Sunday, December 23, 2018

Shamilton, still you're a rising cunt

the slums diva looking for media titles (we were not born yesterday and stupid like you). 
Brought up in a 6 bedroom, 4 bathroom house, well if thats a slum, I'm moving to Stevenage.
"Born poor" for the media... inside McLaren.
Drinking champagne at 9 years old in a luxury hotel in London.
Playing the victim again with the racism jolly card... sure, a victim never getting a penalty and helped in everything

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Hamilton vegan idiot

Lewer Shamilton the usual hypocrite, multi-millionaire, attention seeker, media darling… wearing silk and leather and polluting the planet with his private jet (tax-free…) and luxury cars.
Millions and millions of poor people make their living off of cattle, fish, etc 
And, without animal agriculture, the economies of the whole world would be devastated. 
Lewis, what a cunt with no brains.

Saturday, December 01, 2018

dear isis, eliminate Shamilton

dear Isis,

please eliminate this clown who acts as if he was Jesus Christ, and “proud” of Christianity in Abu Dhabi, and making a fool of religions.

thank you

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Abu Dhabi GP, overrated Hamilton

YAS MARINA - Where is the “fastest man in history”, Shamilton? wasn’t he “the fastest in a single lap”? aren’t the media and fanboys always talking about the great numbers of the media darling?

even an average wingman as Bottas can beat him, says a lot about how important is the car for him. At least Schumacher gave back victories when his teammate made him pass for the championship. Lewser’s blinded fanboys even say the diva Louis is HUMBLE (!!!). Apart from being an arrogant fuck.

The “new Senna” taking 9 years for a pole in Monaco, driving fast cars. Can’t change this forever.

more "highlights" soon

2018 Abu Dhabi GP guide, Formula 1

ABU DHABI - Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi, UAE United Arab Emirates Formula One GP. 
أبوظبي سباق الجائزة الكبرى (Abu Dhabi Grand Prix), 23-25 November 2018. 
You can join the Facebook event here, also if you're not going there, 
just to remind you the hours of the race on tv. 

British time: (Italy +1) 

free practice 1: 9:00-10:30
fp2: 13:00-14:30 

fp3: 10:00-11:00 
qualifying: 13:00-14:00

race: 13:10

Monday, November 12, 2018

Brazil GP, Mercedes mafia champions

INTERLAGOS - Verstappen very strange incident crashing with idiotic French Ocon of course driving a Force India-Mercedes.............
what a coincidence eh! ...another one.
Imagine if it was Shamilton instead of Verstappen, being hit by Ocon... banned for life. 
Face and brains of an asshole.

Sirotkin said Hamilton did nothing wrong during qualifying... of course, because Williams has a Mercedes engine..............
the drivers say what they are told. Of course no penalty for Shamilton as always, the super-protected media darling. And fine to pay for Vettel, nothing new.

The championship was over but Hamilton had to win in Brazil because it looked good being the “new Senna” for the media and blinded fanboys (oh taking 9 years for a pole in Monaco, driving fast cars)

Again this F1 is fake and sucks.

more highlights soon

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Mexico GP, mafia world champion

MEXICO CITY - Shamilton wins the title out of the podium, overtaken by Vettel and almost lapped ah ah ah typical fake F1 so the blinded fanboys will say oh look he didn't have the best car...

the fiction of F1 didn't put Shamilton on the podium probably because he would've been booed a bit... already happened in Mexico. It would've been bad for his public "image".

In fact, first thing : immediate message from masonic Hollywood fiction of Will Smith, who has nothing to do with F1...
oh wait, that's all about fictional F1...

The media talking about the media darling equaling Fangio and being a legend are hilarious... seems like people who’ve watched F1 since 2013 or something.

Mercedes Mafia closes the holes on the wheels rims in these GPs and coincidence : loses...

It amazes me when I see the Shamilton fanboys calling "HATERS" those who don't like him.
A hater says things like I hope he dies etc. but we say either 1) FACTS about him, or 2) make a joke of him because he is a joke.
The point is they're not able to answer, if not with bullshit only.
I see much more (unjustified) hate from the Shamilton fanboys.
For example, if you criticise Mercedes, they get angry as if you were talking about Shamilton and you're not (it shows they have a guilty conscience for him), and they insult you, without talking about F1.
They think Lulù Shamilton is their mother.
Get a personality. He should too.

Shamilton can't win without the help of :
1) the best car 2) Mercedes mafia tricks 3) never a penalty (for example in Germany cutting the box entry) 4) tyres for them in some GPs
5) the wingman Bottas helping him 6) Ferrari and Vettel making mistakes, and Shamilton is considered a legend (obviously he does not crack under pressure having no penalties but all the protections)

more highlights soon

Thursday, October 25, 2018

F1 lost interest and soul

this happens when you care about new fans 
and don’t give a fuck about the old ones... 
Basically Formula1 “works” like the fucking EU : 
substitution, replacement of the population... 
with another one more ignorant... so they do what they tell them... The power can control them more easily... The old fans are the “hardcore”, the soul of the sport

2018 Mexico GP guide, Formula 1

MEXICO CITY - Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, F1 circuit, Ciudad de México. 
Mexican Formula One GP, 26-28 October 2018.
You can join the Facebook event here, also if you're not going there, just to remind you the hours of the race on tv. 

British time: (Italy +1) 

free practice 1: 16:00-17:30 (4pm-5:30pm)
fp2: 20:00-21:30

fp3: 16:00-17:00
qualifying: 19:00-20:00

race: 19:10 (local: 13:10)

Sunday, October 21, 2018

USA GP, Hamilton world moron

AUSTIN - Shamilton from the pole position with the best car and newer tyres couldn’t overtake a Red Bull that started 18th... Guinness record... in a circuit where overtaking is VERY possible... says a lot about him. World champion my ass.

Verstappen started 18th finished 2nd... Shamilton learn from kids how to overtake.

Mercedes are complete wankers, premature ejaculators... they were already celebrating

I can’t forget 2 of the ugliest things Shamilton said. “Everything happens for a reason” after Schumacher’s incident (if everything happens for a reason, Shamilton should be dead now), and between words menacing physical violence against Vettel after the incident of the safety car, and Shamilton was even wrong. What a shitty celebrity.

Also listening to music during the Italian anthem... no wonder they boo you.

And licking arses like sycophant, saying “best fans, best circuit, best food” in every country... ...only when he wins.

another ridiculous penalty for Vettel to keep Mercedes maFIA’s little princess Shamilton happy... he/she would’ve never got that.

it’s better that Shamilton wins the title in Mexico than in the Usa, because he would be booed more there (already happened). Americans have their own (real) races and this F1 is shit in comparison so it’s not their favourite “sport” of course (to use an euphemism). Mexicans are closer to F1 and know more that Shamilton is an idiot.
So it’s a paradox because Trump’s country wouldn’t boo the “poor black” (Shamilton used the race card again to play the victim), but Mexicans would more.
(also cutting the first chicane in Mexico is a famous fact… obviously no penalty)

biased Sky Shamilton fanboys call “wheel to wheel” the duel Rosberg-Hamilton at the first corner years ago...
for the F1 rules (if you want to follow them eh...) that is pushing out, not leaving space ontrack as he did other times... of course never a penalty.
If places were inverted, they would be surely penalties for the other drivers. But he never gets one… always protected. Karma punished him with even average Rosberg world champion.

F1 is fake, it’s all planned, based on the money, it’s ficition. Also now, oh even Raikkonen could win a race... so the title for Shamilton was oh so difficult..........

9 years for a pole in Monaco (11 in technical Suzuka), driving fast cars. New Senna. Most overrated media darling ever.

more highlights soon

la solita vecchia Peroni dei media(set) :
"Lewis (ma è un tuo parente per chiamarlo per nome?) ha dimostrato come si vincono i titoli mondiali"
Strano che non lo dica ogni volta che commette qualche porcata e non viene mai punito...
E non si vincono certo guidando la macchina migliore su un circuito dove si supera facilmente senza essere capaci di superare una Red Bull partita 18a...

Sunday, October 07, 2018

Japan GP, F1 needs change

SUZUKA - "I love this track!" (Shamilton)
it took you 11 years for a pole in Suzuka, driving only fast cars.
9 in Monaco. New Senna.
"Best track in the world!"
now he starts again... only because he won, best fans, best food etc
Typical Hamilton... arse licker sycophant.
This Formula1 needs new characters because it's boring as fuck.
Not changing the F1 logo and bullshit like that, to fake that F1 has changed.
It's the same of Bernie Ecclestone, fan of Hamilton as he said.
Englishman Charlie Whiting out. Never a penalty for Lewser.

the Shamilton fanboys are usually leftists, democraP, (fake) anti-racists, so they shouldn't wave a national flag like Great Britain of nationalisms they fight... they are against Brexit too, so they look like idiots with no brains.
As always, leftists coherence = zero.

more "highlights" soon

Monday, October 01, 2018

Russia GP, Mercedes shame

SOCHI - evergreen in almost every GP : “interesting tactics” from Mercedes : Bottas the wingman of Shamilton, with the excuse “Lewser had the fastest car”...
oh, why?
so if he’s got the fastest he should be able to overtake without help.
If it was Ferrari doing it… scandal all around the world. If he was really the best he should drive a slower car, to show he’s the best.
“Interesting tactics” : if Shamilton “has the fastest car”, why letting Bottas have the FASTEST lap of the race… that is a contradiction.
His blinded fanboys say “he doesn’t crack under pressure like Vettel”… if I had the protection of Charlie Whiting and never a penalty, I would feel very relaxed.......
In the REAL Formula 1 the team mate was the first enemy. These kids don’t even know what F1 was.

9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving fast cars. New Senna.
Most overrated media darling in history, ruining the “sport”.

They could say to avoid celebrations on the podium for the thousand victims in Indonesia.
Instead of a shit impression of a farce. It looked like a funeral.
This F1 is not able to manage themselves.
I don't blame them, it's more who managed in the past (Bernie Ecclestone, he said to be fan of Hamilton...) and we still have the same situation. They don't realise this F1 is a joke... Or maybe they do realise but until sponsors and people who have the power got the more money, it's ok.
I see the people who see F1 from outside and they always wonder : is this a SPORT?!

more "highlights" to add soon

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Monza GP, Mercedes shame

Italian Grand Prix. If it was Raikkonen or Vettel instead of Shamilton : 10 sec penalty.

Imagine an alien coming to the world and hears Bottas (wingman mode enabled) saying his target was to block Raikkonen...
the alien would immediately lose interest in F1.
We still follow because it's so many years we follow but it should be immediately unfollowed.
Same old media strategy (admitting things) because they want to appear as the HONEST ones... because they aren't.

idiot Shamilton singing during the Italian anthem, he was listening to other music...

Suddenly he's got the (media) fame of the ace under the rain... until he wins no GP in a Toro Rosso car like Vettel @ Monza 2008, he's average.
In fact he always makes mistakes under the rain.
Overrated Lewser : 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving fast cars. New Senna.
Vettel @ Hockenheim didn't go offtrack because of rain but Sirotkin's oil.
Lewser at Spa was on pole because the track was getting dry, not wet.

more highlights soon

"essendo un vecchio tifoso McLaren, avendo perso Hamilton 5 anni fa, ovviamente l'ho seguito"
(intervista a tifoso a Monza)
ovviamente?? per come ha lasciato la McLaren (telemetria e storie varie) per soldi (quando l'ha lasciata ha fatto 378 punti, la Mercedes 142), deve dire "essendo un vecchio rincoglionito".
Mi sa che non era molto tifoso McLaren.................

"questo è il modo in cui TUTTI vogliono vedere i sorpassi, lasciandosi spazio"
(strappalacrime Emanuele Pirro)
no no, la gente vuole vedere il sangue.
Ovviamente è un commissario... secondo loro anche Verstappen doveva lasciar passare Bottas.

Claudia Peroni nonostante i 61 anni prosegue nel suo fangirling per Shamilton :
"ha mostrato di che pasta è fatto"
ingredienti : ha bisogno del compagno per vincere, ha bisogno di una toccata col rivale e di solito la collaborazione della Fia, si comporta come un coglione, addirittura cantando con le cuffie durante l'inno.
Hamilton è la dimostrazione che i giovani hanno bisogno di fare il militare... e lui non è neanche più giovane ma sempre un pirla.
Io non sono uno fissato con la patria e quelle cose, ma se uno si comporta così durante l'inno del paese che ti ospita (e guadagni milioni), è come se ti metti le cuffie e canti in chiesa o qualcosa del genere. Detesto la chiesa ma è qualcosa di estremamente irrispettoso che non farei neanche contro i paesi che odio di più.
Sapeva che lo inquadravano, quindi mi sembra una cosa preparata come tipicamente tutto su quelli costruiti come lui... sembra che lo vogliono far diventare uno contro i nazionalismi, ma dovranno eliminare i suoi discorsi "orgoglioni" inglesi e la bandiera Brit che tira sempre fuori...

Meno male che non siamo andati a Monza... hanno cambiato la modalità per accedere alla pitlane il giovedì per il walkabout, che con il venerdì sono gli unici due giorni in cui vale la pena andare (qualche anno fa con 50 euro ti potevi fare i due giorni).
Fanno 3 SESSIONI nell'arco di circa 2 ore con massimo 2000 persone l'una (ciò significa che può capitare che non entri pur avendo pagato, perchè c'è un casino di gente) e quindi trovi i piloti che capitano, perchè ad esempio se ti interessa Alonso, mica sta ad aspettare te per 2 ore. Complimenti Monza, ennesima cagata!

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Lewis Shamilton environMENTAList, the hypocrite

only an idiot like Lewser could support the Greens bullshit.

If he's worried about the planet why doesn’t he go to FormulaE where all the cars are the same and not run on petrol, and stops travelling with his private jet?
Because without Mercedes and with all the same cars he would look like an average idiot.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Hungary GP, Mercedes mafia continues

HUNGARORING (Budapest) - Amazing how @ Sky they are biased : “RACE INCIDENT”… 
they should be arrested. 
Imagine if it was Ferrari doing this. 
But they are right : all normal, nothing new, as in every weekend.

Shamilton's blinded fans say he showed Vettel how to drive in the rain... well sure, they follow F1 since 2013.
Apart from the fact that Vettel in Germany didn't go offtrack because of rain but Sirotkin's engine oil, they didn't check on the Wikipedia that Vettel won a GP under the rain in a TORO ROSSO car... Shamilton will never do that, he wants only fast cars...

When Shamilton makes that gesture in the car like after the pole, he looks like he’s having a wank.
I seriously think they made a racist thing with F1 (in fact he said things like “because I’m black” to play the victim etc). Take a “sport” that is not really a sport but sponsors and selling things, a media thing. Take a “coloured” driver supporting the left democraP, in a historic period when they’re losing everywhere because of immigration. Give him the fastest car for years. Make him the most overrated driver in history, it’s a fact. Never give him a penalty but different rules only for him. Make the media make him a legend talking about GOD. No doubt you’ll make money and millions of followers saying bullshit of your left ideas and doing what you want. Thanks for ruining the sport we love and follow even before he was born.

It’s many years we follow these things in the “entertainment world”, music, cinema, etc. If you do some research, illuminati idiots ("illuminati" probably makes you laugh, so call them freemasonry) always have a strategy and everything is planned… and no doubt millions are following him because they’re blinded. Many rap fans and people who’ve got nothing to do with F1.

Thank God (not his god of money and media) driving fast cars his 9 years for a pole in Monaco, 11 in Suzuka etc. will remain forever. New Senna.

LUCK plays an important role.
Lucky Lulù Shamilton, born inside McLaren, drinking champagne in luxury hotels of London at 9 years old (for the media : born poor), always driving fast cars, often wins thanks to others retiring.
Last Sunday in Germany too, Vettel out because of oil ontrack, Sirotkin broken engine.
Now in Hungary where Ferrari and Red Bull were favourites, rain changes everything, and for the race : sun.
In a circuit where overtaking is impossible.

There is something even more ridiculous than the excuses for Shamilton (that is a typical illuminati media idiots thing, they play the victims) that was also more ridiculous than never giving him a penalty :
he is clearly a media darling and on the media he often says that the media are bad with him, that he gets bad press from tv pundits, he plays the victim (when even his “biggest” rival Rosberg - an average driver - talks well of him). There is clearly a strategy to become a media darling. That is another typical illuminati thing : saying on the media the opposite, all the bullshit you are and do, you say it’s the others. The truth is he only wants “yes men”.

more highlights soon

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Germany GP, Hamilton big risk... 2 penalties not given

HOCKENHEIM - Shamilton is taking a BIG RISK : he renewed the contract for 2 years with Mercedes, you know that slow car...
2 more years of a sport ruined by one super-protected, the most overrated media darling. 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving fast cars. New Senna.

German GP. When you are a crybaby crying all your life, and then you finally cry for something... learn Dante repayment law for the people going to hell.
When you make mistakes in every session, 2 times now this weekend, and then you look at the car as it was Mercedes' fault...
If it was any other driver pushing the car, they would've been penalised for life.
No penalty for him as usual, not even investigation, not even far from their mind. Not only he didn't leave the track, he was even PUSHING the car.
They must've thought : POOR Lewser, he is already UNLUCKY.......... more than 40 million Pounds per year.

No doubt they ordered Bottas to keep the position. Same old shit. What a nice “sport” ruined by this media darling. Sponsors, money do the talking.

He should’ve got another penalty this weekend, like Raikkonen 2 years ago @ Europe GP, for putting all his wheels in the pit entry and then didn't enter the pit lane. Never a penalty for the protected Shamilton.

When a driver is "under investigation" and they decide not to punish him, they don't give all those explations, excuses.......
says a lot.

At the end of the day, of days like this, what makes me more sorry is that they're ruining the sport we loved, even before Shamilton was born, and the new blinded fanboys will never understand, they belong to a lost generation. Ruined sport not only because of him, all the people behind him. And they're making a fool of the people, also with these continuous changes of the leader (it's not credible), to make it more interesting, to have more audience, when at the end it's the most powerful in money winning.
Probably no Monza for us this year.

Also today Shamilton comes out on the media as the great hero who started 14th and finished 1st. "Little" details : no penalty on Saturday, no penalty on Sunday, gift from Vettel, Bottas ordered to let him win, etc and anyone with a Mercedes can win that way... even Raikkonen on alcohol.

Shamilton is not able to handle even a little criticism, he wants only "yes men"... And again talking about GOD... shows he's weak. God doesn’t love self eccentric pricks blaming everyone else when things don’t go his way. At his "Hamilton tv shows" they avoided talking about his excursion across the pitlane entrance...never seen such a protected species in F1...and the way Sky Sports throw themselves at his feet. He is a so egotistical poor human being that it's not fun anymore making fun of him, he gets offended even for jokes.
And again his post was deleted as always, 'cause he's a scaredy cat with no balls.
He talks about PRAYERS to God... prayers to God FIA to never get a penalty always work...
His only real God is being protected by media and money. Typical of illuminati shit.

It was proved Vettel didn't go offtrack because of rain but the oil of Sirotkin breaking the engine.
A thing almost nobody talked about, was that everybody let Shamilton pass easily, while Magnussen  blocked Raikkonen, letting Bottas stay ahead of him.

The Shamilton fanboys say the other drivers are average and that's why they are jealous of him...
Oh ok. So fights against average drivers, and that's why he wins and still struggles.
They also say he’s the English greatest driver. Can you imagine a real driver like James Hunt being told to “hold the position” and let another win?

more highlights soon

2018 Germany GP guide, Formula 1

HOCKENHEIM - Hockenheimring, Deutschland. 
German Formula One Grand Prix preview, 20-22 July 2018. 
You can join the Facebook event here, also if you're not going there, 
just to remind you the hours of the race on tv. 

British time: (Italy +1) 

free practice 1: 10:00-11:30 
fp2: 14:00-15:30 (2pm-3:30pm)

fp3: 11:00-12:00 
qualifying: 14:00-15:00 

race: 14:10

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Tour de France-farce scandal, Rai figura di merda

ALPE D'HUEZ - We know the Tour de France is organized very badly (as we said : always something wrong), few police and stewards (in Italy we have even soldiers controlling) and for the tv, and they will probably never show us what happened (it was a fan hitting Nibali). They preferred to show images of NATURE and animals around...
Difference between France and Italy : they have terrorism, and we shoot dead terrorists.
Now everybody is saying: oh Froome what a sportsman, great fair play... wait wait wait. As if it was all thanks to him. One who behaves with fairplay like him, it's because he knows he's got something wrong... especially in the past... Instead of turning to his team mate, he should've told Bardet about Nibali. Or when Bardet started to run away. Now he's called "Bastardet" or bidet.

Final news : Nibali broke a vertebra and his Tour de France is over. The worst news is that the judge didn't give him back the seconds lost as they did in the past with Froome...............
good, better out of this shit.

The incident has been defined by the judge "RACE INCIDENT"... can you imagine in Formula 1, if someone from the fans makes a driver retire... (track invasions already happened).
All normal for le Tour de FARCE...

The biggest idiot is not the fan who hit Nibali, but the one who pulled him up after he fell down...
he could remain PARALYSED all his life.

Somebody also noticed that Froome somehow blocked Dumoulin at the final sprint, favouring his team mate Thomas, because they are Sky illuminati mafia and typicall already planned everything, also to let Thomas win this stage.

I soliti telecronisti ridicoli della Rai se la sono presa subito con la gendarmerie francese senza avere la certezza, era più probabile colpa del pubblico pazzo. La gendarmerie fa controlli veri e in questi mesi era finita nell'occhio del ciclone italiano per Bardonecchia, e quei due (Pancani e Martinello) sono i soliti sinistri globalizzati, e coi loro pregiudizi se la sono presa "a priori" contro la polizia come i comunisti.

CVD, come volevasi dimostrare : un video di un tifoso chiarisce che è stato un tifoso ad agganciarsi a Nibali. Solita figura di merda Rai.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Monza Italian Grand Prix 2018

"I fuckin’ love Italy, you have to be fuckin’ proud of this great country! I’m gonna go to Maranello and buy there my new car"
(Richard Ashcroft wearing a Ferrari t-shirt)

Sunday, July 08, 2018

British GP, Mercedes hypocrites

SILVERSTONE - In the last GP in Austria, Ferrari didn't let Vettel pass Raikkonen because those strategies should be forbidden.
At Silverstone, Mercedes let Shamilton pass Bottas to block Raikkonen, because they're assholes.
When they dominate : oh they are so correct.
When they are in difficulty : anything is allowed eh...
“SPORTING” English fans booing Raikkonen, what a shame.
Raikkoen's wife Minttu said : "IF YOU CRY LIKE A GIRL WHEN YOU LOSE, DO BALLET". Legend.
And again Shamilton with that bullshit of the “best fans” for every crowd.
Come on you're "coming home" soon...

more highlights soon

of course no penalty for Mercedes in Azerbaijan
money talks

Friday, July 06, 2018

Brexit 2018 GP guide, Silverstone, Formula 1

SILVERSTONE - British F1 circuit, England, 6-8 July 2018. 
Great Britain Formula One Grand Prix preview. 
You can join the Facebook event here, also if you're not going there, 
just to remind you the hours of the race on tv. 

British time: (Italy +1) 

free practice 1: 10:00-11:30 
fp2: 14:00-15:30 (2pm-3:30pm)

fp3: 11:00-12:00 
qualifying: 14:00-15:00 

race: 14:10

Sunday, July 01, 2018

Austria GP, Hamilton punished by karma

RED BULL RING (Spielberg) - Shamilton retired just after having renewed his contract 🤣
and he had doubts.
Qualifying. If it was Shamilton : no penalty... as always. "The fastest man in history" (taking 9 years for a pole in Monaco, driving fast cars) was not on pole position, so let's give Vettel a penalty...
Not only penalising Vettel and never Shamilton, they must've seen Verstappen P5 on the clean part of the track so he was dangerous for Hamilton... moving Vettel, they moved Max on the dirty track.
Oh Hamilton gets by with a little help from his friends .. (Charlie Whiting... Englishman...)

as Pirelli made Ferrari lose a few GPs ago, now the media darling Shamilton typically calculated that he had to blame Pirelli to "balance"... big idiot. Any intelligent person can see it was Mercedes' fault, both for strategy and reliability.
more highlights soon

Sunday, June 24, 2018

France GP, Mercedes mafia

LE CASTELLET - Shamilton blinded fanboys then say Fia helps Ferrari...
with Shamilton basically never getting a penalty and he did much worse things than Vettel today.
Cutting chicanes, pushing other drivers offtrack and dangerously towards walls, etc etc. oh Charlie Whiting is an Englishman, how strange eh...
The media darling Shamilton even appeared on tv saying “crazy” about Vettel... Tipically calculated on the media as everything of mafia masonry...
his fanboys learned the strategy from the media : the things Mercedes do, they say it's Ferrari doing them, to move the attention away... this changing of the leader Shamilton-Vettel is all calculated to have more audience and make people think there's a great battle going on, but they already know who must win... guess who...
It's money talking in this "sport":..

would Shamilton have got a 5 second penalty if he was Vettel? no.
It would’ve been Bottas having it...

Would the F1 management have moved the GP if it was Italy or any other country and not England playing? no.

more highlights soon

Monday, June 11, 2018

Canada GP, Hammertime : 5th

MONTREAL - Mercedes team radio : "it's Hammertime"... sure... was 4th, when he was 5th stayed 5th.
That's Shamlton's real place, and behind him sometimes Raikkonen, sometimes average Bottas.
When Hamilton is not 1st, his excuse is always a matter of engine power.
That is like saying if he had no Mercedes, he wouldn't win like Senna did with inferior cars.
Most overrated driver in history, by the media. 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving fast cars.

"Trump is a warmonger and will cause the 3rd world war"
(the media supporting Lewis Hamilton who had to protest against the American anthem but like on Twitter as always then retired as a coward)
more highlights soon

Monday, May 28, 2018

Monaco GP, the boredom

MONTECARLO - "new F1" (new logo?) : most boring Monaco Grand Prix in history (it was the most exciting).
EVEN cycling has become more exciting than Formula 1. It was the most boring sport, according to the people. And F1 was the most exciting, because of danger, speed.
There's something wrong with Pirelli again...
Shamilton said there shoud be more straights (!!!), like people who are not able to drive.
And then said the word "equal"... from one who never gets a penalty.

Basically they had removed gridgirls to be politically correct, because women are not only tits and ass... now they even hold signs with Twitter fans messages... wow now all the world can see women also have brains...

"Lewis Hamilton published a message to Instagram in which he wrote: "Thank you Jesus" on news of a possible gridgirls U-turn, before deleting and then distancing himself from the post."
...typical behaviour of a coward. He did the same against Trump.
5 constant things about Shamilton :
1) being an asshole
2) moaning like a crybaby
3) removing the childish things he posts because he's a coward with no balls to keep them
4) never getting a penalty
5) being a media darling helped by the media to have a good, untouchable reputation.

Mercedes admitted Ocon was told to let Shamilton through. The fastest man in history is not able to overtake on the circuit where he is the "new Senna"... In fact I was surprised he could pass so easily... for one taking 9 years for a pole in Monaco, driving fast cars.

Vettel threw champagne on the "sad Princess" Charlene and that was the biggest smile in her life, "lol"... poor woman, try to run away again!

more "highights" soon

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Spain GP, Hamilton wins thanks to Pirelli

BARCELONA - Ferrari was becoming too fast, so let's stop them somehow eh... crybaby moaner Shamilton moaned all the time and so they listened to him...
didn't the Shamilton fanboys say FIA favors Ferrari? ...
There seems to be seriously something strange with Pirelli tyres...
Also during the race, change, no change... doesn't seem to matter...
the audience doesn't like this.
Is it really worth to continue following this fucking "sport"?

The race was so interesting that the tv had to follow even a McLaren... (14th)
boring as fuck.

The media were over the moon as always for the media darling, "FANTASTIC SUPER STELLAR STRATOSPHERIC pole position for Hamilton!!!!!!!!"
3 drivers in one tenth of a second... Would be a great pole if he was -0.800 from average Bottas.
The media suffered much 'cause he wasn't on pole for 3 races.
The Shamilton fanboys had the proof Mercedes is still the fastest car...
average Bottas was only +0.040

FIA should seriously throw Grosjean's driving license away. Every session with a crash from him.

About the new Miami GP 2019, it's a beautiful circuit with the bridge, obviously the crybaby moaner Shamilton dislikes it. The people saying it's dangerous are no Formula 1 fans, just like him. Real fans WANT dangerous things. There's no Hamilton in the future of F1.

more "highlights" soon

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Giro d'Italia 2018, presa per il culo

JERUSALEM - Topless girl in Israel.

Certo che tra Bortuzzo, Giovannelli e compagnia, c'è mezza F1 nel ciclismo. Bel segnale che dà la Rai della "crisi finita", invece di giornalisti specializzati fa un riciclo per tenersi più soldi nostri, proprio adesso che "grazie" a Renzi (quello che "io sono uno che il canone lo toglie") più gente è costretta a pagare il canone nella bolletta della luce (noi adesso persino 2 canoni, anzi 3 con mia sorella, e siamo persino meno persone di prima.. come se fossimo ricchi, due mezzi disoccupati e una pensionata). Prima 4 persone 1 canone come era giusto. Adesso 3 persone di cui 2 praticamente disoccupate o quasi e paghiamo 3 canoni. SOLO IN ITALIA.
La crisi sarà finita per loro perchè gli riempiamo le tasche con le tasse.
Poi nella pubblicità se la tirano perchè hanno la finale di Coppa Italia. Sai che roba, avete perso Russia 2018 i Mondiali di calcio e la Formula 1.
Senza senso, paghiamo di più e il servizio peggiora.

Il boss del Giro l'ha proprio dichiarato sfacciatamente : parlando di dove potrà partire il Giro nei prossimi anni (si parlava anche di America), ha proprio affermato che l'obiettivo è la globalizzazione. Ma sì, vantiamocene anche. E si vedono i risultati. In telecronaca fanno apologie della globalizzazione. Per chi segue queste cose da anni, si vedono bene 2 delle più tipiche caratteristiche della massoneria : l'attaccamento ai soldi (per chi ce li ha, come loro) e l'ammettere cose sui media, così il pubblico accecato pensa : ah ONESTI però.
Già quella è una strategia mediatica per accecare... per nascondere qualcosa bisogna mostrarlo, a proprio piacimento... per incanalare l'ascoltatore su un binario...

Come l'hanno menata per la presunta squalifica di Bennett per la volata.
Martinello l'ubriacone veneto ha detto che per questa cosa si prende sempre critiche, povera vittima. Infatti per noi non era da squalificare, e infatti non è stato squalificato, nè punito nè niente (e nonostante il piazzamento!). Hanno girato la frittata dicendo che è solo perchè Viviani ha vinto... sì sì, ciao mamma Rai (hanno sempre ragione loro eh)
Vogliono sempre fare sensazione o polemica, pur di avere più ascolti.
Poi di quale cazzo di podio col 2° e 3° parlava il telecronista Pancani in continuazione? per la singola tappa non c'è podio, solo il vincitore.

La vanitosa Rai autocelebrativa : si lamentano perchè la gente non applaude più ma fa riprese col cellulare. Allora “siccome le immagini Rai sono bellissime, gliele forniamo noi”.
Ma andate a ranare. Uno fa le riprese proprio perchè è una cosa sua che fa. Rai COMUNISTA contraria alla proprietà privata.

altri "highlights" da aggiungere prossimamente

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Azerbaijan GP, ever-lucky Hamilton

BAKU - Once again, Shamilton always gets more than he deserves thanks to the others.
As if he was superior (typical of black people thinking they are a superior race), the know-all pathetic loser pontificates about never giving up, so his blinded fanboys say oh what a wise legend, role model for life.
In real life nobody gives you anything for free.
For the gifts he receives he even gets paid millions to look like an idiot.

meme caption : "come on, don't cry Crybaby Media Darling. Next time I'll overtake you again as always and with an inferior car, because you have no balls, you'll moan moan moan on the media as always. Don't worry, nothing new".

Shamilton before the Azerbaijan GP was tired... (can he imagine how tired we are of him?)
usual same old Crybaby Shamilton menacing to retire when he doesn't win. Just like children when they don't want to play anymore, how childish. Throwing his toys out of the pram.
I bet now he's not tired, suddenly. Hypocrite is the best word to describe him. A media attention seeker.

Did you notice in an interview, Shamilton as always licked the arse of the crowd (only when he wins) by saying fantastic bla bla, and he turned to the crowd and there were like 3 people applauding him 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Best people, best food, best circuit .. only when he wins. If he wins 2 consecutive races , they are the best for 14 days only 😂 wha   what an idiot.

The Shamilton fanboys will say the Crybaby hasn't the best car, but so far Mercedes is still the fastest and they showed it in the previous races. China was won by Red Bull thanks to the safety car and fresher tyres, otherwise it was Mercedes 1st and 2nd, Australia by Ferrari thanks to Haas and safety car, Bahrain by Ferrari with even Bottas faster, almost overtaking Vettel.
At Ferrari they're able to set up the aerodynamics better, as in Baku it's necessary the best compromise between fast and slow parts of the circuit.
Oh Lewser there isn't Rosberg anymore doing it for you eh?

If it was Verstappen doing that, he would've been crucified.
The one who crashes from behind is always wrong. It was clearly Ricciardo's fault.

Grosjean is a complete idiot, we never liked him.
I remember last year he was continuously crashing, he also owes us tickets for Monza qualifying, as we waited for hours under the rain especially for his fault, and at the end we had to go home and didn't see qualifying.

more highlights soon

Sunday, April 15, 2018

China GP, Hamilton's loads of excuses

SHANGHAI - A constant thing of F1 is : Shamilton LUCKY. He always gets more thanks to the others.
And he's always got an excuse ready from the media, being a media darling. According to Sky-Shamilton fanboys, Ferrari's tacticts was to slow down Shamilton with Raikkonen.
Sure, or Shamilton was not quick enough eh... In fact, he couldn't stay under 1 second to use the Drs.
He had already started with excuses even before the race, by saying he wasn't sure Mercedes could challenge Ferrari and that Ferrari versatily is very strange, moan moan cry cry... Again the fastest man in a single lap, the new Senna (taking 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving only fast cars) was slower than his average teammate, again. Just like with Rosberg. Shamilton the most OVERRATED driver.
Talking about excuses before time, just shows how WEAK one is.
And his fans say he never gives up... he had given up even in qualifying.
They say the car doesn't count, it's just that he's a legend... oh sure we can see it...
He even thanked Verstappen for crashing on Vettel. Wow very sporting, what a true Englishman...

The podium with the shoey of legend Ricciardo was the 3 who most deserved, also Kimi for the shitty strategy of Ferrari.
Vettel didn't deserve that awful position, for the contact-incident with Verstappen.
Gasly mocked McLaren in Bahrain ("we can fight"), and now he showed what a dickhead he is.
Basically Red Bull won thanks to his Toro Rosso... (causing the safety car)

Sky Sports F1 dictonary meanings.
Verstappen goes wide : bad mistake, he's not able.
Shamilton continuously goes wide : problem of the car / he's looking for the limit.
Shamilton fanboys : he can't make mistakes, it's a conspiracy of German Mercedes through Rosberg's curse.
A good doctor coming soon for them.

more highlights soon

siamo sicuri che Sky F1 italiano (è un canale per fangirls di Hamilton?) ne sappia più del "compianto" Mazzoni? Vandoorne olandese??

Sunday, April 08, 2018

Bahrain GP, butthurt lucky Hamilton

SAKHIR - Always lucky the media darling Shamilton, 3rd thanks to both Red Bulls and Raikkonen retired (box incident with the mechanic), and the other cars slow as fuck (the media : oooohhh triple overtake), or he would've seen the podium from far away.
How can be serious a sport like F1 where the supposed "now competitive cars" like Haas, Renault, McLaren, Toro Rosso etc can't even see the Mercedes (with also the DRS) overtaking them and running away in a few seconds.
With inferior cars, Verstappen and Alonso teaching how to drive to Shamilton, nothing new. Even calling Max a dickhead... shows what a complete crybaby cunt Shamilton is.
He did overtake you, darling...
(butt)hurts much eh?
No balls to say that in front of the face... just defaming in public in the retrobox.
What an hypocrite the media darling saying to the media he's got a lot of respect for Verstappen... then Max overtakes him and Lewser says he's a dickhead.
Shammy didn't say Bahrain fans are the best because he didn't win.
Karma has to take away a lot from that guy.
First points for Alfa Romeo.

I've never seen one more idiotic than Marc Marquez.
Ah no, I've seen Shamilton.
Literally doing what he wanted during all the Argentina Grand Prix, as if there were no other drivers.
But at least in MotoGP they make respect the rules, unlike in Formula 1 where Lewser can do what he wants, pushing other drivers offtrack, cutting chicanes, etc and he's even considered the "new Senna"... 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, 11 years in Suzuka, and driving only fast cars.

more highlights soon

il Tg3 anzichè parlare di vittorie italiane era tutto scandalizzato da un signore che avrebbe protestato contro una col velo, "brutto episodio di rasssssismo". Da quando l'islam è una razza?

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Ricciardo and Villeneuve against Hamilton

And after Daniel Ricciardo saying "too good" is Mercedes, not Lewis Hamilton... Daniel is a kind person, he didn't want to say Hamilton is average... now Villeneuve :

Vettel and Alonso would not have lost to Rosberg 

Jacques Villeneuve strongly believes that Lewis Hamilton has only himself to blame for losing the championship to Nico Rosberg back in 2016.
'Hamilton behaves like a Hollywood star,' says Villeneuve. 'I think Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel are more concentrated. Both Fernando and Sebastian would not have lost to Rosberg two years ago, they are more focused,' the Canadian concludes.
Rosberg was an average driver, as the Shamilton fanboys say : he's shit.
But now wonder he won against one like the media darling Hamilton taking 11 years for a pole position in Suzuka, 9 years for a pole in Monaco, driving only fast cars. New Senna.

"sorry" Shamilton, you'll never be a legend. Vettel renewed his contract with Ferrari.
He said on purpose "the greatest team in history" about Ferrari in the interviews with Lewser beside... he suffers much, poor jealous crybaby.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Australia GP : Hamilton smile wiped by Ferrari

MELBOURNE - "Party mode". The Shamilton fanboys say: it's USA Haas fault with Ferrari engine 😂 Trump's fault 🤣

The precox ejaculator crybaby Shamilton said he was going to push and went offtrack. What a complete idiot.

Shamilton arselicker Brundle excuses : older tyres, turbulence bla bla bla if he was a better driver, he would've overtaken.
Wipe smiles my Haas.
Wipe my ass.

"There's who talks and who does the facts"

New F1 : most boring start ever and most boring first part ever. And not even gridgirls.

All the experts know that you can't suddenly have a great lap time like Shamilton's with so much difference, only because one is a great driver, they clearly changed something in the car.
He plays the cool one with that "wipe your smile"... how easy with that car. He just shows to be an arrogant asshole.
After all, the biggest proof that in this Formula 1 the driver doesn't count much, is Shamilton winning despite being the most overrated driver.
9 years for a pole position in Monaco, 11 for Suzuka, driving only fast cars. New Senna in a Toleman and Lotus. My ass.

The rules of F1 shouldn't allow a dominance of a car for more than a few years. Since the 80s when we started to follow, it was McLaren, then WIlliams, Benetton, Ferrari, Red Bull, Mercedes... now stop.
It's a fact that in a F1 like this in these years, the driver doesn't count much. Sure not like how it used to be. Benetton wasn't really superior than Williams, but Schumacher made it win.
There are a thousand examples. About McLaren, it's clear when a car was shit, it was shit and not even great drivers like Alonso could do anything.

more race highlights soon

Friday, March 23, 2018

Australia GP, Hamilton still butthurt

MELBOURNE - And after Hamilton's racial attack (typical of black people), he also said Rosberg needs to get the headlines... still thinking about 2016. On the contrary, the media darling Shamilton is DESPERATE for headlines every single day, he even changes opinions continuously just to get the headlines. Typical media strategy, the things they do, they say it's the others doing them.

Sky commentators saying they hope the weather stays nice, proves they only want Shamilton winning and they care about having a weekend of holidays.
A real F1 passionate wishes thunders and earthquakes happening.

crybaby diva Shamilton always moaning, now about visibility.

According to Mercedes, Ferrari pushed Bottas out.
And donkeys fly, like Shamilton.

well done "new F1", put the numbers and tyres a little smaller on your graphics, so we can't see anything at all.
Too much publicity on Sky, the users already PAY to see. You shouldn't have ANY advertisement.

3 grid place penalty for Ricciardo... would have never happened if it was Shamilton doing that.
They made Shamilton even more untouchable than the local driver.

more free practice and qualifying and race highlights soon

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Friday, March 16, 2018

F1 is not for women

If you follow carefully this (ex) sport, you can notice there are people, through the media, trying hard to change it with their mentality... and as typical of leftists, "liberals", democrat aka democraP, they love the word "change" like Obama, but they change things for the WORSE...
It's just the failure of the NWO New World Order mafia of freemasonry.
They cheat the audience, blinding the people, also by making them think Formula 1 has changed removing the only thing women were good for : gridgirls.
Some of them women in F1 are ugly (as some working as PR) so they got jealous of the gridgirls.
As F1 is the sport of money, they were probably paid by the Arabs because they don't like how the girls are dressed, they treat women like slaves with no freedom, etc.
We knew how was the best F1, the old one, when they weren't even born or they had their nappies changed.
Sky female "journalists" (some married to Sky men... how weird eh) even block you if you don't agree with them about their media darling Shamilton, you know the most overrated driver in history (9 years for a pole position in difficult Monaco driving only fast cars, "new Senna", 11 for one in skillful Suzuka, etc), playing the cool one (how difficult) because he's got the fastest car, enjoying different rules for himself (cutting chicanes, pushing others offtrack, never a penalty, etc), also thanks to Charlie Whiting, an Englishman... What a whole complete democracy.
That says a lot about how weak is his figure without the protection of the system.
There are some female engineers, like Ruth Buscombe (behaving in a way similar to Sky journalists, in fact they are linked together), but their career, passing from Ferrari to Haas to poor Sauber, shows their lack of value. Not good enough.
Get over it, women. Formula 1 is not for you. You should've already noticed that, looking at the way women drive or park.
Follow your Arabs : go back to the kitchen. Oh wait, unless you're British. No chance. Same poor results.
Shamilton, go back to fashion. Oh wait, no sense of style.
Thank anyway for ruining the sport, OUR sport.

more to add soon

Thursday, March 15, 2018

dare to be a cunt

No doubt Lewser Shamilton is different in everything he / she does. Being a media darling, he especially enjoys the different rules in F1, protected by Charlie Whiting, the Englishman... 
the English terribly suffer that Formula 1 is an English sport but the team dominating it in history is Ferrari. 
But hey, you can still try to be better than Italy in football... oh wait. 
Ok try with food... oh wait.
Let's see... fashion? ...oh wait, no sense of style.
Well at least you can enjoy a nice weather... oh wait.
What about music... oh wait, you could never reach Italian opera.
But you have a better multi-cultural society... oh wait, terror attacks there.
Congrats for feeling superior anway, for no reason.

His fanboys are so blinded like teenage girls, that even have his name in their name... GET A REAL LIFE OF YOUR OWN

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

German gay removes F1 grid-girls

Vettel said it's ridiculous, Lauda said they are idiots, it's something AGAINST women.
This German face of an asshole, Sean Bratches, Formula 1's commercial boss, is responsible for removing gridgirls from the sport.
Probably they did it as a favour for the ARABS = money... (in fact in their GPs the girls have more clothes...)
In this society these idiots feel forced to always see something against women... Gridgirls were a celebration of woman's beauty.
These cunts make call themselves LIBERALS...
“We feel this custom does not resonate with our brand values and
clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms" referring both to new and old fans. He speaks for us without asking our opinion... what a DEMOCRACY !
Is he going to pay all the girls who are going to lose the money? he can only pay women.
GAY! (it's an insult). This fag is part of the Germany-EU dictatorship of fucking Merkel.
The politically correct is ruining the world.
Hysterical JEALOUS feminism rules... and we see the results.
Usually feminists were to make woman more free, with mini-skirts, to do what they want, etc., now their idiocy leads them to all the contrary. Hysterical cunts.
Jealousy is the most common human feeling... these are jealous because feminists are usually UGLY AS FUCK.
No wonder in a F1 like this modern one, Shamilton has different rules (cutting chicanes, pushing other drivers offtrack, etc.) and they make win the "poor" black. To give an example on the media...
No wonder F1 is ruled by German Mercedes.
They never consider the people have negative reactions.
These illuminati think we are all brainless blinded robots following them. And we ARE.
We should have the courage to stop following F1, but we follow F1 since before them, and we won't leave it in their dirty hands.
These useless things, changing the F1 logo, removing the grid-girls, changing the times of the start of the race, etc are VERY typical illuminati mafia masonry media strategies to move the attention away from the real problems...
same old shit.
They're useful for them to say : oh we changed the sport. Typical of communists, they like the word "change"... yes, CHANGE FOR THE WORSE.
So, women in motorsport seem to be not "as good as" men... or sometimes they have less possibilities.
solution : let's remove gridgirls.
Well done............
The thing that makes me sick about F1 is not even all the bullshit they do, but watching the people who work in F1, media girls, journalists, etc. who totally agree with all the bullshit of F1, because they are "part of the system" and they get money from them.
They are the robots.
Ok so we're not going to any Grand Prix race.
As if removing F1 from the Italian national tv (Rai) wasn't enough...
just like the fucking woman Boldrini put the feminine to masculine nouns... oh now yes that it's getting better............. 10,5 millions of poor people in Italy.

Can you see the illuminati mafia is REDUCING the people to make things "for a few rich people"...
In these years F1 lost MILLIONS of viewers. It's a fact.
Prices got very high.
From this year : no F1 on Italian tv. Not very smart thing to do... Ferrari fans are the most numerous ones.
Also, no gridgirls now. Always less and less people.
The truth is in many GPs, gridgirls were the ONLY interesting thing, because races have become more and more boring, compared to decades ago.

Sean Bratches, don't come around here... 
we are spaghetti western. 
Sean Sean Sean... (Morricone)
fuck Bratches sucker

Monday, January 15, 2018

McLaren calendar 2018

you can print it
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