Sunday, October 13, 2013

Japan GP, Vettel blames press

SUZUKA - embarrassing... horrendous t-shirt, clearly a German with no style.
Vettel's self-confidence is not self-confidence but arrogance.
Now his previous "hanging their balls in pools" has become "I'm sure they're doing the same (effort)" and he's blaming the "stuff written" obviously... it's the other people's fault eh... not his usual shite tongue.
Clearly needs a driving lesson... If everybody drove a Red Bull, he would be like... 11th.

Now it comes out that the British fans (especially Hamilton fans) who attacked Vettel, they don't find anything strange in Vettel's celebration with his finger... sure, 'cause they're British... for "that" meaning, don't they use the "two fingers"? for other countries it's very different... when we see Vettel's gesture, it's not that meaning but it's quite provoking, there's a thousand better ways to celebrate.
"It's no different to when Schumacher had his Schumacher jump on the podium - it's his trademark so stick with it"...
nah, a jump is not a finger...
and Vettel doesn't care. This is another thing that shows how he's distant from Formula 1 fans... F1 is not football...
"It's amazing how all the Vettel Lovers have come out. Of course these are keyboard jockeys and only support the fastest car which is the Red Bull [with no history]. They soon change their tune when Lewis, Alonso, Raikkonen, Button win and they soon support the fastest Mercedes, Ferrari, McLaren".
"He should consider tattooing Adrian Newey's name on it, after all, he's the guy who's really winning these races." ahaha

It's a shame to ruin the statistics, the history of Formula 1... Vettel 4 times world champion, bigger than Senna??? a complete joke. You can imagine how we old fans feel. The people supporting Vettel don't even know who Senna was.
Vettel is just a puppet placed there, symbol of the new meaningless generation.

Horner to Webber (via radio): "unfortunately we lost too much time behind Grosjean"
... as if then they would've let him battle with Vettel...
In fact, they made sure he couldn't win, with a strategy of 3 pit stops... and he was surprised...
what a joke of a team, what a joke of a sport has F1 become...

"'s easy, driving the best car, but it's like Bayern Munich, with the best players"
(German Schmidt)
what kind of comparison is that... F1 is not football.
It's easy for many F1 people to say good things about Vettel, they want to be politically correct and have no problems in relationships with their colleagues... they're not credible.
Germans should better shut up about football...
Senna would speak the truth about Vettel...

Watching the long interview with Hakkinen on Sky F1, he was moaning about too much promotional work (just like Hamilton) with McLaren. Oh, they were only being paid millions to travel the world...
never liked him. In fact, he didn't get on well with Senna...
rip Maria de Villota.

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