Saturday, April 02, 2016

Alonso vs Herbert fight

AL SAKHIR - The most interesting "highlight" about Bahrain GP qualifying was... the Alonso retirement issue. 
"You ended up as a commentator because you were not a true champion." 
And being on Sky, a Shamilton fanboy. 

The majority of the people still follow Formula 1 because of the MEMORY of how it WAS. 
In fact, in 2017 they go backwards. 
If this sport was born today, not so many would follow. 
Never seen a sport so much in crisis and putting in doubt its own rules.

The new qualifying format confirms to be absolutely ridiculous. And the comments of the fans agree. The tv commentators say pole position and there is still the 3rd one to be eliminated, who could have another lap, and the 2nd even more time. Even free pratice is more exciting. Drivers are out of the cars even before elimination, and there is often only 1 car ontrack. They don't even try again. Claire Williams even said they sent out the cars for the good of the sport.
Ecclestone said there are some drivers moaning referring to Vettel (he hates Vettel), and his favourite Hamilton diva is the most moaning one.

Sulla Rai, già Mazzoni non capisce una mazza di quello che succede, pur avendo davanti computer, monitor e tutto, adesso hanno l'ordine dall'alto di fare i democratici e leggono i messaggi dei telespettatori (solo quelli che vogliono loro ovviamente, sennò sarebbero insulti e Madonne tirate giù), che non gliene frega a nessuno e lo distraggono ancora di più, e Capelli non gli risponde neanche.
"è la prima volta che un pilota belga affronta il Gran Premio del Belgio".
(Mazzoni, troppo avanti)
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