reason for the reprimand.

more highlights soon
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