Monday, November 04, 2019

USA GP, Hamilton fake champion

AUSTIN - Congratulations to the "GOAT" greatest of all time (most overrated of all time), greatest moaning diva, now blaming "headaches" for not being first...
breaking all records, like taking 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving fast cars. New, next Senna for the media and blinded fankids following F1 since 2013.
Many fans say he "deserved" it... he deserved all the penalties he didn't get all these seasons (we'll make a history video), that would've put in doubt some of his world champion titles... he's a media titles seeker...
The question is : when is the petroleum Petronas of Mercedes stop ruling?
The media are all like "now he's the second best driver in history after Schumacher"... then Senna winning 3 championships was not so great, Villeneuve winning 0 was a very bad driver, etc...
His fanboys are the first ones saying Schumi was a cheater, not so great etc so they are saying themselves winning more titles doesn't make you the greatest...
His fans are brainless rap music idiots only able to insult, as they're not able to answer to facts and say you're a hater. They follow F1 since 2013. If Mercedes started to lose, they wouldn't be fans anymore.
Funnily enough, he waves a British national flag and he's against nationalisms...
just like he's vegan and wears leather jackets etc. and wants to eliminate pollution and he owns a private jet, many cars, motorbikes etc.
Now the crying baby Lulù Shamilton said he wants to drive in Formula 1 2021...
but didn't he go on for months and months saying he was in doubt, I retire, no I'm not retiring?
oh wait, I forgot he's a media attention whore...
the vegan "legend" qualified 5th with average Bottas on pole with the same car, and cried now about headaches...
maybe needs some steak.

more highlights soon

il telecretino esaltato Vanzini di Sky dice che dovete alzarvi in piedi per Hamilton la leggenda... conferma ancora poca conoscenza di questo sport... già uno che dice che "il mondo di Hollywood è il mondo che conta" vive nel mondo della finzione della massoneria mafiosa sinistra...
il colmo è un classico da accecamento mediatico : vediamo che per gli abbonati Sky lui è INTOCCABILE, un MITO...
Vanzini dice che questa F1 è eccezionale... chissà che sport sta guardando.
Talmente eccezionale che vogliono stravolgere lo sport tra 1 anno.
"Abbiamo molti piloti che a parità di macchina possono vincere, siamo come ai tempi di Senna, Prost, Mansell, Berger ecc".
Troppa grappa ad Halloween? Piccolo particolare : a parità di macchina eh...
Telecretini Sky (anche Marc Gené) esaltati sulle immagini di Hamilton in qualifica, "mamma mia quanto è veloce!", infatti solo 5°... e lo avevano persino nominato nella stessa frase con Senna per "numero di pole in Usa"... uguale proprio, pure il circuito è un altro
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