Monday, September 26, 2011

ill Button's great race thanks to Italian pasta

SINGAPORE - Jenson: "I was ill yesterday morning (the day of the race). I don't know where it came from, but when you do have it you're massively dehydrated. I was a kilo and a half lighter than I normally am in the morning, and putting that weight back on was quite difficult. So I 'Immodiumed' up, ate a lot of PASTA because carbohydrates help you soak up liquid and drank a lot of salty water drinks. So I was good by the race, I managed to get my weight back up, and I got through it.”
Italian pasta always works.
I could win a bottle of F1 Scotch whisky thanks to the Scotsman Paul Di Resta (some Italian origin) driving a quite weak Force India, 'cause I bet he would've finished 5th (and that would've been an incredible result). During the race he was unbelievably 3rd (!), and also 5th for a lot of time, so I was already feeling the taste of whisky on my Salamander tongue :) ...but at the end, guess who finished 5th? My NOT beloved Hamilton... I was disappointed, a bottle doesn't worth much but I wanted to win that as a trophy for something difficult to guess. He finished 6th...

Vodafone Italy now chose Oasis' Whatever as music for their commercials... pity that in Italy the Vodafone Adsl doesn't work well even in the centre of Milan...

consiglio: evitare l'adsl Vodafone Italia e vodafone station-fornello elettrico, non funzionano persino in centro a Milano
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