Monday, September 26, 2011

ill Button's great race thanks to Italian pasta

SINGAPORE - Jenson: "I was ill yesterday morning (the day of the race). I don't know where it came from, but when you do have it you're massively dehydrated. I was a kilo and a half lighter than I normally am in the morning, and putting that weight back on was quite difficult. So I 'Immodiumed' up, ate a lot of PASTA because carbohydrates help you soak up liquid and drank a lot of salty water drinks. So I was good by the race, I managed to get my weight back up, and I got through it.”
Italian pasta always works.
I could win a bottle of F1 Scotch whisky thanks to the Scotsman Paul Di Resta (some Italian origin) driving a quite weak Force India, 'cause I bet he would've finished 5th (and that would've been an incredible result). During the race he was unbelievably 3rd (!), and also 5th for a lot of time, so I was already feeling the taste of whisky on my Salamander tongue :) ...but at the end, guess who finished 5th? My NOT beloved Hamilton... I was disappointed, a bottle doesn't worth much but I wanted to win that as a trophy for something difficult to guess. He finished 6th...

Vodafone Italy now chose Oasis' Whatever as music for their commercials... pity that in Italy the Vodafone Adsl doesn't work well even in the centre of Milan...

consiglio: evitare l'adsl Vodafone Italia e vodafone station-fornello elettrico, non funzionano persino in centro a Milano

Sunday, September 25, 2011

sack Lewis Hamilton

SINGAPORE - (Photo with Szonja, the blonde). Great race for Button, as usual. 2nd the whole race and at the end he was gaining SECONDS in every lap, and marked an incredible fastest lap of the whole Gp. And now even moved to 2nd place in the championship table, who would've thought.
And on the contrary, of course, usual rubbish race for Hamilton, as almost always. What is he thinking of ? women? Now I'm even more tired of him, as it seems he blames the team. Terrible start because he stayed behind Webber (how can you stay behind that one... of course you lose positions), from 4th to 8th (!), again behind Schumacher. Then, Hamilton couldn't overtake Massa (!) and hit the Ferrari, so both had to stop. But Hamilton didn't stop immediately, did he realise he had an accident? Fucking hell. He didn't even have part of the front wing! Of course he was also punished and had a "drive through" penalty. Through the car radio he asked if they were fighting against Kobayashi (!) ...oh yes, because you're an idiot, I would've answered. Luckily for him, the safety car then entered so he could overtake the weak cars. He's become an unbearable driver. People saying he was the new Senna, must be drunk.

Spassoso Pino Allievi (che, a ragione, è stato l'unico a criticare Hamilton), che avendo imparato dal telecronista Mazzoni, parla di gossip: la famiglia di Vettel, "non ho visto la sorella" ghghgh
Ma arriva l'esperto di pettegolezzi, vai Gianfranco: "Button ha preso casa a Tokyo perchè passa lunghi periodi in Giappone..." eeeeh sì, cosa farà mai in questi lunghi periodi... (Jessica)
Non poteva non dire le solite boiate del giorno: "Schumacher è stato sorpassato da Hamilton.... (pochi secondi dopo) No scusate, è Hamilton che ha sorpassato Schumacher" (che vuol dire la stessa cosa) e no, Schumacher ha passato Hamilton quindi Hamilton è dietro (chi non vorrebbe un cretino come telecronista?)

with the "5th driver" widget on the right column you can even see telemetry and pit messages with the McLaren drivers during the races

n.3 ring circus for Hamilton, n.4 letter word for Button :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Button laughs off links to his childhood dream Ferrari

SINGAPORE - Another "different gear, still speeding" Formula 1 weekend. Jenson Button (here in a weird red for McLaren) has laughed off suggestion he could be on his way to "the Rossa" red Ferrari in 2013.
"When I was growing up I was excited about the three big teams - Williams, McLaren and Ferrari", he said, who started his career with Williams in 2000.
"It doesn't mean you need to drive for Ferrari to fulfil your childhood dreams because as you grow up things change."
Rumours first arose in May after the Englishman revelead he'd always dreamed of driving for the Italian marque.
Team principal Martin Whitmarsh is keen to tie Button down to a long-term deal.
"Jenson will be here next year", he said earlier this month (but they're still in talks).
"We're looking to do a deal that will see him race for McLaren for the rest of his career. That may be for the next 3 or 5 years. Who knows? Jenson is a mature and very intelligent guy. He is still fit as a flea and still hungry to race."
The Ferrari suggestion had raised its head again in the wake of the Canadian race (unforgettable for Jenson), where the 2009 world champion came together his teammate in a race he went on to win with a dramatic final lap pass.
But now he rubbished the story, saying the idea was "hilarious because it's not true. I don't know who put that out there, but it wasn't us and it wasn't Ferrari".
Given his current role as joint-team leader alongside Hamilton, a move to Ferrari where he would play second fiddle to Alonso seems unlikely.
Jenson could pull off a major coup this season by becoming the first team-mate to finish ahead of Lewis Hamilton in the championship.
Whitmarsh has revealed the broader McLaren company hopes to work with Button beyond his Formula One career. "He could take on an ambassador's role for us".
Ferrari fans, everything is possible, but for now: dream on. Ferrari, please get Hamilton instead.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ayrton Senna film & t-shirt

MILAN - You remember my post on the article written by Paul Gallagher, brother of Oasis, about Ayrton Senna's new movie, the legendary driver of English cars only, Toleman, Lotus, McLaren, Williams.
I watched it recently and I was crying from the first to last minute :(
There are a lot of dialogue scenes you might have never seen. And also during the races scenes you feel as to be there.
Of course there's a lot about the rivalry with the Prost I was writing about recently. Something with his girlfriend Adriane Galisteu.
The other week @ Monza weekend, Lewis Hamilton had "Senna" written behind, but he didn't really drive as Ayrton...
When Senna died and was going to heaven, the helicopter had ironically the colours of McLaren.

You can find his classic t-shirt here in my little shop of simple clothes, it's the most selling one (and I had 300,000 visits there), the logo is original and in the official shops it costs much more. Available in other colours too (you can also change them), as the one in Brazil colours.
The film, special edition (2 dvd) $ 25 = £ 16

trailer video

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Monza Northern soul, day 4: Chris Horner fuck you, lol. Do what we wanna do!

MONZA - Good race for Jenson Button: he was 7th and I was thinking omg that's rubbish, but then I knew it seems he always does it on purpose to have fun, losing some positions to overtake, and finished 2nd!
Hamilton, as usual, was rubbish: started 2nd, then he was 5th and stuck behind Schumacher for so many laps. Jenson was behind them and when Lewis made a mistake to overtake Michael, then Jenson "said": that'll do me :). I was sure Button would have overtaken Schumacher immediately, Hamilton isn't even able to overtake a Mercedes.
Alonso on Ferrari had a great start, from 4th to 1st, an illusion for their fans.
I was laughing when the Australian Mark Webber went out of the track and retired, exactly where I was.
He said he didn't realise (for a whole lap) that he lost the front wing against Massa... are you blind or idiot?
I didn't like the crowd (of course Ferrari fans), not very sporting, 'cause under the podium they booed especially Vettel and also Button.
There were some from South Italy who, instead of having fun, decided to  have a continuous argument against people with Padania flags (North Italy political party, extremely conservative) because they said they had nothing to do there. They have, in fact it was a political battle to keep the Formula 1 here as always and not in Rome. Besides, Padania is not only politics but it's North Italy. The police had to intervene, on Padania side, mocked those from South so all the people were laughing at them communists, because policemen said people can bring any flag they want.
We are in Italy, People of Freedom, and as the best Beady Eye song says: we do what we want oh yeah!

best moment of 2011: at 0:54 a woman saying "Chris Horner fuck you" LOL
(the Red Bull man)

summary - song: "Going places" by Teenage Fanclub (Liam's favourite band)

the same, but with What a life, published on Monza race day

Monza day 2 & 3 @ temple of speed

MONZA - It's so hot that we got tanned more in 2 days than in 2 months of holidays. I'm burning.
Here are 2 other videos, not so clear because too sunny (41°C on the track), so on Sunday I must use another camera, and zoom all my photos.
We found the people of last year (then Monza park is not so huge :) as it is) and stayed in the most dangerous places (it's closer than it seems). Now it's time for an exciting race. 
Photo: the kid scratching his balls ahahaha
I noticed Ferrari fans are sick. They're all Ferrari-dressed, even the shoes.
About the noise, it's unbearable. I noticed that if you don't look at the track and think about something else, the noise even hurts you, you get a headache. So it means that when you watch, the brain helps bearing the noise.
There's still the smell of fuel, food and suntan cream: those are the best smells. Many people like the smell of fuel, and of course food and the sun.

at the beginning: Ross Brawn from Manchester

free practice

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Monza day 1

MONZA - day 1… of 4... we're destroyed already, very tired. Maybe also because the alarm clock is set to wake up in 4 hours, at dawn.
We've arrived in Milan exactly at the same time of McLaren ahaha (some say it’s a good sign), after 2 months of holidays :D Now the 3rd one starts :D
And in Monza we were the first ones arriving :), other good sign.
Photo: there are also those ear caps we call "suppositories" ahaha that's not a good sign, lol.
In the pitlane there was also Beady Eye's crocodile :) of Different gear still speeding. Because hanged outside Mark Webber’s box there was a sign with a crocodile and written: "danger crocodile", "no swimming / streaming". I'll zoom it.
There were more meetings last year but we were stuck @ McLaren. Besides, the McLaren shop opened in Milan. Met a couple from California and a Russian. Quite far away, aren't they.
More photos in these days, I'll make a video with some proper song ad the best of the weekend.
The President of Italian Republic will be @ race (a sort of special edition) because it's Italy 150th anniversary and on Sunday he's giving the cup to the winner on the podium...
You're still in time to join.

A warm and sunny weekend is forecast for the Santander Italian Grand Prix at Monza.
Unlike Spa-Francorchamps two weeks ago, the weather in Italy should mean teams and drivers have better conditions to avoid a repeat of the blistering seen on Pirelli’s tyres.
"At the very least, going to Monza is always a very evocative and historic occasion – perhaps more than any other circuit, you can really feel the sport’s past here, and it’s become the perfect venue to bid farewell to the European season before we head to the final flyaways. I think it’s very important that Formula 1 keeps hold of these classics" (Martin Whitmarsh, McLaren).
“Last year, I won at Spa and failed to finish at Monza. For this year, I guess I’m looking to reverse that sequence! I’ve already moved on from my non-finish in Belgium and I’m really looking forward to returning to Italy, a place where I spent a lot of time racing karts: it’s a country I really love." (Lewis Hamilton)

Lewis and Jenson signing autographs

Monday, September 05, 2011

F1 interview, Marco: driving in Monza is the best thing you could ever do

MONZA – As promised, another interview with me by a friend, this time about cars and Formula 1, but as usual, it’s more than just a sport, it’s always about our lives. About women too, ‘cause the couple “women and engines” is a classic.
Also repeating some things already said in the past, but we’ve done it for the new readers.

Noel Gallagher said he never wanted to get a driving licence. What about you and Liam?

ahah yeah he acts like a superstar, he always wanted a driver, even if Alan gave him a car as gift, Noel used to drive in the garden only ahaha. And with a driver, he had a bad accident time ago. Well me too, fortunately not an accident, as Noel I almost never drive. I think Liam does have a driving licence, I’ve seen him driving but I didn’t mind to know if he had one. You know, in the ‘90s the Gallaghers were mad and always drunk, of course you could never see them driving. And they were the new superstars, of course with their drivers. One was Ian Robertson, Liam's bodyguard, who wrote a book. Also telling about when Liam got angry with him and threw himself outside the car running. They argued and Liam sacked him.
Today, if Liam hadn’t a licence, he wouldn’t sing “I get the car” in Bring the Light… :) and publish a whole debut album as Different Gear Still Speeding, often naming cars. Even if in the Millionaire video it’s Andy driving.

Who was your driving master, who was the one teaching you?

oh it’s a lot of time I wasn’t thinking about him: he was an Italian man, a Latin lover, now I tell you why. He was very funny but not really the best teacher to have, because while I was driving he was always telling me to look at this or that attractive woman around, so he was distracting me, maybe on purpose, to see if I was concentrated. But I think sex was always on his mind. Always while I was driving he used to comment about other girls he was teaching to drive, asking me about some of them: “why don’t you fuck her?” Lol
I think he’s still around Milan centre, so women: be careful ahaha

Let’s start with Formula 1, it’s some decade you’re following F1, so you can say two or three things, you clearly have some opinion...

aha yeah some time has passed. I wonder if a child is first interested in cars or football… difficult to say. I started in the ‘80s when we children used to play marbles and gave them names of F1 drivers, depending on their colours. Hey I still remember as if it was just yesterday: the white marble is Teo Fabi on Osella car (wtf? :). The circuit, made of cement (to remind you my football interview ahaha) had the shape of Italy. The battle among F1 drivers of those times was huge: there were Prost, Lauda, Alboreto (who sadly died ten years ago), Mansell, Berger, Patrese, Piquet, etc. then Senna. Today only a very few can win a race. 
In the famous rivalry Prost-Senna at first I was for Prost. If it was today, I would never and never support him. Usually Italian children always support Ferrari, and he was also a Ferrari driver. Now I know the great person Senna was.

You named Senna…so here we go. We can’t say you were lucky to see his death direct live.

Unfortunately, unforgettable day, 1 May 1994 in Italy, at Imola GP, when there were still 2 races in Italy in every season. As Lucio Dalla song "Ayrton" about him says, he decided to go away in a land of dreamers, his beloved Italy. Sadly he's never been a Ferrari driver but was always here and spoke a perfect Italian. Times when I was starting to follow a new band called Oasis… The ‘90s were really strange for the F1. Changing rules because of more than one tragic event. Ratzenberger, Wendlinger and so on. Sometimes it was getting quite annoying, people don’t like when you change the rules, they like the usual things, as also Liam recently said. But our passion for this sport was big now, there were many F1 videogames we would’ve played all the time, and used to buy magazines every week. And of course we couldn’t miss one race. Also in the early morning, for the Japan and Australia races, so our parents had to wake us up. Waking up early when it was still dark outside, made us feel adult people, and watching a race direct live was a big emotion. Of course they were replaying the race in the morning but we wanted the direct live show. Even if the Italian tv has got some terrible commentator aha. My grandfather Guido used to do the same with boxing, waking up at night.

You were lucky to drive on Monza circuit. You impressions about it?

yes more than one time, I was honoured to drive there on this legendary asphalt. You can breathe history in Monza, on this so old circuit. There’s no chance at all that Rome could take us the Italian race away, as they wanted.
My sister used to work as “umbrella girl” gridgirl. Not me, I'm not a gridgirl, or not yet ahah. They don’t really hold an umbrella but number and name of the driver on the grid. You know, you see this legendary circuit since you’re a child, then you drive on it so many times but with videogames when you’re a kid, you know which gear is necessary for every corner, so you feel as to know it so well all your life. And driving there, it blows your mind. Just try, if you can. I was talking about sex, but this is the best thing you could ever do, not in horizontal position ahaha
And if you’ve never been there, they could really be some of your best days ever. You’re impressed by the smell of fuel, food and suntan cream in the air. And by beautiful women. And of course by the noise of engines, so you could need to put something in your ears. I have some ear caps that look like suppositories ahaha, so every time we laugh about it. I got them on the Salvador Dali train to Barcelona.
Besides, usually it’s sunny, maybe not this time aha ‘cause I said that, but it’s not like the Belgium or Great Britain races where you’re sure it always rains.

The ‘90s were the times when the phenomenon Schumacher came out…

right, we didn’t feel he was a funny person at first aha. But when he joined Ferrari, winning races was the only important thing. He’s a good man, many people laugh about him ‘cause he was so many years in Italy and can hardly speak Italian, but he can and he’s funny. He won so many races that it’s even difficult to remember some.

You’re Italian and not a Ferrari fan. Sounds a bit weird?

aha I don’t think so. I used to be a fan but to me Ferrari is just a brand. I can’t see them representing Italy. When they win, the Italian anthem is played but I think it would be quite stupid if I felt proud to be Italian because of Ferrari. It’s different from the football national team, where Italian footballers play, while Ferrari has foreign drivers, as always. I think about F1 teams as football clubs, not nations. But you know, both the McLaren drivers are English and I feel that team more like a nation. Anyway, hands off : Ferrari is always the biggest team in history. When you see that fire red car passing, you know it’s like a dream on wheels, every driver would want to race for them.

What do you think about F1 drivers in 2011?

I think the world champion Vettel is a bit overrated... and Button is underrated. You can see a great driver when it rains. In fact, Senna was great under the rain. Vettel usually becomes one as many and makes many mistakes. He’s good but he’s got a great car (created by the English genius Adrian Newey, former McLaren). Button with the rain could have even competed with Senna. Canada GP last June was one of the best races I ever seen, even if too long, Button was unbelievable, from last position to first.
His strategies are usually different and he's got a special superpower when he switches his "overtaking mode : on", he's devastating.
And he’s always at the events extra races, while Hamilton almost never… recently he said there are to many events to attend… Lewis made too many mistakes this season, he’s too aggressive. Button had many team mistakes and technical problems, and Lewis is even behind him in the standings… he’s ready for Ferrari ahaha I think 2012 will be his last season for us.

Predictions on this weekend?

well I’m optimistic about our McLaren boys, they never won here so it should happen soon or later.
You know, winning in Monza is unforgettable, ‘cause there are so many hot fans, the “tifosi” as Schumacher says, as anywhere else in the world and thousands are under the podium. Drivers have shivers when they see how passionate the fans are here.
And the mighty Red Bull never won here, so it’s the same for them, of course they have more chances than anyone else, more than Ferrari driving “at home” (even if their real home F1 circuit was Imola, closer to Maranello, in their same region).

Enjoy the race, it’s Monza, baby!

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Monza preview +win Abu Dhabi

MONZA - Fancy some Santander High Flying Birds? :) That street is inside the circuit, next to the paddock, there's a lot of F1 merchandise along there.
What are you willing to do to go to the F1 Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi on the 13th of November? (place of Manchester City owner and sponsor :)
Show your passion for F1 in a video or photo to participate.
The 10 most voted videos or photos by the public will go to the finals along with 10 selected by a jury, which will value the passion, originality, sense of humour, boldness and the presence or link with Banco Santander (sponsor of both McLaren and Ferrari).
First prize includes flights, hotel and Grandstand tickets for two people to the Abu Dhabi GP. Plus other prizes.
The jury will consist of the drivers of the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes team, Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button, and Ferrari drivers.
click here
This contest is only available for people from: Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, México, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Uruguay and USA.
oh no france, whatapity haha
I get angry when there are competitions excluding my country. If yours is not above, blame Ferrari haha
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