Sunday, July 20, 2014

boring German GP

HOCKENHEIM - At the 19th lap (out of 67) the "very exciting" Germany Grand Prix was already over, same top positions at the end.
Hamilton even thought Button would've let him pass... sure, diva Hamilton, everything for your majesty.
Is there at least one car the "super champion" Hamilton (driving only fast cars eh) is able to overtake without causing a loss of pieces...
Typical illuminati, all calculated. This Formula 1 is so boring that Mercedes can do what they want. Home race won for their drivers, final world champion Hamilton, paid like a luxury bitch.
Now it's the naive fankids turn : oh it was so exciting to see the battle for the 6th and 15th position...
If there's a battle for the 35th position and Chilton even does the breakdance inside the car, we fans can't care about it.
Ze Germans are so provincial... you know what I mean...
winning in football must be something new for them... lucky they didn't get Italy, or they would've lost as always. Formula 1 people usually don't care about football and even hate it. All that football in F1 has nothing to do... the only one serious person who doesn't talk about it, is Jenson.
There's a word in Italian to describe them : "tamarro"... they have no style, a bad style... We've also seen a car of Germans, with blue phosphorescent lights under the car, and loud music. It was all fake.
The British "fair play (my ass)" fans didn't celebrate Hamilton's crash at the start of qualifying... come on, it's a technical problem for the same car you celebrated the failure @ British GP.
Oh it's only "them Italians, those Africans" celebrating failures...
there's no more xenophobe crowd than the British, even faking to be anti-racist.
Divine punishment : shite food and rain all year. Only one thing left : drinking to forget.

The fankids of Diva Hamilton say it's because he went away that McLaren sucks and they laugh of McLaren... sure, he made the HISTORY of McLaren... like : without McLaren he would've been NOBODY.
His team mates, who knew him a little bit better than his fankids : with Alonso didn't get on well and had to go away, Jenson didn't even follow him and Hamilton moaned like a kid (also about getting millions from sponsors... and revealing the telemetry on the internet like an idiot), and Rosberg, they're like cat and dog.
Sure it's a hard work to travel around the world getting millions from sponsors... he should go working in a field in the countryside, maybe he becomes a bit humble.

highlights video

continua la cecità :
"Hamilton ha perso dei pezzi"... nooo, è la Ferrari.
"Vettel ha perso dei pezzi"... nooo, è la Ferrari.
Per Mazzoni la Ferrari è indistruttibile.
"I piloti infiammano il pubblico"... ooohh guarda erano talmente infiammati che non gliene fregava neanche di Rosberg.
"PRINCIPIO di incendio per Chiviàt"... (Kvyat) vi brucia mezza casa, tranquilli ricordatevi che è solo un principio d'incendio.
Lui parla così perchè vuole sembrare un esperto che usa termini tecnici. (incendio per lui è un termine tecnico).
Durante le prove quelli della Rai se la ridevano perchè si chiama "Fric" (solito umorismo da bar da due soldi), e dicevano che SOLO le Mercedes e le Williams senza Fric sono in difficoltà... risultato : prima la Mercedes, seconda e terza le Williams (e senza incidente Hamilton sarebbe stato là), idem la gara, con Hamilton al posto di Massa.
"Vedete questa curva non è perfettamente dritta"
vediamo... è una curva...
Adesso (invece) non era serio:
"speriamo che gli spettatori si riversino in massa... Massa non c'entra niente" (ride)
"quello che ha scaldato più le gomme è stato Kobayashi" (ride)
...è uno humour sottile... inglese... per palati fini. Fini non c'entra niente (rido) - fase di mazzonizzazione.
Paul Hembery parla italiano meglio di Stella Bruno.

more exciting than F1
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