Sunday, March 26, 2017

Australia GP, Hamilton is nobody

MELBOURNE - Lewis Hamilton wouldn't even see Vettel in a Mercedes... and we are not even Vettel fans, we used to hate him @ Red Bull times. But he's a much better driver than loser Lewser (9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving only fast cars... new Senna).
The mystery of the GP was : when Ferrari was 1st and then winning, Bottas was fast reaching Shamilton, and suddenly stayed behind.
Usually when a driver is faster, the team makes him pass, and does not keep him behind.
If they don't make him pass ('cause Lewminati wouldn't want), at least they don't keep him behind...
they let them fight.
If it was the opposite, Hamilton in the place of Bottas, the fanboys would've said : SCANDAL, CONSPIRACY!
In the free practice, we could see after 1 HOUR the classification, a very little one.
Sky fanboys didn't show it because media darling Lewminati was not 1st.
They showed it just before the same moment when he became 1st...

And what about Hamilton refusing to try to overtake Verstappen... Lewser is a LOSER !!!

more highlights soon

Dopo che Renzi (il fallito) aveva "endorsato" la Ferrari, non aveva più vinto.
adesso che non c'è più il gufo portasfiga che diceva che gli altri erano gufi (essendo lui un massone illuminato, coi loro classici "colpa degli altri"), Marchionne è andato da Trump. Prima gara, subito vittoria.
Per l'enciclopedia : Giafranco Mazzoni's Digest A-L / M-Z 2017 ci ha informato che top five significa i migliori 5.
(Lo sapevamo già da bambini negli anni 80 quando guardavamo Deejay Television).
E che Lewminati ha "ben 2 nuovi tatuaggi".
Ah beh allora...
Ah ma allora quelli dell'Ufficio Sinistri li fanno con lo stampino... un altro che usa successi sportivi, perchè non ha successi propri.
Leggendari quelli del "governo" Mister Euro Mortadella che si presero i meriti della Coppa del Mondo (e persero la coppa in una borsa in Cina). FANTOZZI.
A Gentilo', con l'Italia che vince non c'entri una beneamata sega.
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