Saturday, April 30, 2016

Russian GP, Hamilton no penalty

SOCHI - Small brains but full of rap music for idiots.

Obviously all the media are talking about the mechanical problems for Shamilton, to hide the fact he should've been disqualified in Q1 qualifying, 'cause he doesn't even know the rules of his "job". He didn't even slow down. His time was not valid and should've been cancelled, so he should've been 22nd. Jinx punishment : 10th on the grid.
Again no penalty for him (already happened also in 2016). They have different rules for him different man... "we are all the same but some are more the same" (communist Animal farm).
If Shamilton wasn't childish with Rosberg fighting for Q1 for nothing, he would've been calm and wouldn't have risked a penalty. He's nervous psychologically and always makes mistakes.
But it seems he knows he can do what he wants, the President protects him...

The masterpiece of the Shamilton's self-called "anti-racist" fanboys comments is :
Mercedes is making Rosberg win because he's German.
Yeah you know, in the past 2 years Mercedes was English.
Pathetic losers moaning diva Lewser comments.
But he pays no tax in England so maybe Mercedes was from some other country, no matter which one. Monaco, Switzerland, Africa, "because he's black", they say.
Also, Mercedes headquarters are in England.
Childish fanboys of Shamilton are abusing Mercedes on Twitter.
Says a lot about them.
I bet it's Mercedes' fault even that he wasn't able to have good starts in 2016.
Or it's just "bad luck", not that he wasn't able.
Always an excuse ready. That is always ready.


Shamilton said : A "bloody shield from the policeman, the riot shields, it's like a bloody riot shield."... no wonder Shamilton is a fucking communist.
"They could die at any moment'"?????? typical illuminati comment (like illuminati Noel Gallagher liking people dying....-> illuminati reduction of the population).
And the aeroscreen is for safety, good even if it looked bad. It's cool, looks like a convertible or an old war airplane. Idiot with no sense of cool. Said by Shamilton who dresses like an uncool asshole. Obviously all the blinded people say it sucks because he said so.
Mafia illuminati criminals in jail. He's a diva moaning about everything. This was another illuminati strategy to make people talk about him Lewser loser, media darling.

The most intelligent thing was said by De La Rosa, ex McLaren driver and test driver for many years.
Questioning the halo is a lack of respect.
Go learn something Shamilton.
With the halo, Senna wouldn't have been penetrated on the helmet by a wheel suspension like an "arrow" and wouldn't have died...........that was the reason.

QED quod erat demonstrandum.
Shamilton doesn't like the canopy-aeroscreen.
President Bernie Ecclestone doesn't like the canopy-aeroscreen.

(1 May day of workers)
let me say something communist (and Formula 1 clearly isn't supposed to be a communist world... even if communists are not really poor... see multi-multi-millionaire Shamilton)
I've seen there are F1 people (like : girls who just have to hold a microphone... it must be easy for some BITCH holding dicks) calling their job a WORK...
they should try to be a MINER... THAT is work.

more highlights soon
Per Mazzoni la Red Bull è una scuderia "anglo-tedesca"...
e col padre serbo-croato come Ajeje Brazorf.
Ovviamente Capelli ha difeso Shamilton. Non ha senso perchè non ha neanche rallentato.
Persino Mazzoni si è finalmente accorto di tutti gli errori di Shamilton...
D'accordo che prova il limite e li faceva anche Schumacher ma sono errori

Sunday, April 17, 2016

China GP, Ronald Hamilton

SHANGHAI - The most common same old story in Formula 1 (F1 classics) : Lewser Shamilton struggling to overtake Massa on an much inferior car.
(ovviamente invece quelli della Rai poco prima lo esaltavano...)
Hamilton started the race from the bottom. How appropriate for an arse.
Also illuminati Noel Gallagher used to wear the high type of black Converse All Star, used by clowns.

Everybody delighted that all the drivers finished the race as if it was a positive thing...
the people want crashes, retirements, controversies, issues, cars burning, drivers coming out of the car and having a fight.

Rosberg wins the Chinese Grand Prix too, Vettel and Kvyat arguing.
Vettel overtook the McLaren and he loses pieces of the car ghghgh
still a jinx effect on them.

Magnussen didn't expect negative comment from his fans because he joked about McLaren... and he forgot he has some McLaren fans... don't worry kid, we already know you're an idiot.
You can only have fans among teenage girls "oh how beautiful he is" (really?) like one of the No Direction. Following F1 since 2014. A good company for the Shamilton's rap fans.

podium of the most irritating things :
1) the new fankids talking about F1
2) Massa talking in English (ciu ciu ciu ciu)
3) Shamilton talking.

There's one of those fangirls still moaning (of course with a lot of likes, as idiocy is very popular, like Shamilton with 4 million fans) about "beautiful" Fucking kid Magnussen not receiving a car from McLaren because of the insurance, but paying "old gits" Button and Alonso.
No Ecclestone, no rules, no Shamilton, nothing,
these fankids are the real ruin of this sport. Following F1 since 2014. Of course F1 is not even their main interest, but just 1 of many worlds where to do "fangirling". They don't know where to "throw their heads", Being rubbish.
Now stay away and go back to Justin Bieber.

more highlights soon

Prosegue l'effetto dell'Ufficio Sinistri : le Ferrari si sono colpite tra di loro.
Capelli esaltatissimo "che cosa ha fatto Hamilton all'esterno"... ha fatto che guida una Mercedes contro l'esordiente. Haas.
"Hamilton recita e al 90% non è credibile, per il resto dice cose intelligenti"
(Pino Allievi)
il grande Pino si è accorto che Hamilton vuole "recitare un ruolo che non è il suo". Esattamente quello che fanno gli illuminati. Cambiano personalità.
Nel frattempo Stella Bruno si fa prendere per il culo anche da Alvaro Vitali.
Mazzoni esaltatissimo diceva che sulle prime pagine dei giornali ci sarebbero state le Ferrari.
Per le prove libere? e poi i giornali non chiudono a tarda sera?
Dopo le qualifiche : ci saranno state le Ferrari sulle prime pagine dei giornali?
davanti persino la Red Bull e Rosberg.
Mazzoni eiaculatore precoce.

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Bahrain GP, Hamilton loser

EL SAKHIR - Shamilton is not able to win, not even with all the help from his fanboy Ecclestone.
Rosberg winning, but they are acting, desperately faking to make Formula 1 exciting, in the end the sponsors pay.
They blamed Bottas and punished him with a penalty, because it was Shamilton. To hide the fact his start was bad.
Bottas could not disappear there, and leave space to the diva, who left "the door open".
It was never a penalty if it was the opposite... it's his political power...

How is it possible that H-aas (H hell gate) from America (where the illuminati are based) is doing great at their first year in F1 (just like white Brawn winning in their only 1 year), overtaking Williams and Red Bull, and McLaren with decades of experience, one of the best in history, is shite for years (2013-2014-2015-2016).
Nothing against Haas nor Americans (we even chose them for Fantasy GP, because we got there is something about them), but the fans are wondering why, and for the sport it's embarrassing.
Maybe FIA wants to tempt new ones to be involved in F1, investing money? the same Mercedes and Red Bull didn't exist for decades.
There is clearly something to do with money behind, in the Sport of Money...

The F1 fankids seem to be scared of adults.
Jenson outqualifying Vandoorne -> oh it's just free practice.
Vandoorne better than him in quali and race -> it's Button's fault. Vandoorne champion.
All because they're conscious their generation, out of F1, is rubbish.
They make people hate F1.

McLaren says Button could've finished 7th, Jenson says also 5th or 6th.
Of course no fankid says he was already ahead of Vandoorne...

Like an illuminati dictatorship, Bernie says "drivers shouldn't even be allowed to TALK"... agreed. His Shamilton more than anyone else.

There's a media journalist of British BBC, of course supporting Shamilton, who every time says huge bullshit, like one who knows nothing about F1, and was probably "borrowed" from some other sport. Now they even want to eliminate one between Jenson and Fernando, to replace them with Vandoorne. Quite idiotic to do that after this weekend.
They should sack many useless jounalists.

The Shamilton fanboys immediately ready to vomit on Rosberg because of Panama Papers.
As if Shamilton, the "proud Britishman", paid taxes in his own country, LOL.
And the whole Mercedes is involved.
They say you're a hater if you tell facts about him, and they are pole position haters for Rosberg.
I feel pity for them, they are victims of the media and behave like the illuminati blaming others (they don't even know)

Just a reminder, because the people seem to forget, blinded by the cinema illuminati.
The SPARKS you see ontrack, are FAKE, they were introduced some time ago to make fake F1 "spectacular", while in the 80s they were real in certain conditions, UNEXPECTED, and now there are continuous sparks as something normal.

more highlights to add soon
La sfiga dell'Ufficio Sinistri ancora all'opera sulla Ferrari...

Riuscire a fare una figura di merda con Ecclestone pur nel torto fino al collo :
Stella Bruno -> riuscita.

sottotitoli : Stella Bruno "commento TECNICO"?? Anche il mio gatto allora.

Cogliendo l'occasione del GP musulmano del Bahrain, abbiamo parlato con 3 illustri esponenti del collaborazionismo agli islamici.

1) L'islamico trapiantato in Italia con sua oscura "attività". Ad ascoltarlo, le restrizioni e il trattamento islamico delle donne sono cose che non lo riguardano minimamente, lui (lui) vive in un mondo libero dove "fai quello che vuoi". Siamo a posto. Se gli fai notare però che per molti suoi "fratelli musulmani" non è così, ti prende a insulti e fa strani e significativi riferimenti illuminati alle importanti "ricerche scientifiche"... Manicomio.

2) La giovane ragazza attraente (in questo caso straniera) che va nei loro paesi degli emirati a fare la prostituta (tipo harem), e sa le lingue perchè le servono per i clienti, se la ride di quelle cose islamiche che sono fandonie perchè noi le abbiamo lette "sull'internet"... E il vero scandalo sono le nostre donne nude sui giornali. Manicomio.

3) Lo studente pacifista comunista italiano (che deve ancora studiare tanta roba), che dà la colpa di tutto ciò a Salvini. Noi siamo ignoranti e Gesù era un profeta dell'Islam (comunisti che parlano di Gesù? solo quando gli fa comodo). Giusto, bisognerebbe ricordarlo agli islamici... Difende l'islamico di cui sopra, che fa bene a insultarci e non parlare più. Se invece non gli parli più tu, siamo codardi. Qualcosa di simile all'odio islamico : va bene. Tutte le stragi di cristiani forse non sono successe davvero perchè le abbiamo lette "sull'internet"... Manicomio.

Colpa nostra insomma. Strategia illuminata di incolpare tutti gli altri. Invece le ragazze italiane pacifiste, poco attraenti, vanno in quei paesi a "salvare il mondo" (o meglio, godendo di farsi segretamente stuprare), tanto poi ci sono gli italiani che pagano il riscatto. Solo per i cittadini di Serie A (ovvero dell'Ufficio Sinistri).

Un bel quadretto, dove gli attentati non vengono macchè condannati, neanche nominati, e il vero problema sono le donne nude sulle riviste. Colpa di Berlusconi.

Allah al bar

Saturday, April 02, 2016

Alonso vs Herbert fight

AL SAKHIR - The most interesting "highlight" about Bahrain GP qualifying was... the Alonso retirement issue. 
"You ended up as a commentator because you were not a true champion." 
And being on Sky, a Shamilton fanboy. 

The majority of the people still follow Formula 1 because of the MEMORY of how it WAS. 
In fact, in 2017 they go backwards. 
If this sport was born today, not so many would follow. 
Never seen a sport so much in crisis and putting in doubt its own rules.

The new qualifying format confirms to be absolutely ridiculous. And the comments of the fans agree. The tv commentators say pole position and there is still the 3rd one to be eliminated, who could have another lap, and the 2nd even more time. Even free pratice is more exciting. Drivers are out of the cars even before elimination, and there is often only 1 car ontrack. They don't even try again. Claire Williams even said they sent out the cars for the good of the sport.
Ecclestone said there are some drivers moaning referring to Vettel (he hates Vettel), and his favourite Hamilton diva is the most moaning one.

Sulla Rai, già Mazzoni non capisce una mazza di quello che succede, pur avendo davanti computer, monitor e tutto, adesso hanno l'ordine dall'alto di fare i democratici e leggono i messaggi dei telespettatori (solo quelli che vogliono loro ovviamente, sennò sarebbero insulti e Madonne tirate giù), che non gliene frega a nessuno e lo distraggono ancora di più, e Capelli non gli risponde neanche.
"è la prima volta che un pilota belga affronta il Gran Premio del Belgio".
(Mazzoni, troppo avanti)

Friday, April 01, 2016

Bahrain, Vettel chocolate & vanilla

AL SAKHIR - F1 into gay marriages. It's not even necessary to create photomontages, there are actual photos of them embracing each other.
Free practice. Vettel against the qualifying format.
He probably meant to say the opposite, it was an allusiiiion... it's the other way round, Formula 1 sells know that one (typical cheeky illuminati) who says he's black and poor him, he had to work more than the others "because he's black"... like : being born inside McLaren, having champagne in a luxury hotel in London at 9 years old, having a fast car immediately and always, moaning for getting millions to travel around the world for the sponsors... great efforts... a real struggle for life... nobody in the world would do that, especially the "poor blacks" who have a dignity, unlike him. Hamilton is the shame & the sham for the blacks.
He's not even a real driver... .the illuminati are always a big bluff, through the media.

Marchionne tipico sfacciato illuminato (fanno apposta a fare gli stronzi per stare sui media e si fa il loro gioco) il presidente della Ferrari...
anche noi voteremmo Renzi (se si POTESSE votare) stando in America (base illuminati) da residente in Svizzera (base banche iluminati) e le tasse della Ferrari in Olanda... anche Shamilton fa discorsi sinistri e non paga le tasse nel suo paese e si dice addirittura orgoglione britannico...
solite facce di tolla. Poi questi sono quelli contro l'evasione fiscale.
Intanto continuano gli effetti dell'endorsement sinistro per la Ferrari...

La Rai ha trasmesso lo stesso, inutile programma che interessa a 3 persone e mezza circa, okkupando ben 3 canali tipo reti unificate (neanche fosse il discorso del Presidente della Repubblica), RaiSport1 (57), RaiSport2 (58), RaiSportHD (557), ed è una cosa che succede spesso (anche le prove adesso), e noi paghiamo sempre.
Poi si vantano della loro scelta di programmi. Poi si vantano che è conveniente.
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