Thursday, December 28, 2017

princess Lewis Hamilton

Lady Diana Shamilton deserved a knighthood for crimes against fashion. 
And after this "scandal", he (she) erased everything on his Instagram and years of tweets on Twitter... seriously ridiculous, obsessed with his media darling reputation... sick

Monday, December 18, 2017

Hamilton twat of the year 2017

Lewis Hamilton didn't win the usual Sports PERSONALITY of the year in 2017 (wow, even his media don't make him win now... must've been because of dodging tax)
but having no personality (apart from a shit personality), after all our posts, he can be happy with this

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Rai, fate cagare il cazzo

il concetto sembra chiaro, non sappiamo più come dirvelo. FATE SCHIFO. Solo 4 dirette di Formula 1 nel 2018... e noi paghiamo il canone. Peggio : i canoni, da quando Renzi ce l'ha messo nella bolletta della luce (e diceva che l'avrebbe tolto eh...). Tutto per vedere i loro telegiornali sinistri di parte. E pagare le vacanze in giro per il mondo ai telecretini Mazzoni e company (che vanno dappertutto anche quando i Gran Premi sono in differita).
Solo in Italia.
Peggio ancora : pare che la Rai non ne trasmetterà neanche uno, solo TV8 qualcuno.

In Rai ci sono soldi per stra-pagare Hamilton per un'intevista e non per prendere neanche 1 GP in differita

La Rai (a pagamento nostro) disperata insiste a far politica sinistra anche nello sport, e puntualmente lo prende nel culo (ma a loro piace).
Lindsey Vonn, la sciatrice americana amica di Shamilton, arrivata 6a "colpa dei gufi" fan di Trump (ovviamente pure Shamilton è anti-Trump), il Tg3 li chiama ripetutamente "leoni da tastiera" (a sinistra invece non ci sono leoni da tastiera? ah no, sono ANTROPOLOGICAMENTE SUPERIORI...)
Se volete ve lo diciamo anche in faccia e vi sputiamo pure.
Non convincete più neanche i vostri parenti.
Puntuale come Trenitalia, Gentiloni esenta dal canone Rai gli over 75.
Guarda caso proprio a pochi giorni dalle elezioni. Voto di scambio mafioso. In tutti questi anni invece chissefrega.
Come il Reddito d'inclusione, ecc.
E chi ne ha meno di 75? ci fanno vedere la Formula 1. Ah no.

Sunday, December 03, 2017

mentally unstable Hamilton is 3 years late

RETARDED. Just another proof that loopy Lewis Shamilton lives in his own world and his brains don't work well.
The media darling, attention seeker, the DIVA, feels the need to always be in the media spotlight, whether it's his constant digs at other drivers or hints at changing teams or retirement, or commenting about everything that it not about him, he always needs attention.

He let out his fury about a fellow racing driver on Instagram - only to discover the incident he was angry about happened 3 years ago. ahahahahaha
If Hamilton raced in Formula E, he would get beaten by Buemi driving the same car.
Hamilton took to the social media site to share a clip of Nicolas Prost shunting Nick Heidfeld during a Formula E race.

That was a famous crash that everybody knows, even people who don't follow this sport.

And he revealed just how furious Prost’s manoeuvre had made him by calling for the Frenchman, son of F1 great Alain, to be banned by the FIA.
"So I’m trying to keep an eye on other Formulas and see clips of Formula E and this one I had to post," he wrote.
"If the FIA don’t ban this driver then I’m disgusted.
"That is some of the most dangerous driving I’ve ver seen and this kind of disgraceful driving is unacceptable.
"I hope Nick Heidfeld is ok?
"What’s your take?"
Hamilton had to delete his post from Instagram hours later though after it was pointed out the incident happened in 2014.

Besides, it's hilarious that Hamilton talks about banning drivers, with all the help he gets in F1, cutting chicanes, pushing others offtrack, blocking others, etc. and never getting a penalty.

The media, also in this case, are always ready to give excuses for his mistakes.

Saturday, December 02, 2017

new Alfa Romeo Sauber 2018

MILAN - The car with the legendary symbol of the city of Milan, Alfa Romeo won the first 2 championship of F1, with Farina and Fangio

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Abu Dhabi, Hamilton's dogs not believing him

His classic excuse when he's not able to overtake (usually Verstappen) :
"This track doesn't suit F1 cars for overtaking".
He had said the same about Brazil last year because he wasn't able, and so why this year he was able.

"Vettel had the best car in F1 this year" 
ah ah ah not even his dogs believe him.
Ferrari was faster only in a few, slow circuits, like Monaco and Hungaroring.
Even the stones know Mercedes was better.

The media celebrate their media darling being a "sportsman" applauding Bottas.
A sportsman only when it doesn't count. Too easy.
When it counts : Shamilton asked for Bottas to slow down the others / make him pass / etc.

Photo : anticipation of 2018 Formula 1. Saying "best fans, best circuit, best food" for every race.
But only when he wins. Hypocrite, arse licker, sycophant.

No wonder Bottas had the pole position again, as it took 9 years for Shamilton the "fastest man in history for a single lap" for a pole in Monaco. "New Senna".

more highlights soon

"casco placcato in oro di Hamilton... è una delle sue... ehm... (stronzate?) ...un suo vezzo"

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Brazil GP, Hamilton 90% crybaby

INTERLAGOS - H-itler and H-anilton's 44 Mercedes...
H for the illuminati is the h-ell gate.
The illuminati mafia masonry was formed in Germany, that is hated by the Shamilton's fanboys.
44 is their number (also see in Angels & Demons) a double 4, that is a double triangle.
It's really strange that one arrogant like him didn't pick the number 1 when he had the possibility, but kept the 44...

Shamilton said "mental strength was key to beating Vettel to title". Driving the best car, then Ferrari
throwing all away, being helped and having no penalties (Englishman Charlie Whiting race director), all of this is now called "mental strength".
Also, compliments about strength should be told by OTHER people, not to oneself.
I could say I'm beautiful like Brad Pitt, but nobody says so.
Anti-Trump McLaren's CNN doesn't even allow comments on the article. Says a lot about their media darling Shamilton. Not democrat but demoCRAP.
He also said he was using 10% of his potential. So it was TOO EASY to win, as Alonso said.
90% was crying like a crybaby.

Ringraziamo calorosamente "mamma" Rai che ha messo le prove sul canale RaiSportHD cioè il 57 che non si vede dappertutto, e con internet che non funzionava perchè siamo in Italia, non le abbiamo viste.
Confermano che non sono mai dalla parte della gente. Roba per ricchi con abbonamenti alle pay tv. Ma dove vogliamo andare... neanche la tv. E loro pensano all Hd.
Tra l'altro se uno non ha una tv Hd, il 57 non credo proprio che lo veda. Noi la tv Hd ce l'abbiamo, ma nella nostra zona (vicino a Milano) neanche così si vedeva.
L'Italia che è un paese vecchio e ora anche povero, figuriamoci se tanti hanno le tv hd
In sovrimpressione sul 58 dove facevano la F1 c'era scritto nuoto e ovviamente facevano la scherma, poi il trekking (quanti li guardavano? 20 persone?)
Di solito facevano programmi inutili su 5 canali contemporaneamente.
Confermano che la Formula 1 non è un loro interesse. Finito il campionato, le gare restanti sono solo per gente che se ne intende o è appassionata. Quindi non la Rai.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Bullitt (edited & extended)

If you want to feel like Steve McQueen : 
a) use this on your car audio
b) select a vehicle (not necessarily a fast one) in front of you and follow it around until the driver gets spooked and hits the accelerator trying to lose you 
c) chase the car

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Hamilton tax evader for a vegan jet

dedicated to Shamilton. He thought he was king CREOLE... he sits upon a throne, he lives a sleazy lie, but he's all alone again, again. No friends in F1, only rap idiots.
We feel karma will punish him soon or later. As he said about his hated Schumacher when he had the ski accident, "everything happens for a reason"...

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Mexico GP, Hamilton's different rules

MEXICO CITY - Shamilton 4 tyres offtrack. He likes cutting chicanes also in Mexico. No penalty as always, unlike Verstappen @ Austin. Karma : no pole position. Last position in the race for 28 LAPS.

Verstappen immediately under investigation for blocking Bottas, but he wasn't.
Something that Shamilton does regularly in almost every weekend. Always different rules for him.
It's all a matter of media reputation. He knows he can do what he wants, he's arrogant, so he does forbidden things on purpose.
His fanboys are wishing Verstappen to crash into Vettel at the start. They are the hooligans of this "sport" and with him they ruined it. If you tell facts about him (like : 9 years for a pole in Monaco driving only fast cars... new Senna), you are a HATER, even a RACIST. 
Because they know nothing about F1 and they're not able to answer.
Using flags and loosen the belts was FORBIDDEN, with penalties. Shamilton can do it.

during the Mexican national anthem, using the mobile phone... complete idiot, this year it was even more important just after the earthquake. 
He's a good example for the young people, showing how they should NOT be.

more highlights soon

keep on dreaming a Ferrari, you'll never be a Formula 1 legend. 
Driving a Mercedes is not risky as you say on the media.
It's the same thing that said the media darling illuminati mafioso Noel Gallagher... it's not risky doing what they do, the right word is BORING.

“When l saw he had re-signed with Ferrari l was like 'good luck, guys, because l am going to be here for that period of time to make your life a misery!'"
How pathetic. Not that difficult driving the best car and without technical problems all year. You one one title overtaking legend" Glock and finishing 5th, with "legend" Massa winning. World champion again thanks to Red Bull suddenly disqualified before the Abu Dhabi final race, they were the only possible rivals but Mercedes was superior and still Shamilton struggled against "legend" Massa (again!) driving an inferior car. 
2017 thanks to Ferrari throwing the championship away.

Shamilton stayed @ LAST position for 28 LAPS (TWENTY EIGHT) with the best car and DRS... ad LAPPED. Technical issue yes yes, saying it's not easy to overtake, oh really? welcome to real racing. Crybaby moaning.
A bath of humility for the fake world champion from karma.

1) thanking GOD like Shamilton does, directly from the psychiatric hospital (God = Charlie Whiting from England, best car, media playing his game, etc.) 2) it's not "Vettel fans" against him, it's anyone with some brains 3) "best man" in what? cooking salad? 4) 3th or 3rd? 5) now Mercedes is even the 3rd car (!) but hey Sauber is even better 6) yes god that he won now, lapped, 28 laps at the bottom, in that car even Rosberg won 7) name of the fan : hidden, like a scaredy cat. No personality like his overrated idol. Why not LULU' Hamilton?
Usually they insult anyone with a different opinion. And they are the "tolerant ones"... Especially women, according to his fans they can't talk but go to the kitchen.
God Hamilton... It's typical of the blinding effect of the illuminati media mafia, the fans think to be their idol. It happens the same with illuminati mason Noel Gallagher. It's always someone they don't know personally, they know the celebrities through the media. In fact they're all media darlings.
ahaha here is what we said. Shamilton tells the audience they are the best fans everytime. Also best food and best circuit. Hypocrite
"Someone kill Vettel on the track. Burn that NAZI in the car". 
(Shaan from Ontario, Canada, just the typical Shamilton fankid)
Nothing new... communists are so idiotic they make you want to become a Nazi so to clean the shit of the world. They are the LIBERALS, they RESPECT everybody... apart from those who are not the same as them............ demoCRAP 
Heroes only hidden behind the screen of their daily wank.
Shamilton would say : "best fans".
This one just another ARSENAL football fan... they are the worse of all. The name says a lot, ARSEnal

Mancava la ciliegina-cazzatina finale : Mazzoni dà i meriti alla dieta vegan ahaha eh sì, anche i problemi tecnici della Ferrari e i loro autoscontri sono successi grazie alla CICORIA.

Friday, October 20, 2017

USA gp, media slaves of Hamilton

AUSTIN - So recently the media blinded the F1 audience by saying Ferrari is SUPERIOR than Mercedes.
Oh ok. All was to glorify their media darling Shamilton "the fastest man in history" (but still, taking 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving only fast cars. "New Senna" for the media and blinded fanboys).
Now they specify even in free practice how much he gains in every sector (adding he's "extraordinary"), so to mean the fastest lap is the target. But if Verstappen is at +0.4 and Ferrari is the fastest car and still behind, does it mean Vettel is shit?
Ferrari is clearly NOT the best car. It was faster in slow circuits as Monaco and Hungary and a few other moments. Reliability is fundamental, and Ferrari wasn't reliable.
The bullshit the media say are too weird... they are probably paid "from above", because Shamilton makes more marketing, he brings more money. Don't forget Formula 1 is the "sport" of sponsors.
They know Sham can win the title soon, so they started to justify the win... 'cause he's gonna win it because Ferrari threw it away.
Then these "journalists" make meaningful mistakes, for example saying Lewser is the current world champion... no, even Rosberg beat him.
Let's give Alonso or Verstappen or Vettel or many others a Mercedes and Hamilton can't even see them.

Also, did you notice how he says in every GP there are the best fans, best circuit, best food...
(are you sure? I wouldn't exchange mine for example with Chinese food having dead dogs... Shamilton, don't forget you're a vegan now...)
And he says so only when he wins. Fucking hypocrite... arse licker... shortdicksucker... sycophant.

Where is Hamilton's protest against the American anthem? So he was playing on the media as always.

If it wasn't Verstappen but Shamilton going offtrack to overtake : no penalty.
Shamilton can cut WHOLE chicanes (Mexico, Monaco, etc) to keep the position, or pushing the others out (Rosberg, Ricciardo, etc)

why the girdgirl holding Hamilton's number must be black?
THAT is racism. Everything about him is racist.

more highlights soon

Mazzoni ha definito Shamilton e Bolt i due uomini (Shamilton è un uomo? semmai un bambino) più veloci in assoluto.
Ma seriamente c'è gente che pensa Hamilton sia più veloce di Alonso o Verstappen o Vettel ecc dandogli la stessa macchina? gente che sta al ricovero.
Tra l'altro Bolt non è più il più veloce, è arrivato 3° e si è ritirato.
"Impressionante Hamilton, macchina attaccata a terra"
(Ivan Capelli)
eh beh Hamilton è la macchina. Se un altro come Verstappen o Alonso ecc guidasse una Mercedes, la macchina sarebbe staccata da terra.
Le pirlate che dicono sono strane .. come ordini ricevuti dall'alto... ah la Rai, che strano eh... Un altro la farebbe volare molto di più. Lui si è fatto battere anche da macchine e piloti più lenti.
Certo che i giudizi che danno sono veramente strani...
prima dicono che la Ferrari è SUPERIORE alla Mercedes.
Ah ok. Tutto per esaltare Hamilton "interprete straordinario", e specificano quanto guadagna in ogni settore, quindi considerando il giro veloce come l'obiettivo.
Ma se Verstappen è a 4 decimi e la Ferrari è la macchina migliore e sta dietro allora significa che Vettel è una pippa?
Tutto si chiarisce con l'ingegner Bruno dai lapsus significativi : "il campione del mondo in carica Hamilton"... persino Rosberg l'ha battuto.
Essere la macchina migliore non significa essere la migliore qua e là in circuiti lenti come Monaco e Ungheria e poco altro. Bisogna avere anche l'affidabilità. Di sicuro la Ferrari non è la macchina migliore. Sono tutti succubi di Hamilton il cocco dei media.
Di sicuro vengono pagati da qualcuno dall'alto perchè li fa marketing e porta più soldi...
Hamilton funziona come i migranti per le Coop, Cei, Chiesa, Caritas, PD...

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Japan, Hamilton 11 years late

SUZUKA - The difference between a child's behaviour and a man's behaviour.
We are not even Vettel's fans and used to hate him.
Arrogant diva, a whole line of seats for him, sure the other drivers know him well.
Qualifying. Pole position in Suzuka for "the FASTEST man in history on a single lap" Shamilton for the FIRST TIME at his 11th ATTEMPT... he always had fast cars and this is a very "technical" circuit where you have to be good... Where did he do all the 71 poles... in his toilet?
Just like 9 years for a pole in Monaco. New Senna for the media.
Most overrated driver ever.

the Shamilton fanboys : Lewiiiis has an INFERIOR car
they seriously said that.
Never seen a more blinded audience, not even 12-year-old fangirls loving Take That or One Direction.
If it's an inferior car, why even Bottas was 2nd at only +0.3

All the media are like : wow what a lap by Lewwwwser!
give a Mercedes to Verstappen, Vettel or Alonso...

Shamilton blocking Massa...of course he'll get no penalty for this like @ Silverstone.
Always different rules for him... imagine if it was any other driver, punishing him for every minimal thing.

more highlights soon

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Malaysia, media hiding Hamilton

SEPANG - More about the Malaysian Grand Prix.
No replay on tv of Verstappen's overtake from the media.
It's a huge shame for Shamilton.
We follow many many Twitter accounts of F1, and NOT EVEN 1 MEDIA mentioned Max overtaking the media darling Shamilton. And usually they say EVERYTHING, also the useless things.
You know Hamilton, the most overrated driver driving only fast cars, taking 9 years for a pole position in Monaco. New Senna.
Let's give Verstappen a Mercedes and Lewser will not even see him.

ah ah ah Shamilton DECIDED not to fight against Verstappen.
Sure... you're shit. Always an excuse ready for him.
I decided to refuse Adriana Lima.

A few hours before the GP, it was raining... so of course all the media were like : ohhhh a storm! heavy rain! it's pouring! (because Shamilton was on pole position... so he would have needed a safety car start... that doesn't happen when Ferrari is ahead...)
men with no balls nowadays.

The Shamilton fanboys prove they know nothing about rules : Vettel's lift on Wehrlein's car was no penalty as Webber some years ago in Singapore, because Webber was at the 3rd reprimand and he had crossed the track, that was the reason for the reprimand.

more highlights soon

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Malaysia, Hamilton's usual luck

SEPANG - Qualifying, Vettel out for turbo problems. Again, the LUCK that Shamilton has, is the only amazing thing about him.
No, I'm joking...
Also amazing, his disgusting fashion sense.
And the 9 years it took driving only fast cars for a pole position in Monaco. New Senna.
He's not even able to set up a car... the BEST car... best driver my ass.
Rosberg retired from F1 and Mercedes has all these setup issues...
You don't remember, not even one GP where you can say : wow amazing race by Hamilton.
As he always blames the others, also he wins thanks to the others.

A driver makes a mistake : bad driver (that's the label he gets, the meaning of what they say).
Shamilton ALWAYS makes mistakes : "He's VERY VERY CLEVER"
(Brundle fanboy of the media darling).
He's very very IDIOT.
The media say what the blinded fans want to hear. Not the reality. It's a matter of reputation. Shamilton got one that it's not him.

Tomorrow for the race : if it rains : start behind the safety car to protect Lewser.

Arrogant Shamilton was mocking Vettel, saying it's nice that Vettel is showing his weakness.
On the other hand, Hamilton's weakness is covered by the English (Charlie Whiting, etc.) in this "sport" of money and sponsors and marketing. He can block the others, push them offtrack, cut chicanes, etc. and in wet races when he's ahead : start behind safety car. All different F1 rules for the media darling bringing money from idiotic people.
What a complete TWAT on Twitter. At least Vettel has no Twitter.

Now seriously. The question is : to make him win, which dicks has Hamilton sucked?

more highlights soon

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

2017 Malaysian Grand Prix guide, Formula 1

SEPANG - Sepang International Circuit (SIC) circuit, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur. 
(Malesia) Malaysia Formula One Grand Prix preview, 29 September-1 October 2017.
You can join the Facebook event here, also if you're not going there, just to remind you the hours of the GP on tv. 
Unfortunately, it's the circuit where Marco Simoncelli died. Ironic that his nickname was "Sic", just like the name of this circuit.

British time: (Italy +1) 

free practice 1: 4:00-5:30 
fp2: 8:00-9:30 

fp3: 7:00-8:00 
qualifying: 10:00-11:00 

race: 8:00

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Lewis Hamilton joins Formula E !

About our recent post about Shamilton going vegan, going against global warming and still driving 20 cars and motorbikes and owning a private jet, going mental, going idiot, he decided to join Formula E and get beaten by Buemi in the same identical car...
The most overrated driver in history. 9 years for a pole in Monaco, driving only fast cars. New Senna. A half man with no MEATballs.

pollution coming from cows’... what a good example to have a healthy life... and he said he's for personal health... What about all the clothes coming from animals he's wearing looking like an idiot ... he doesn't even know what fashion means... what a complete prick.
Lewser : "emissions of global-warming gases, coming from the amount of cows that are being produced is incredible. They say it is more than what we produce with our flights and our cars, which is kind of crazy to think". Exactly, you're crazy.
Cows gases because they fart a lot.
“Every person I have met who has gone vegan says it is the best decision they have ever made.”
you can even find people saying going ISIS is the best decision they've ever made...
Some children made vegan by their parents without the children's decision, have had health problems and some even died. That says a lot about how "healthy" it is. 
The documentary the media dalring Hamilton watched changing his mind (says a lot about his brains influenced by the media) is not a doctor but political propaganda.

"I remember reading an interview with him, some years ago. He was whining big time, because he was not 'allowed' to eat turkey and gravey for Christmas, he could only have pasta and vegetables. It was soooo hard for him, and I remember, I was thinking; None of the other drivers ever whined like that."
"But if cows are making all this pollution how can he save the planet by not eating them? Surely he should be eating them to remove their toxic farts! The less cows there are the less pollution therefore he should be advocating eating more beef not less!"

Arrogant Shamilton is mocking Vettel, saying it's nice that Vettel is showing his weakness.
On the other hand, Hamilton's weakness is covered by the English (Charlie Whiting, etc.) in this "sport" of money and sponsors and marketing. He can block the others, push them offtrack, cut chicanes, etc. and in wet races when he's ahead : start behind safety car. All different F1 rules for the media darling bringing money from idiotic people.
What a complete TWAT on Twitter. At least Vettel has no Twitter.

more to add soon

Monday, September 18, 2017

Monza banna la verità

E dopo le giornaliste inglesi di Sky (giornalaie, guarda caso alcune sposate con gente che lavora in Sky, il caso vuole che s'innamorano sul lavoro...) che vi bloccano se non la pensate come loro sul cocco dei media Shamilton... in Italia vige una democrazia tipo PD Partito "Democratico", 4 governi abusivi. Dopo l'incidente tra Raikkonen, Vettel e Verstappen alla partenza, se dite che le gare bagnate quando Hamilton è davanti partono dietro la safety car per proteggerlo e invece a Singapore no, otterrete molti like dai tifosi della Ferrari ovviamente, ma per aver detto questo dato di fatto, il vostro commento verrà cancellato e verrete addirittura bannati.
Ricordiamo anche gran premi come Gran Bretagna 2016 con pista bagnata ma SOLE splendido, partire dietro la safety perchè Hamilton era in pole.
Monza che tifa l'avversario della Ferrari... fanno parte del giochetto dei media, del marketing, essere dalla parte del "bovero negretto" fa visualizzazioni e fa soldi...
Inoltre hanno eliminato le stelle coi giudizi della gente, al contrario di altri circuiti. La verità offende...
Questo si aggiunge a quanto detto in un post recente sulla pessima organizzazione dell'Autodromo al Gran Premio d'Italia.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Singapore GP, Hamilon always helped

SINGAPORE - Crash at the start with Verstappen, Raikkonen, Vettel retired... when Shamilton is on pole position, a wet race starts behind the safety car (and we are always ANGRY about it), to keep his position, and today not........ And it was raining a lot, it was clear. Today it was even more dangerous, because it was the FIRST EVER night wet race. The visibility was very bad at the start, in fact they put the radio of Raikkonen and others saying they couldn't see because of water spray.
Those who rule the F1 (oh and Charlie Whiting is an Englishman...) play with the ignorance of the audience... Wet races can be quite rare... so a few people remember what happened previously...
What a joke of a money “sport”. Formula "1" means they have to help one.
The media darling always has different rules.
Also, he never gets a penalty, neither for his attitude behind the safety car. You know, that Mercedes safety car... as if the referee of a football match was of one of the teams.
Lewminati always has everything for him, and still has the crybaby attitude "oh everything against me". WHAT A CUNT.
slow down Bottas : ok for Lewser
slow down for Bottas : nah nah nah
He even asks to slow down Bottas.
An advice for the fans : stop watching this media sport of clowns.

result of the investigation by the stewards : no penalties, racing incident. If it was an accident against Hamilton : other drivers disqualified.
And of course he talked about GOD. Fuck your money god.
On the media he looks like a hero... DRIVER OF THE DAY... and what has he done, part from being lucky, driving the best car.
9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving only fast cars, born inside McLaren. "New Senna". The most overrated driver ever.

more highlights soon

Friday, September 15, 2017

Lewis Hamilton for global warming

SINGAPORE - The media are influencing the media darling. Taking decisions after watching a documentary says a lot about his lack of intelligence. More proof about vegan people... Going vegan, he probably thinks leather grows on trees ..................
The desperate attention seeker Lewis Shamilton says he's on a mission (oh thank you God, save us all!!!) against global warming... (it's like being against falling stars). And he drives in Formula 1... own many cars and motorbikes and even a PRIVATE JET...
Thank you Lewser, we didn't need more proof you're an idiot.
Global warming is an excuse (typical of the media mafia) to move the attention away from the real problems.
Hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. always existed, and even much worse, and it's NOT the man's fault, as the current stupid Pope said. In Italy the current idiotic "liberal", "democrat" (demoCRAP... FOUR governments without people voting) prime minister talks about global warming, while the earthquakes destroy whole towns because it's the TOWNS that are built in the wrong way

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Le barriere pro-terrorismo

A proposito di automezzi. Gran Premio d'Italia a Monza (la questione principale sembrava essere la sicurezza, che poi non c'era veramente - vedi post precedente). Fanno togliere i tappi dalle bottiglie e hanno una serie di regole ridicole facendoci passare per dei coglioni con la bottiglia aperta in mano.
Intanto sulla metropolitana milanese alla mattina presto ci sono arabi che mettono le loro preghiere a tutto volume, pensate che bel risveglio.
Poi il PD il partito delle tasse, ovviamente aumentando il prezzo del biglietto dei mezzi, aveva detto che ci sarebbe stato un migliore servizio... per sardine in scatola schiacciate sui mezzi... (Renzi aveva anche detto che avrebbe tolto il canone Rai... infatti prima eravamo in 4 persone e ne pagavamo 1 e ora siamo in 2 e ne paghiamo 2... infilàti subdolamente nella bolletta della luce, quindi obbligati a pagare).
Siamo andati a fare un giro in Duomo a Milano e i famosi new jersey comesichiamano le barriere di cemento anti-camion contro gli attentati terroristici non ci sono fuori dalla Galleria verso piazza del Duomo, nè verso piazza della Scala. Ed entrambi sono raggiungibilissimi da un camion, la polizia mica riesce a fermarlo sparandogli. Mica possono sparare sulla folla.
Conferme che queste barriere anti-terrorismo sono una presa per il culo mediatica : 1) dove conta, non ci sono (e i terroristi scelgono luoghi famosi, ponte di Londra, Rambla di Barcellona, ecc.). Si devono essere accorti che ostacolano di più i pedoni che i terroristi 2) sui media c'erano foto dei jersey dove invece poi non ci sono. E pensare che questi erano quelli "contro i muri", ma a favore dei muretti invece sì. 3) sui media veniva anche detto DOVE e QUANDO li mettevano. Proprio dei CRETINI. Siamo in guerra e diciamo al nemico pure COME colpire. I terroristi poi godono a guardare i media, è risaputo che vogliono fare attentati spettacolari. 4) il tutto è addirittura inutile, anche i bambini sanno che i terroristi colpiscono anche senza camion, e possono farsi saltare in aria come al concerto di Ariana Grande a Manchester, quindi a chi giova tutto il parlare sui jersey. 5) ciliegina sulla torta : le interviste del cazzo (selezionate) in cui la gente ignorante dice che coi jersey (quali?) si sente al SICURO.
Con il Partito "Democratico", danni e beffe.
Festival del cinema di Venezia : vip hollywoodiani illuminati protettissimi contro i terroristi (ma se i divi fanno il loro gioco...), film a favore dei migranti. Per noi gente comune invece "ci sono" i JERSEY....... Dovremmo forse mettere dei maglioncini protettivi.

Ghisberto ha preso 39 GIORNI di ban solo per questa vignetta. Succede perchè chi è offeso dalla realtà e incapace di rispondere, come conigli vigliacchi segnalano di nascosto. Come sempre in tutto, ottengono l'effetto contrario, perchè poi uno si sente preso per il culo e la diffonde di più in altri modi (basta anche solo usare un altro profilo degli admin delle pagine).
I sinistri dicono che il problema per cui succede il terrorismo è che certi migranti non si integrano e che quindi la soluzione è integrarli TUTTI... proprio l’opposto di quello che bisogna fare. Il problema è proprio che si integrano...
Poi parlano di razzismo della destra perchè fa comodo come scusa, e invece l'islam non è una razza ma una religione...
Tg3 : “L'isis sembrava sconfitto, quindi ci sbagliavamo” (fanno finta di ammettere così la gente pecorona pensa : oh onesti però). L'isis è diminuito in quei paesi, te credo ORMAI ABITANO QUI IN EUROPA. Teste di minchia, fate ancora entrare cani e porci.
Vedo in tv che persino il Tg3 fa vedere città italiane letteralmente invase da loro che okkupano piazze per la preghiera. Intervistano il capo e dice che (ovvio eh) un arabo non può uccidere un uomo INNOCENTE... attenzione a quella parola. Per loro noi siamo COLPEVOLI. Ancora per le Crociate e robe medievali come la loro mentalità indietro di centinaia di anni.

Monday, September 04, 2017

disorganizzazione per Monza

Gran Premio d'Italia 2017, Autodromo Nazionale.

1) sessione autografi. Siamo stati trattati come bestiame. In piedi per ore, poi all’apertura, con la scusa che passavano macchine in fondo alla coda (una volta ci facevano già entrare nella zona vicino alle palazzine) hanno avuto l’ideona di mettere alcuni steward in mezzo alla gente segnando un confine oltre il quale non avrebbero fatto entrare altri. Eh beh certo, eravamo lì per ore per giocare a carte. L’organizzazione per la giornata del giovedì è da cambiare completamente.

2) i famosi controlli alle entrate, degli zaini e dei biglietti, sono stati sbandierati sui media, come se ci fosse grande sicurezza. Posso capire che io sono italiano e non “sembro” un terrorista (terroristi che però usano persone insospettabili come collaboratori...), ma a volte mi hanno solo CHIESTO cosa c’era nel mio zaino pieno, sono andati “sulla fiducia”. Anche quando me lo facevano aprire, ero io che dicevo che in un’altra borsa interna avevo la macchina fotografica. Ma il top del ridicolo è stato che ci hanno fatto togliere i TAPPI dalle bottiglie (oltre a sequestrare tutte le lattine di bevande), addirittura ritirando le bottiglie ghiacciate perchè “pericolose”. Avevano anche avvisato nel regolamento, quindi uno come me con un minimo di intelligenza si porta altri tappi e una volta ritirato il tappo, ne mette poi altri...
Solita storia : comunichiamo ai terroristi dove, come, quando colpire.

3) in un parco come quello del circuito di Monza non esiste l’ombra di una fontanella. Posso capire che vogliono far guadagnare i chioschi (7 euro una bottiglietta di birra) ma per rinfrescarsi sotto il sole le fontanelle sono fondamentali. Devono essere come i famosi ambientalisti, che vogliono salvare il mondo chiudendo qualche rubinetto...

4) non lasciatevi ingannare dalle offertone per fregare i turisti, per i mezzi per raggiungere l’autodromo. Il “treno speciale” porta dall’altra parte del circuito a Lesmo, dovrete quindi farvi una camminata allucinante. Idem la “linea nera”, che tra l’altro costa anche di più del normale autobus per Vedano o Biassono. Mezzi stracolmi con gente schiacciata tipo sardine in scatola. Tra l’altro gli stranieri sembrano ignorare l’esistenza di biglietti da fare prima di salire, e quindi li vogliono fare salendo sull’autobus. L’autista glieli fa pure, con la coda di gente in strada, perdendo altro tempo oltre alle attese interminabili aspettando l’arrivo dell’autobus stesso. Poi la timbratrice esiste solo nella parte anteriore dei bus che sono lunghi, quindi chi sale da altre porte non può ovviamente usare il biglietto. Sembra tutto fatto per favorire i furbi.

5) i bambini gratis a Monza. Posso capire che gli piacciono le macchine e i genitori sfruttano il fatto che sia gratis, ma dovete avere l’intelligenza di tenerli in braccio o sulle spalle, non potete lasciare liberi dei piccoli Attila, specialmente in mezzo alla gente, alle file, alle sessioni autografi davanti ai box, continuano a muoversi, a chiedere, a lamentarsi, sono un disturbo che fanno passare la voglia di mettere al mondo altri figli.

6) quando piove, e stavolta ha decisamente piovuto (8 ore sotto l’acqua), è ovvio che piove sulle tribune senza tetto, ma i tetti delle altre (e dei bar) sgocciolano più acqua che un acquazzone. Bisogna mettere dei canali o ripararli dove ci sono, fare almeno la manutenzione insomma. Per non parlare poi delle responsabilità degli organizzatori della Formula 1, la gestione del continuo rimando delle qualifiche è a dir poco ridicolo. Moltissima gente è dovuta andar via, perdendosi lo spettacolo. Tutto perchè solo 1 pilota si era girato sulle pozzanghere, ed era ovvio che le condizioni della pista sarebbero rimaste quelle. Ci paga Grosjean?

7) gli steward “di colore” stranieri non sanno nulla. Fanno solo colore. Immagino che siano comodi perchè li si può pagare poco, trattandoli come schiavi sottopagati. Ma ad esempio non sapere neanche dove si trovano le curve di Lesmo è ridicolo. A proposito, abbiamo intravisto, ad esempio in alcuni sgabuzzini dietro la Prima Variante, un gruppo di “migranti” (entrano gratis? li controllano?) che confabulavano chissà su cosa. In questi tempi di terrorismo meglio non vedere queste cose, grazie.

altro da aggiungere prossimamente

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Belgium GP, Hamilton the hypocrite

SPA FRANCORCHAMPS - Same old boring shit. Shamilton talking about Schumacher, "I am honoured" blah blah. He used to talk SHIT about Schumacher. Hypocrisy Hamilton. Always the same Lewser using others.
Then he says the magic word : PRAY, and all the people go : awwwwwwww... Just like all the anti-Trump idiots of the "pray for" everytime after a terror attack. Terrorists must be terrified. No wonder the world is doing so bad.
Even driver of the day and the usual media glorifying him. Give any other driver a perfect Mercedes and let's see who's the ace.
more "highlights" soon

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

free ticket for Monza, Italian Grand Prix

Italy GP 2017, including Thursday 31 August (meeting the drivers) and Friday 1 (free access everywhere) and F1 nights @ Just Cavalli club in Milan. 
Message me if you're interested.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Hungary GP, Hamilton media blame tv

BUDAPEST (Hungaroring) - The highest point of ridiculous. The media supporting their media darling diva blaming the tv (themselves) not following Shamilton with direct images, for not doing good lap times.
That is proof the media receive orders from above...
By the way, why are the media hiding Shamilton's new horrible hairstyle?
they must be ashamed.
Lewser : "I look at Williams and look at how cool it would be to one day drive for Williams and help them get back to the top..."
you struggle to win with a perfect Mercedes, and you want to get a Williams to the top, LOL.
Meanwhile, Justin Bieber went to church and then hit a photographer.
Could be only a Shamilton's friend.

Shamilton blocking again, now Magnussen, and not getting a penalty as always.

Shamilton behind Verstappen and obviously couldn't pass him.
-> obviously penalty for Verstappen.
This is how Formula 1 "works".
Shamilton would've NEVER got a penalty if he was Verstappen,
it would've been just "Hamilton blocking the tyres", race incident.

Mercedes faking a mistake by Bottas to let Shamilton pass, 'cause he was not able to pass him.
ridiculous F1
I see some girls around like Shamilton. Because he's WEAK. And always needs a help.

The strategy of letting Shamilton pass was "right" in a certain point of view (but wrong for real racing), because his car was faster and they tried to catch the Ferraris. BUT if he tried to pass Bottas for real (and they could fake it in a better way), he wouldn't have had to let Bottas pass at the end, so he would've gained the 3rd position HONESTLY.
What a strange word for Shamilton...

did you notice how the "5 laps to attack Ferrari" for Shamilton became more?
talking about being a sportsman is ridiculous : if he behaved in a different way, he would've got a fine to pay.

The media are going mad. Another journalist, not even British, says to hope (and that we also should do it... they decide for us, same democracy of Sky journalists blocking if you don't agree) that Hamilton will not miss at the end of the championship these points he had to give Bottas... Those points were NOT Hamilton's, he had to PASS Bottas to have them.
We wonder who pays them to say these things.
This is the same "democracy" we're having in several governments...

more Hungarian Grand Prix highlights soon

"La livrea arancione della McLaren era così quando Bruce McLaren esordì nel 1966"
No, era bianca e un po' verde.

numero di scuse date da Mazzoni per Shamilton che non fa il miglior tempo : 14.
traffico (c'è solo per lui?), problemi, bla bla, persino NON è STATO INQUADRATO (COSA C'ENTRA???????) Ah già il cocco dei media deve avere attenzione mediatica... Questa è la prova che hanno ORDINI DALL'ALTO...

E poi siamo proprio sicuri che Giovinazzi sia capace di guidare?

Abbiamo visto in giro che dopo questi anni in cui persino le strade sono disastrate (segno di un paese allo sbando totale ormai del Terzo Mondo, ma facevano apposta localmente mettendosi d'accordo coi meccanici per spartirsi i soldi dei danni), infatti andavano spesso a Striscia La Notizia, adesso guarda caso stanno iniziando a rifarle... guarda caso tra qualche mese ci sono le elezioni politiche...
Benvenuti in Italia.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

British GP, Hamilton blocking as always gets no penalty

SILVERSTONE - Ok, in Monza we punch Shamilton in the face.
Always something wrong happens @ Silverstone.
The son of a huge white bitch strikes again. The media darling celebrated so they gave him no punishment as always, for blocking as always, now Grosjean (Ferrari engine...)
"Unbelievable" they said... not. Just the usual.
They should block the diva and see what happens...  then the crybaby and his sycophants would have something to cry for.
He was the only absent one at F1 Live in London... he shows himself only @ expensive Grand Prix,  not free events in London for poor people...
Let's give Alonso (P1 in Q1) a Mercedes and the media darling Lewser wouldn't even see him.
Bottas with a 5-place grid penalty for gearbox change, now the Shamilton Fanboys will not be crying that we need to get rid of grid penalties like they were in Austria...
Until this piece of shit stays in Formula 1 with different rules for him, this sport will always be shit.
What a coincidence : he's always the one involved in troubles.
Toto Wolff said moaning Grosjean should be happy he's in F1... what a gentleman... his Shamilton is the king of moaners and he would moan if he was the one blocked.

what's a Hollywood actor on the podium got to do with Formula 1...
acting, fiction... both fake worlds of money.
The point is the people supporting Lewser were not even born in the 80s, many not even in the 90s, they don't even know what is F1. They think it's a show, with the media saying he's the new Senna and they believe them, ignoring that it took him 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving fast cars.

He always changes ideas 'cause he's an attention seeker, so the media always have titles for him. Now he said he doesn't know if he retires at the end of 2017... he always sounds like a menace... make me win or I quit.
It's the last one, so make me win.
childish crybaby, with the media playing his game.

Today he said he will race for 5 or 6 years.
nah, tomorrow he says he will retire next weekend, to have media attention.
nah, the first GP he loses he says he will retire at the end of the season (so to make him win).
nah, in the next years when Verstappen or someone else has a decent car, he definitely retires.
Bad loser Lewser.

more highlights soon

Saturday, July 08, 2017

English Sky journalists blocking

The amount of media darling DIVA Lewis Shamilton's dick sucking has become beyond ridiculous.
A few non-blinded English fans said they are even ashamed to be English.
If you don't agree with the bullshit they say in their arse-licking fanboyism, these sycophants even block you. Rachel Brookes, Jennie Gow, Natalie Pinkham, etc.
That's their childish "democracy". They cause nausea watching Formula 1 in the fans not blinded by them. The more they behave like this, the more they show there's something wrong with their "hero" (you know that one never getting a penalty and taking 9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving fast cars. New Senna. And still needs a perfect German car made by an Italian man, and still struggles).
About the Baku incident with Vettel, no word about Loo-is Lewser clearly referring to violence if he met Vettel. And he's even considered a poor victim and a saint. Always moaning like a crybaby.
Some are even married to ugly men working @ Sky... that says a lot.
They are probably paid to be fangirls. They're no "journalists" but media bitches.

Shamilton once again showed to be a fake, with his enthusiastic interviews for the media, and he knew there was a gearbox change and said nothing.
He's allowed to be only SUPERCOOL. Then he even said he's not interested in winning this race.

KARMA punishing him even more : after brake checking Vettel, now problems with brakes.

Beside, these journalists are all anti-Trump idiots, reblogging bullshit. Media slaves.

Friday, July 07, 2017

Austria GP, karma punishing pathetic Hamilton

SPIELBERG - This is called KARMA (already punishing him in Baku). Lewser Shamilton set to grid penalty after gearbox change. Obviously his stupid fans are blaming Vettel. They know a lot about Formula 1, being cricket fans.
After free practice 1, the media were like WOW about Loo-is 1st. Oh so quick! Quick with a Red Bull at +0.190
Let's give Verstappen a Mercedes and see what quick means with Lewminati not even seeing him.
The English media are still talking about the Baku incident, sycophant Shamilton was making it a MORAL matter and calling it a SECURITY matter, licking the arse of FIA (suddenly he's a saint). With all the bullshit he's done blocking the others etc. at least one bullshit in almost every race and never getting a penalty, he talks about how to behave. ASSHOLE. And even in Baku he asked for Bottas to block Vettel. Very sporting Englishman. He had said he wants to win the title "the right way"...
For the media, when a driver makes a mistake > mistake. Bad driver.
Media darling Shamilton makes a mistake -> he's looking for the limit.
Ridiculous. Typical excuses from them.

KARMA punishing him even more : after brake checking Vettel, now problems with brakes.
Shamilton once again showed to be a fake, with his enthusiastic interviews for the media, and he knew there was a gearbox change and said nothing.
Qualifying, he made another mistake as always and karma punished him again with yellow flags for Haas with Ferrari engine... fanboys will say it's a conspiracy.

more highlights soon

"...pretty soon you're gonna be dead". 
But only if you're "like Senna"...
9 years for a pole position in Monaco, driving fast cars. New Senna.

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

penalty for Hamilton's idiotic fanboys

more about the Azerbaijan incident. This shows how the Loo-is Shamilton fanboys are stupid (there's no need to prove it). 
They posted this FAKE (fake like him, always doing what he wants, blocking drivers and never getting a penalty, and they even moan and play the victims) and his blinded fans believed it was true (they didn't even notice it's full of mistakes, just like all the mistakes their idol makes in every GP, and they can't see them, following the media calling him PERFECT). 
It happens when you believe the media.
Just accept it : if Shamilton was Vettel, he would've had no punishment as always. In this case too, he should've got one. And the cybaby is even crying like a poor victim.
Just as fake was English Sky telemetry desperately defending their media darling "hero" (if you don't agree with their "journalists", they block you... that's their democracy), against "the German", Vettel. They want to be anti-racist and show to be the racist ones. Not even Mercedes published that fake telemetry

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

let's punch Hamilton in the face

MONZA - Lewis Hamilton always the one involved in troubles, what a coincidence. Poor victim.
Now listen, Shamilton clearly meant VIOLENCE (and he even thinks to be a role model) when he said "not talking but something else", about being a man. If we meet him @ Monza, we punch him in the face.
I know we could get arrested and all, but we don't care. In Italy, not even criminals and politicians are in jail, that's the example they give us.
British people are famous for their "sporting behaviour", but in the end the hooligans are from there, and their fans are not sporting everytime (and they HATE WOMEN, they insult them and say they can't talk), so it's a stereotype.
Italians are famous for being passionate, too passionate, sure we don't give a fuck, and that's how it should it be.
Go Brits boo Ferrari @ Silverstone, we punch him @ Monza.
The media darling must stop being able to do anything.
We can predict a very animated "autographs" session...
You're gonna get a Prost nose. Not Senna.

Vettel has a much more passionate character than Shamilton, often too much, and he over-reacts.
So talking about being a real man, and "something else than talking", Hamilton is really risking to be punched.
Because sometime Vettel could really overreact even more. But Vettel is also more intelligent than him. It doesn't take much to be more intelligent than an asshole.

I subscribed to Spotify (that is : about MUSIC), and among the few famous ones they suggest to add, there is fucking HAMILTON.
About MUSIC.
If only. 

Monday, June 26, 2017

Lewis Hamilton the hypocrite

BAKU - here's more about the Azerbaijan GP incident. 
Through the media protecting him, the crybaby even menaced violence towards Vettel, asked in interviews for more seconds of penalty and accused him of not being a man. 
He even asked for Bottas to block Vettel. What a great sportsman. 
Media darling Shamilton absolute disgrace of a half man with no balls.
Sky fanboys obviously defending him.
British fans always hating Germans, are stuck @ Second World War (like Islam stuck @ Middle Age) and want to go to Silverstone to boo Vettel. Now that's the real Britishit sporting sense.

Hamilton to win still needs a perfect German car made by an Italian man... Costa. And still struggling.
He even thinks to be a ROLE MODEL on the media, wishing “kids don’t follow Vettel’s example”… I hope kids don’t follow loser Lewser’s example where you can cry to get what you want …

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Azerbaijan GP, Hamilton ASSHOLE

BAKU - Shamilton braking on a corner behind safety car. Penalty for Vettel of course eh...
According to the Shammy blinded fanboys, Lewis ACCELERATED. Of course. It was clear to everybody.
Media darling loser Lewser never gets a penalty as usual.
LOVED how Vettel hit Shamilton as a vendetta.
Crybaby Shamilton MOANED (how rare) because a 10-second penalty wasn't enough... how sporting.. Next time : let's brake behind a safety car in a corner in front of him. Let's say what God Shammy says.
He even asked for Bottas to block Vettel. Very sporting behaviour.
And even MENACED VIOLENCE if he meets Vettel. What a great sportsman.
Can you imagine a crybaby in a fight? "Vettel hit me mama he hit me" ahahaha
After many minutes, when they saw Shamilton had a problem, they immediately gave a penalty to Vettel. Ridiculous.
Dangerous driving from Vettel at 50 km/h 😂 sure it's very dangerous for a great man like Hamilton...
Never a penalty in so perfect timing... That pretty showed how FIA is.
Karma punished Lewminati.
The more his media compare him to Senna, the more he's a dickhead.
9 years for a pole in Monaco, driving fast cars. Next new Senna.

more highlights soon

Friday, June 23, 2017

victim Hamilton could leave F1

here's another media game, a strategy for the media darling, the loser crybaby the poor victim Lewser Shamilton, it's even a MENACE : he might leave Formula 1. That's because he's losing another championship, so they must make him win.
How childish, how immature, how pathetic.
The circus would be lost without one taking 9 years for pole position @ Monaco, driving only fast cars, and he seriously SAID he wants to be like Senna, and wants the people to remember him like Senna.
No doubt. There was maybe also someone called Senna in some circus not of F1, a circus of clowns.

more bullshit from him soon

Azerbaijan Grand Prix. At least now it's no more the shittyEurope GP.
Europe is NOT an islamic continent.
Black people might work in countries like the Netherlands that had colonies, so it's normal. It doesn't really work in France and UK.
Italy had colonies with MUSSOLINI... and now communists want black people... Ridiculous.

Monday, June 19, 2017

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