Thursday, July 19, 2018

Tour de France-farce scandal, Rai figura di merda

ALPE D'HUEZ - We know the Tour de France is organized very badly (as we said : always something wrong), few police and stewards (in Italy we have even soldiers controlling) and for the tv, and they will probably never show us what happened (it was a fan hitting Nibali). They preferred to show images of NATURE and animals around...
Difference between France and Italy : they have terrorism, and we shoot dead terrorists.
Now everybody is saying: oh Froome what a sportsman, great fair play... wait wait wait. As if it was all thanks to him. One who behaves with fairplay like him, it's because he knows he's got something wrong... especially in the past... Instead of turning to his team mate, he should've told Bardet about Nibali. Or when Bardet started to run away. Now he's called "Bastardet" or bidet.

Final news : Nibali broke a vertebra and his Tour de France is over. The worst news is that the judge didn't give him back the seconds lost as they did in the past with Froome...............
good, better out of this shit.

The incident has been defined by the judge "RACE INCIDENT"... can you imagine in Formula 1, if someone from the fans makes a driver retire... (track invasions already happened).
All normal for le Tour de FARCE...

The biggest idiot is not the fan who hit Nibali, but the one who pulled him up after he fell down...
he could remain PARALYSED all his life.

Somebody also noticed that Froome somehow blocked Dumoulin at the final sprint, favouring his team mate Thomas, because they are Sky illuminati mafia and typicall already planned everything, also to let Thomas win this stage.

I soliti telecronisti ridicoli della Rai se la sono presa subito con la gendarmerie francese senza avere la certezza, era più probabile colpa del pubblico pazzo. La gendarmerie fa controlli veri e in questi mesi era finita nell'occhio del ciclone italiano per Bardonecchia, e quei due (Pancani e Martinello) sono i soliti sinistri globalizzati, e coi loro pregiudizi se la sono presa "a priori" contro la polizia come i comunisti.

CVD, come volevasi dimostrare : un video di un tifoso chiarisce che è stato un tifoso ad agganciarsi a Nibali. Solita figura di merda Rai.
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